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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


I wish I got a higher res picture but

Let's see who catches it.

That is some of the worst green screen work I've ever seen.


Welp, my 10.1" Tablet arrived. Can't wait to start using Comixology. Will read Fear Agente first, with some East of West on the side.

Since the first purchase is 50% off with the "NEW" coupom, how's Mad Max? Thinking of grabbing them and Old Man Logan (Millar) too
Wicked + Divine #13

Man, Tula Lotay art is so pretty. But story wise
How long do you honestly think it would take me to find something about Valiant to hate? :D

That's... not where I was going with that. lol

Valiant's not perfect, but they make a point about not stepping in it like DC/Marvel. This is going to sound facetious, but the worst thing I can think of off the top of my head is that some OHCs randomly having glued bindings and dust jackets. They give their creators the freedom to work with characters or create characters how they see fit; they diversify as much as they can with the money they have to pay creators (and they've admitted they need to work on this); and they're more concerned with people reading their stuff than actually buying the product. They may not have the household names, but they've got the talent and business practices.


I want to watch another republican debate NOW but with the people I choose to move on. It's hard to see myself voting for Hillary. I did pre-order Switch though....who's to say what's possible?
Yeah, pretty sure he deleted it within minutes. Feel bad for the guy. I feel like this kind of shit happens often.

I'm not sure how bad to feel because it's hard to know what his original planned cut would have looked like. Obviously it would have looked better to him. To everyone else? Who knows.
Arkham Knight 100%ed. I like the riddler stuff. Always fun to see his descent into (further) madness. The quip when you deliver him to the GCPD is absolute gold.

Nice work on the ending with all of the stuff. 100% ending bit is shite, tho.

Also lol at the dlc. Youtubed it to see what i was missing out on. Red hood lasts 15 minutes, Harley 20, and folks dropping 40 obamas hoping that WB won't raff all the way to the bank? I pity the fool.
Can't a man be salty on twitter? No? oh, well, damn.
Sorry but I'm willing to believe Trank was an incompetent dick from the rumors about the making of this movie. Dude can't handle large budget movies and it shows.

Nothing in this movie worked. No chemistry between Reed, Johnny, Sue, and Ben. Ben and Reed are suppose to be "best friends" but you don't feel it. It's just "Ben and I are best friends" and your suppose to except it cuz he helped build Reed's teleporter. Ben barely talks throughout the movie so from the beginning to the end you know very little about him. Johnny and Sue don't act like a brother and sister in this movie. There always estranged towards one another. If it was because Sue was adopted they could have talked about that but she mentions it to Reed once and it's dropped, I kept forgetting she was adopted. Johnny is a dumbass hotshot that has daddy issues for no reason other than "fuck you dad! you won't let me act like a dumbass!" He's completely absent when he gets his powers. They just show him doing field test for 2 minutes and that's it he's not shown until the final battle. The movie is so focused on the Government and Reed that everyone else might as well had been a side character. This movie has like 4 locations they are in: Laboratory, Military Base, random forest, and the 4th Dimension. That's it. They made Victor Von Doom into the most cringe worthy environmentalist anarchist nerdy fuckboy villain.
His introduction is him playing AC: Unity at his computer desk while looking all emo with his poorly shaven face.
His evil plan is so weak and stupid and his transformation looks so bad. The CG effects look terrible especially on Reed. This movie makes every attempt to not show you Reed stretching cuz it's so bad looking and blurry when he does it. There's no action scene until the last 10 minutes where they
introduce Doom, Doom tells them he's gonna kill everyone cuz he hates humanity and shit, the F4 stop him, the end.
All in about 10 minutes. The movie started off interesting. It's not perfect how they introduce these characters and a lot of it is just boring but they try to add some enthusiasm to the characters as they do some science and teamwork. Everyone does their part except
Ben who Reed just left behind to accept his scholarship and work in a laboratory while he stays with his abusive brother at the junkyard until he calls him to join in on going to the 4th Dimension
. Johnny Storm looked cool with his powers. But that's about all I mildly liked. Everything else is just boring to bad to horrible.



Not really sure, Jeb was bland, Cruz was okay, Carson was made the pro-torture "argument" but still seemed like he's only there because he walked through the wrong door, Rubio is Paul Ryan but feisty, Huckabee says our military exists to kill people and break stuff and is not a social experiment ( for letting women/gays/transgender people in), Walker can stand upright, I like Kasich, and Trump mostly tanked with Fox completely out to get him. Christie and Rand fought and Christie brought up hugging the families of 9/11 victims so obviously he won that one and we don't need privacy anymore. Scott Walker is against abortion even if the mother's life is at risk and i'm unsure how that dweeb gets to decide who lives in a small government world but oh welllllll.

Trump 2016..maybe...i guess.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Not really sure, Jeb was bland, Cruz was okay, Carson was made the pro-torture "argument" but still seemed like he's only there because he walked through the wrong door, Rubio is Paul Ryan but feisty, Huckabee says our military exists to kill people and break stuff and is not a social experiment ( for letting women/gays/transgender people in), Walker can stand upright, I like Kasich, and Trump mostly tanked with Fox completely out to get him. Christie and Rand fought and Christie brought up hugging the families of 9/11 victims so obviously he won that one and we don't need privacy anymore. Scott Walker is against abortion even if the mother's life is at risk and i'm unsure how that dweeb gets to decide who lives in a small government world but oh welllllll.

Trump 2016..maybe...i guess.

Lol. Very well said. Pretty much nailed it.
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