My current DC pulls:
Detective Comics- it looks good, I have no idea whats going on but a man is now on fire I guess.
Batman Eternal - I'm enjoying it, but I can't remember what happened 4 books ago when they finally get back to that thread. "Oh hey, that's right I forgot Spectre is in this thing!"
Everything Superman - Uhhh.... Doomed is awful, Jeff Johns seems good, but we have yet another 'other Superman" story. This is literally the 4th of these this year I think.
Green Lantern - Somehow currently my favorite books (note: I only read GL and GLC at this point). It does appear we are getting yet another 'that last threat was always going to fail, we are the super secret bad guys who are really the nasty ones" but that's fine. Still a fun book.
JL - Oh hey, nothing is happening of any consequence here. I feel like they are running out the clock until Future's End event happens.
Aquaman/Others - Oh hey, this is getting pretty bad all the sudden. Bring back Johns.
Wonder Woman - I like it, I'm glad they are ending it, because it's just kind of meandering for the last 6 months.
Flash - Future Flash has killed someone for like 8 straight issues, starting to really not care.
Future End - I'm pretty sure they are actually selling me repeat issues at this point. I'm pretty sure the same thing doesn't happen in all of them.
Batman - looking forward to whatever Snyder drops on me next.
In short, Dear DC: fix yourself. Not that I will stop buying it, but please STAHP.