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COMICS! |OT| August 2014. Infinite universes, or just fifty-two? Thanos.

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Do it, you may never get this chance again.

The Messi Method™

Buy it.

(I even bought an used McFarlane Spider-Mn Omnibus for almost the doubled coverprice...)


I mean you're basically stealing it so you might as well go through with it at this point.

Do it. If it's something you've been after for a long time, you're only going to regret it if you get cold feet now. If you're ever going to get it, you should get it now. That's a great price for it.

I've been kicking myself for letting the omni go OOP when I could've easily bought it for $90 when Amazon had it in stock. Just a real big disappointment.

Maybe I'll sleep on it for the night. I just.....hate paying even near cover price for hardcovers, let alone over it. I'm the type of comic reader who buys omnibi /HCs/TPBs on release week to get the half off discount from IST.



Am I the only one that read Batman and Robin so far?

Nope, I loved
Bruce's ongoing hypocrisy. "No more secrets, oh except I won't tell any of you Dick is alive and here in the cave!" That said, the moment between Bruce and Dick was nice, especially Dick mentioning how much Damian meant to him.


Is anyone else here buying from comiccartel.io? I just got my first order in today since they've started shipping to Canada, and I'm really into the storage boxes that they include. It's going to be kind of great storing my new titles on bookshelves instead of in drawer boxes.

Also, Multiversity #1 was fantastic, and it has me checking out the original Crisis, which is wild. I had a random selection of Crisis issues when they first came out, but being 4, I didn't really get a whole lot out of them. It's strange just how much I remember of the artwork, so it's a bizarre experience to finally have context for something that somehow clawed its way into the back of my consciousness. Between the haunted comic from Multiversity and recognizing all these images from my childhood, it's been an odd day.


USPS needs to hurry up with my shipment...

The Fade Out hype is real.

Also nice work on the inking Indigo. I'd be interested in doing some stuff with the whole Comics-GAF-Making Comics thing that was talked about earlier...it's been way too long since I've drawn anything.
Nope, I loved
Bruce's ongoing hypocrisy. "No more secrets, oh except I won't tell any of you Dick is alive and here in the cave!" That said, the moment between Bruce and Dick was nice, especially Dick mentioning how much Damian meant to him.

Tomasi nailed the scene
between Bruce and Dick. Every little quirk that you expect out of Grayson was there. Dick has accepted his role also because he wasn't all emo after they left which I'm so glad they didn't go that route.
That last panel was epic. Stupid gimmick month! I might skip a lot of DC books in September and use that money towards the cons.


Still going through my pile and man, nothing like good comics to wash away the taste of a shitty day at a shitty job.

Multiversity was the shit. Morrison's love of superheroes and comics and superhero comics was on full display. I want to read comics about all the characters featured in this. Especially the JLA of Earth 23. Between this and Doom Patrol, I'm starting to realize that Morrison works best for me, at least on first read, when I don't think about it so hard. Not to say his work doesn't merit deeper thought, but I think when you go into it obsessed with how "out there" he is, you run the risk of out thinking yourself.* Get too caught up on the talk of Anti-Death Equations and multiverse vibrations, and you miss the emotional grounding and solid characterization at work.

Note: This isn't a universal thing with him, of course. I'm still not entirely sure what happened at the end of his Action run. lol

Sensation Comics...sigh. Gail always has these cool ideas, but is so hit and miss when it comes to actually executing them. Sometimes, like here, it even happens in the same issue.
If she was going to play the "Diana was overconfident" card, probably shouldn't have had her steam rolling the Gotham rogues last issue. The fact that she goes from dismissing them in one half of the story to starting this half talking about how great and dangerous they are makes it feel disjointed, like there was something we missed (I can only imagine how weird that would have felt in print). And that line about how Ares wouldn't go that far...dawg. Ares tried to plunge the world into nuclear warfare the first time you fought him. I'm sure blowing up one building to spite you isn't out of the question for him.
Gripes aside, I did think it was a solid read. Showing how Gotham
morphs itself to suit the hero within it (right down to the creation of a Wonder Signal ha!)
was actually clever (if not entirely new) and the sort of idea I would have liked to see explored a little more with Wonder Woman. Or any hero, really.

DC Spring 2015 solicits

possible things of note:

Absolute Kevin Smith Green Lantern/Transmet/Y ("we'll print anything in absolute these days!")
Deluxe editions of Mad Love, Batman: Gothic, Dial H, the Filth (!!), Sandman Overture (lol)
b/w version of Dark Knight Returns (dunno how much I'd care for something like that tbh, Varley brings so much to the book)
New edition of Cataclysm
Third JSA omni (wow)
a Neal Adams omnibus that apparently has both volumes of Odyssey
Dixon Nightwing reprints
Orion by Walter Simonson Omnibus
Millar/Morrison Swamp Thing (wow)
Wonder Woman by George Perez Omnibus

no Doom Patrol yet, but I believe in DC/Vertigo and their love of reprinting their books in every format imaginable.
The bolded can have all my dollars.

Newsarama: DC Comics Has 'Specific Plans' for New POWER GIRL

Looks pretty interesting. I mean, I'll cut a fool if they disappear Karen, but building a Power Girl legacy is something I could be cool with.

Karen's too popular to get the Ted Kord treatment. She'll be around.
did Rafa ever explain why The Sixth Gun can be so good and all his Marvel books so bland...I mean besides the lack of Hurtt

I say this haven't not read Magneto yet, but between Avenging Spider-Man, Captain America And, Venom, and Wolverine, that nigga mekas Brian Wood comics seem exciting
did Rafa ever explain why The Sixth Gun can be so good and all his Marvel books so bland...I mean besides the lack of Hurtt

I say this haven't not read Magneto yet, but between Avenging Spider-Man, Captain America And, Venom, and Wolverine, that nigga mekas Brian Wood comics seem exciting

Yeah I suffered through all of that for a time.

Magneto was his only good one
Big Batman Eternal spoiler.

So we just met the
father of Catwoman! Rex Calabrese, Kingpin of Gotham crime for 11 years. They call him, The Lion. We also got The Spoiler for the 1st time!
What a fantastic issue!


Hey man, leave me out of this! :D
I will not.
Better show them your Tim.

See, Proff knows.


Went to my "L"CS (I use the quotation marks because it's a 60+ mile round trip) for the first time ever. Pretty cool place, they had a Warhammer setup in the back and overall it seemed neat. Might go there more often.

Anyway, they had the Burnham variant for $10. I was planning on just picking up the normal edition, assuming the shop wouldn't have any variants (or any left anyway) but they did and $10 seemed reasonable. Hype through the roof.
Yeah, I'm thinking that might be it. But also the colors are just so niiiiice.

Also, TREES #7???????

Ellis breaks his record.

I've been digging this book so far. It seems more character-driven at the moment, similar to the way the Walking Dead is. The "trees" just seem to be a situational circumstance of the world the characters live in. At least for the time being.
So... Now that Beast
rightly or wrongly help wipe out an entire world of billions of people
. How much longer will he hold Professor X's death over Scott's head? At least Scott can say he was possessed by the Phoenix. Beast did what he did willingly.
Teen Titans was pretty good today. Kinda bummed out that Future's End month is next month cause I'm really interested in where this and Grayson are going right now. Oh well.


Multiversity #1

So, Multiversity. I guess this is the Infinite Crisis/Crisis on Infinite Earths of this generation? The basic gist is that the universe is in jeopardy and the last remaining Monitor was drawn out, only to sacrifice himself before jetting off one of the heroes from one of the 52 Earths. That hero, Thunderer, is then tasked to recruit other heroes from other Earths to save the Multiversity.

Admittedly, it was a tad bit confusing trying to absorb all of the information overload but once I started to piece things together, it started to make sense. I can see the scope of this and I know a lot of shit is going down. I haven't grown attached to any one character yet but I do like the parodies of certain Marvel characters,
Doom and Mr. Fantastic
, who appear in a few pages. Of course, anything goes when you have 52 Earths to create and pull from. There aren't any huge, fancy two-page splashes but there are some really great moments captured in a few short panels. I find it interesting that this comic breaks the fourth wall quite often. I might give it another read-through just to make sure I didn't miss anything as it was a really captivating book and I'm looking forward to #2.

Something worth noting: the font sucks. They should really go with something different; I think the letters are too big.



Futures End


*Head Explodes*

Let's completely ignore the utter bullshit neutering of the Wildstorm characters that makes this impossible. I think I can piece together most the backstory now. I won't do it here because we're all reading this and I don't want to spoil this book.

DC ruined the Wildstorm characters they used. Grifter could easily beat Deathstroke. There's no fucking way Stormwatch loses to Brainiac by a surprise attack.

This book is boring me to death. I want a Terry three issue backstory detailing how he came into contact with Batman and his life was like growing up. I'd love to know how Batman is still alive 40 years into the future and looks so young. I need Terry to meet Red Robin in costume and break down his history. Batman need to meet Batman Beyond somehow someway and have a face to face. DC can have this series after that happens.

Inhuman is giving me hope for a better comic book future. All I need is Marvel to stop using comic books events i.e. crossovers every year and I'll be fine. Is it me or did Marvel kill the fun with crossovers?


This is possibly a colossally moronic question, but...is there a website that let's you know what issues have recently been released. Alerts maybe?


I loved that it was the gothiest thing that ever gothed. If you like goth, or if you want goth, it's got goth. It's got The Most Goth. It's Goth. Whoa. So goth.

This is the book where the dialogue writing caught up with the art and world building. So damn good.

That said, I can't sleep right now because I just read All New Ultimates and it sucks that bad.
There's at least three distinct depictions of Kitty Pryde. They all look different. The writing sinks as low as the art. This was another "decide at the rack" buy and I regret it so much. f this book.
It's like they know too, because everyone is re-introduced with a caption at the beginning next to each first appearance in the book. f word!!!


Pizza Dog
This is possibly a colossally moronic question, but...is there a website that let's you know what issues have recently been released. Alerts maybe?

I use pulllist.comixology.com, where you can subscribe to different books and create your own pull list, see what's coming out this week, next week etc. The only problem with it is that it'll sometimes have a book listed for one week when it's actually out the next, so it's good to check against the previews linked above. They email out your pull list to you weekly too.

That said, I can't sleep right now because I just read All New Ultimates and it sucks that bad.
There's at least three distinct depictions of Kitty Pryde. They all look different. The writing sinks as low as the art. This was another "decide at the rack" buy and I regret it so much. f this book.
It's like they know too, because everyone is re-introduced with a caption at the beginning next to each first appearance in the book. f word!!!
I picked up the first couple of these because I enjoyed Ultimate Spider-Man so much, and man was it ever disappointing. The art is just terrible and inconsistent, and yeah, the writing was just as bad. Real shame. At least it helped me reduce my list of books I'm reading.
Damn, I just read this week's Daredevil and this is Waid at the top of his game, smart and character driven.
I like that the wakandan resolution didn't involve fighting and that Matt makes fun of the notion. But I love that the big secret original sin is anchored in something as real and serious as postpartum depression and that Waid puts just yet simple words on it. It doesn't come off as a cheesy Deus ex machina but as a character building moment.

Spoil usssssssss
New Avengers 23 spoilers

Right after they kick Namor off the team at the end of 22, a new incursion countdown starts with 8 hours left. A large half of the issue is dedicated to the remaining members of the Illuminati waiting out the end of the universe and spending that time with other people, pondering what they've done.

When the timer hits 0, things don't end so the Illuminati gather once again, they don't understand what happened and they go apeshit over the possibility they were wrong and helped destroy an earth for nothing. Then someone notices Namor is missing (nevermind Strange is too).

The issue goes back to 4 hours earlier, Namor is giving the "everything ends" speech. It turns out he's giving it to a new team made of Thanos, Maximus, Black Swan, philosopher Terrax, Corvus Glaive and Proxima. Fade to a black page with the caption "Rise, the Cabal".
The last page is Thanos, Namor and their pals fucking up Earth-9004, presumably saving ours.

So yeah, Namor has put together an extermination squad of villains. He's probably not coming back from that but it's pretty badass.

Edit: honestly, people should read this shit because it's gathering momentum and there's a strong chance things will only get wilder before it ends next year.


Are there any good threads/forums / 'areas of the internet' for WicDiv discussion? This comic demands detailed obsessive discussion.


So tempted. Love Kieron Gillen. Wasn't a huge fan of Phonogram (I knew some, but not enough of, the Britpop references to get through the dialogue written like no-one on Earth speaks), though. Good/better than that?

(still need to buy Three, actually. I could pretend it's for work, I do teach a bit about the helots in our Sparta module...)

I read some Phonogram after WicDiv #1, and I couldn't get into it at all. You could clearly see the Gillen style, but just as an overall thing, I don't think it was for me? I think that I only got up to #3 or something.

WicDiv is totally different, i'm really hooked on this.

I love your avatar.

Best stare ever.
New Avengers 23 spoilers

Right after they kick Namor off the team at the end of 22, a new incursion countdown starts with 8 hours left. A large half of the issue is dedicated to the remaining members of the Illuminati waiting out the end of the universe and spending that time with other people, pondering what they've done.

When the timer hits 0, things don't end so the Illuminati gather once again, they don't understand what happened and they go apeshit over the possibility they were wrong and helped destroy an earth for nothing. Then someone notices Namor is missing (nevermind Strange is too).

The issue goes back to 4 hours earlier, Namor is giving the "everything ends" speech. It turns out he's giving it to a new team made of Thanos, Maximus, Black Swan, philosopher Terrax, Corvus Glaive and Proxima. Fade to a black page with the caption "Rise, the Cabal".
The last page is Thanos, Namor and their pals fucking up Earth-9004, presumably saving ours.

So yeah, Namor has put together an extermination squad of villains. He's probably not coming back from that but it's pretty badass.

Edit: honestly, people should read this shit because it's gathering momentum and there's a strong chance things will only get wilder before it ends next year.

I don't see how Marvel gets out of this whole thing without a complete Reboot of the entire MU crisis style.

Main characters can't come back from
wiping out billions maybe trillions of innocent people


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I don't see how Marvel gets out of this whole thing without a complete Reboot of the entire MU crisis style.

Main characters can't come back from
wiping out billions maybe trillions of innocent people

They can. Its calling pretending it never happened and slowly retconning it out of existence.
They can. Its calling pretending it never happened and slowly retconning it out of existence.

Normally I'd agree, but the writers have pigeon-holed the members of the Illuminati to such a degree, that they can never take any kind of moral stand against anything ever particularly murder.

Unless some sort a massive recon happens at the end of this story, where none of this happens and no one remembers anything. They're pretty much done as heroes.
I don't see how Marvel gets out of this whole thing without a complete Reboot of the entire MU crisis style.

Main characters can't come back from
wiping out billions maybe trillions of innocent people
Yeah, I don't see how this will stick or play out.
The only character resolutions I see are cop-outs:
- blame it all on the Atlantean.
- put everyone involved to pasture in some way and have them come back later, all sins absolved.
- reset things somehow or ignore the storyline.
- have them all become anti-heroes or villains.


Okay, I'm back from a holiday trip to Germany, right in time to read your impressions on Multiversity. I'll (hopefully) get my copy at the end of the month, so that's all I have right now.
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