I just want to chime in about the companies from somebody who tries a lot of comics but rarely commits to anything.
-DC the good
I like the way DC does villains. Batman has a terrific cast of characters. There is also a variety of styles of Batman books to chose from. Best character in comics IMO and solid writing most of the time, but I tend to prefer following characters and not writers.
-DC the bad
No doubt they tend to get convoluted and can be less accessible if you don't get the set. New-52 started great and turned to crap when they started the crossovers. I also have a tough time caring about the other heroes. DC is Batman, everything else to me has been disappointing.
-Marvel the good
Does heroes better. I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, but I find Marvel to be much more accessible when it comes to these. They do teams well too. I prefer the backlog more too. Pretty solid history from Marvel.
-Marvel the bad
The good is also the bad for me. Marvel really works on pimping other titles. Seems to me they're always pushing crossovers and tie-ins to try and get you to buy other books. It really bugs me.
-Indies the good
I'd include DC's Vertigo imprint in this as well. Self contained books are a big plus for me. Screw crossovers and universes. Indie has a variety of genre to chose from and much more interesting stories. That's more of a dig against superhero comics in general. The constant rehash/reboot of superhero comics often leaves me disappointed. Villain up to no good, heroes save the day, rinse and repeat. Indie is much more creative.
-Indies the bad
Lots of drek out there. Chose wisely. There tends to be a lot of generic artwork as well. There's a real bad habit of milking a title past it's prime. Can't blame them for keeping it going when it's selling, but burnout is frequent and I just give up and to move onto something else. Miniseries good, overdone ongoings bad.
Lots of generalization there but that's my take. Entirely my opinion so your mileage may vary. I get a lot more enjoyment out of the variety in indie titles and am frequently disappointed with big-2 superhero. I think the market is slowly starting to swing more to indie. Finally. Creator-owned keeps them happy and creative. For somebody who likes variety, there is so much good stuff to try and experience instead of committing to the ongoing superhero trap.