you guys I really need Squirrel Girl 15, come on ;-;

a few years ago when I bought Miller/Janson DD vol 1 and Ghost in the Shell from some dude on craigslist he was also selling a copy of Domu for like 40 bucks and I didn't bite because I was a dumb fuck teenager and I've regretted it ever since FUCK
[/B]184 Flintstones (2016) 5 11,552
update: some dude just sold me a copy of Domu for 5 bux
It's safe. It was a 12 issue book from the start and Didio loves it.comics were a mistake
Comics are sometimes good
It's safe. It was a 12 issue book from the start and Didio loves it.
He signed on for 12 but could expand it if sales were good(haven't seen the trade sales yet but it's on a bunch of best of 2016 lists with Vision, Omega Men, Black Panther, Babylon etc). Russell has also pitched a new idea at DC that seems to have worked so we're getting more good books from him at least.Shoot. Flintstones is online going to be 12 issues? I had assumed it would be an ongoing. Still, great to hear we'll get several more issues.
update: some dude just sold me a copy of Domu for 5 bux
What's Domu?
What's Domu?
What's Domu?
update: some dude just sold me a copy of Domu for 5 bux
So jealous :s
The best manga ever
^^ that too
It was Katsuhiro Otomo's signature comic before Akira. Dark Horse printed an English edition (tpb format, left to right) when Akira was a big deal in the US in 96 and reprinted it in 2001 but it's long since out of print and goes for absurd prices online because Otomo has an aversion to his non-Akira work being in English for ~reasons~
y'all need to read Domu man, shit's got the best psychic fight OF ALL TIME
you know all those scary bits in Akira, with all the negative space and freaky children and blank stares and mass destruction playing on the fears of Cold War
well its that dialed up to ten
That would be fucking bizarre. Might as well roll Ellis.Grant Morrison
Nice. As soon as Amazon puts it lower I'm going to get one and hope the paint is not a problemShe's beautiful :')
Great paint job
She's beautiful :')
Great paint job
Nice. As soon as Amazon puts it lower I'm going to get one and hope the paint is not a problem
My Batman statue from eBay was great, but not usuallyHave you ever found a paintjob you liked?
Mine should be shipping today, along with a bunch of other stuff I don't need. After this I only have 4 things left on order with DCBS. After this, I'm done with them. I'm tired of them saving shit for months until there's a $250 order saved up.
They ship mine out the day of release for everything.
The last one he did made a big heap of money.Why the hell are they allowong David Ayer to do another movie?
Why the hell are they allowong David Ayer to do another movie?
Because y not? Getting another director would indicate WB had some idea how to fix the continual train wreck that makes up their cinematic universe.
Ah, the reason Zack Snyder is also allowed to do another movie.The last one he did made a big heap of money.
Hey Messi, guess what is still on my "Unshipped items" list!
Or they realized they fucked up when they butchered his movie before it went to screen.
Some big breasted white girl?
Its pretty fact that WB butchered the film continually until it's released. Not like it's an empty excuse.This will likely be said after release of this movie as well. DC films really are like the Sonic cycle.
I'll pray for Selina though.
Don't you get charged like a million dollars shipping, though?
Hey Messi, guess what is still on my "Unshipped items" list!
Can't ship something that doesn't exist
Its pretty fact that WB butchered the film continually until it's released. Not like it's an empty excuse.
I'm not really talking about the editing. I'm talking about the 2 different cuts of the film, making a third act, only giving Ayer a few weeks and not having someone revise it, and just overall changing the entire tone of the film.It doesn't absolve the rest of the things wrong with the film. It's not just shit because it was edited horrifically. We'll see what happens though, I want these films to be good while WB only seems bothered if they make money.
They probably shouldn't even bother at this point. I wonder what happened.
I'd guess sales weren't hot on the other two. Big bang still has 3 of both.
My guess is they ran into production issues. She's still slated for release, it's just that the date keeps getting pushed back. If they weren't going to release her, they would just cancel it. Which they still might if they can't solve whatever problems they're having.