Sara Pichelli, who fucking rocks.
Yeah that Gamora is super cute.
Sara Pichelli, who fucking rocks.
Five artists for just one low price! What a bargain!CBR has a preview of the second issue of the new Suicide Squad book. It has five credited artists, none of whom drew the first issue. Already off to a great start there.
CBR has a preview of the second issue of the new Suicide Squad book. It has five credited artists, none of whom drew the first issue. Already off to a great start there.
Why does the story never advance in Futures End?
Should have cancelled it.
Ridiculous.CBR has a preview of the second issue of the new Suicide Squad book. It has five credited artists, none of whom drew the first issue. Already off to a great start there.
I know DC loves to cancel shit, But killing the book after one issue would be a new record, even for them.
I wouldn't have rebooted it.
I don't even know why they did. It should have been canned, and then Secret Six launched in its place. Suicide Squad is just a poor-man's Secret Six anyway.
Emmanuela Luppachino is off Supergirl as of #34. Life isn't worth living.
I don't even know why they did. It should have been canned, and then Secret Six launched in its place. Suicide Squad is just a poor-man's Secret Six anyway.
Question I don't see asked much, but looking to dig into some What If?s and I want to know from those who read What If?, what are some of your favorite ones?
A wild Supes book reader appeared!
One of my favorites that I've actually read was "What if the Fantastic Four had lost the trial of Galactus?"
The real answer is, of course, "What if Dazzler had become the herald of Galactus?"
My goodness that Gotham Acedemy art.
Question I don't see asked much, but looking to dig into some What If?s and I want to know from those who read What If?, what are some of your favorite ones?
My goodness that Gotham Acedemy art.
I like the more plausible ones, but I do admit, some of the zany ones are great as well. I do like most of the Punisher ones.
because the Punisher is dabes
Very schway. Will enjoy yhe one issue of it since DC and others can't launch books with artists. New Suicide Squad, Infinity Man and Storm's first three isuess will all be drawn by different people......My goodness that Gotham Acedemy art.
My goodness that Gotham Acedemy art.
Very schway. Will enjoy yhe one issue of it since DC and others can't launch books with artists. New Suicide Squad, Infinity Man and Storm's first three isuess will all be drawn by different people......
Happy birthday.:O jealous of your Monogatari stuff, I just have the Senjougahara figma
It's my birthday today, so that means I get toread my new books. I did start Doom Patrol last night and I'm digging it so far.not
I'm gonna try it.
ArtFX+ Deadpool - X-Force variant.
No word on whether he'll be readily available, or exclusive in some fashion.
Good call. The second half of Animal Man is wild, and it will totally barely prepare you for Doom Patrol.Half way through Morrison animal. It's pretty awesome . Going to hop into doom patrol when I'm done
:O jealous of your Monogatari stuff, I just have the Senjougahara figma
It's my birthday today, so that means I get toread my new books. I did start Doom Patrol last night and I'm digging it so far.not
Happy birthday Tyrant! It feels like I should address you by your actual name but Tyrant will do.
Original Sin #5.1-5.3
aka Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #1-3
After the Watcher's eye revealed some secrets, Thor finds out he has a sister. And that is his only train of thought throughout the three issues I've read so far. HOW DO WE GET MY SISTER? WHERE IS MY SISTER? ...SISTER?! SHOW ME MY SISTER! Seriously. A lot of funny-looking faces being drawn here. Also, what the heck is going on with Loki?Very wacky stuff here. Though, I do like the panel where Thor is chomping nonchalantly on a whole chicken.He turns into a girl at the request of the Queen of Angels?
Cyclops #3
Speaking of funny-looking faces, check out Corsair on the cover of Cyclops #3. Corsair drops a bomb on Cykes, more father/son bonding and very beautiful splash pages. Can't ask for more than that. The latter half of this book was tugging on my feelings as I can somewhat to relate to the same thoughts that Scott is having about his father. Very emotional and deep stuff.
I have Marvel digital codes to Original Sin #5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (otherwise known as Thor & Loki: WHERE IS MY SISTAH!? #1, 2 and 3). First person to reply and requests for it gets all three codes.
Anyone else reading Miles Morales? My heart can't take this.
I swear if it's a fucking clone...
"They don't call it the Genius Bar for nothing. "When did Tony become a White Lantern?
Tony just wants to reaffirm life and get to the baby making after what he helped to do in New Avengers. It's how he copes. Don't judge.
Is that Hulk with the weird glowy armor?
Question I don't see asked much, but looking to dig into some What If?s and I want to know from those who read What If?, what are some of your favorite ones?
The lower figure in the cover is Kluh, which is what comes out when the Hulk gets really angry. "The blackest, darkest, most evil thing, the thing that was born of the abuse of Bruce Banner as a child -- it's the Hulk's Hulk," said Remender.