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COMICS! |OT| January 2014. Another year of nothing will be the same ever again. EVER.

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I like that Johns is using Forever Evil to introduce existing characters into the N52. First we had
Plastic Man
, then
the Doom Patrol
, and
Metal Men
, and it will culminate with Ted freaking Kord. Wonder who else we'll see before it ends?



So how high on the horror scale would you guys rate Locke & Key? With Vol 6 coming out in a few weeks I figure it would be a good time to pick up the trades, but I'm a complete wuss when it comes to scary stuff.
So how high on the horror scale would you guys rate Locke & Key? With Vol 6 coming out in a few weeks I figure it would be a good time to pick up the trades, but I'm a complete wuss when it comes to scary stuff.

It's got some moderately graphic depictions of violence and it's certainly up there on the psychological creepiness scale but I don't feel it ever gets to a point where you need to step away from it or anything of that nature.
So how high on the horror scale would you guys rate Locke & Key? With Vol 6 coming out in a few weeks I figure it would be a good time to pick up the trades, but I'm a complete wuss when it comes to scary stuff.

Has a horror comic really made you have to put the book down? It's not like a game or movie where the horror can unease you. Locke and Keys horror comes from how well you become emotionally attached to the characters and you want them to be alright. There is nothing here that will unease you though.


It's got some moderately graphic depictions of violence and it's certainly up there on the psychological creepiness scale but I don't feel it ever gets to a point where you need to step away from it or anything of that nature.

I think its more the uhh suspenseful mystery type?

Thanks guys. I figure it's been generally well received here so it must be good, right?

Has a horror comic really made you have to put the book down? It's not like a game or movie where the horror can unease you. Locke and Keys horror comes from how well you become emotionally attached to the characters and you want them to be alright. There is nothing here that will unease you though.

Yes, though more from me being squeamish from a particular scene rather than being frightened.
Thanks guys. I figure it's been generally well received here so it must be good, right?

Yes, though more from me being squeamish from a particular scene rather than being frightened.

I'd be very cautious, then, before going really deep [i.e. buying all of it] into the series. Check it out first. The first dozen+ pages could be trigger warnings for individuals who are upset by depictions of BAD STUFF
implied [off panel] rape
. This is the setup for the bad place that the family finds itself in at the start of the story. All the characters have trauma from the opening events and they are contrasted against the more fantastical elements.
Haha, I pretty much agree with what everyone else is saying re: L&K. there's some great tense moments and lots of unease about what might be coming but there's nothing overt horrible bar one or two scenes coming to mind:
What happens to Dodge's body at the end of vol.5, and him killing the old teacher
. It's nothing like Severed, that you might put down out of being grossed out, and nothing horribly crude like some of the worse horror comics I think think of (crossed). I generally think they do a good job of proper horro, which is "thinking about what's behind the door is worse than seeing what's behind it" ala
the rape thing, very tastefully done, no on panel horrible business


First tragedy, then farce.
He did deny the rumours, but in an almost backhanded manner. I guess we'll know for sure soon enough. Superman Wonder Woman is absolutely stellar, from the art to the writing. I hope DC don't make the mistake of undermining the quality.

I didn't pull this book at first assuming it was crap. Then everyone liked it.

Now it's one of my favorite pulls every month.

It even manages to somehow tie the WW book into mainline continuity which is pretty amazing.


Locke and Key is by no means gory, but man terrible stuff happens to those poor kids. I'd agree with the others and say the horror comes from how attached you become to the characters and the terrible situations they end up in. I essentially read volumes 1-4 in one sitting and I'm not gonna lie, it was rough. You will legitimately feel bad for that family.
Remender can do no wrong. Deadly Class was fucking fantastic. Bravo! Even name dropped a NES game I played all the time growing up. Just added some nostalgia to an incredible read.


i'm going to feel bad trade waiting so many Image books...but there are so many image books, i'm already reading 10 or so monthly.


Locke and Key is by no means gory, but man terrible stuff happens to those poor kids. I'd agree with the others and say the horror comes from how attached you become to the characters and the terrible situations they end up in. I essentially read volumes 1-4 in one sitting and I'm not gonna lie, it was rough. You will legitimately feel bad for that family.

You guys haven't steered me wrong so far :)

DAMN the Runaways hardcovers are outrageously expensive and rare.
Tony Moore please comeback and work with Rick Remender. It's no fair Fear Agent had Opena on art. Tony Moore a man's time as a comics superstar is fragile. Don't let it pass you buy...

Jedeye Sniv

That's a matter of taste though, and new readers should be allowed to develop their own taste instead of folks cramming their opinions down it. If you tell some one Morrison is the best the industry has to offer read it and love it, and they end up hating it, well same effect. They're going to say ohh this is the best well it's crap fuck this industry.

It's better for new readers to sample a bit of everything and discover what they like on their own, instead of trying to force what you or I think is the best onto them.

I know you hate Morrison and that's your thing as much as loving him is mine but I actually would never recommend anything other than maybe WE3 to a new reader since he's a bit of a headfuck to some people. Some comics are definitely advanced-level and would intimidate some new readers.

But there is definitely a canon of widely accepted great comics that I would steer new readers towards. It's the same reason I don't advise people read singles when they're just starting out. You've got the entire history of comics spread out behind you with the best comics ever created. And then we have the monthly grind of weeklies where around 70% is disposable crap shat out to sell some paper. It's like comparing soap operas to HBO, the quality gap between the good and the bad. So imagine someone came and said "wow, I've just started getting into TV, recommend me something", would you say they jump into Days of our Lives or would you hand them a boxset of the Sopranos?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
God damn at the end of Zero, I did not see that coming at all.

Fuck, I'm picking up my comics tomorrow and now I'm impatiently waiting to get some Zero in my brain. How's the art this time around?


I just want to chime in about the companies from somebody who tries a lot of comics but rarely commits to anything.

-DC the good
I like the way DC does villains. Batman has a terrific cast of characters. There is also a variety of styles of Batman books to chose from. Best character in comics IMO and solid writing most of the time, but I tend to prefer following characters and not writers.

-DC the bad
No doubt they tend to get convoluted and can be less accessible if you don't get the set. New-52 started great and turned to crap when they started the crossovers. I also have a tough time caring about the other heroes. DC is Batman, everything else to me has been disappointing.

-Marvel the good
Does heroes better. I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, but I find Marvel to be much more accessible when it comes to these. They do teams well too. I prefer the backlog more too. Pretty solid history from Marvel.

-Marvel the bad
The good is also the bad for me. Marvel really works on pimping other titles. Seems to me they're always pushing crossovers and tie-ins to try and get you to buy other books. It really bugs me.

-Indies the good
I'd include DC's Vertigo imprint in this as well. Self contained books are a big plus for me. Screw crossovers and universes. Indie has a variety of genre to chose from and much more interesting stories. That's more of a dig against superhero comics in general. The constant rehash/reboot of superhero comics often leaves me disappointed. Villain up to no good, heroes save the day, rinse and repeat. Indie is much more creative.

-Indies the bad
Lots of drek out there. Chose wisely. There tends to be a lot of generic artwork as well. There's a real bad habit of milking a title past it's prime. Can't blame them for keeping it going when it's selling, but burnout is frequent and I just give up and to move onto something else. Miniseries good, overdone ongoings bad.

Lots of generalization there but that's my take. Entirely my opinion so your mileage may vary. I get a lot more enjoyment out of the variety in indie titles and am frequently disappointed with big-2 superhero. I think the market is slowly starting to swing more to indie. Finally. Creator-owned keeps them happy and creative. For somebody who likes variety, there is so much good stuff to try and experience instead of committing to the ongoing superhero trap.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
i'm going to feel bad trade waiting so many Image books...but there are so many image books, i'm already reading 10 or so monthly.

I only feel bad to the extent that I would like to support these books sooner rather than later, but floppies and digital have virtually no appeal to me. If I were made of money I'd buy the digitals too just for the support, but unfortunately I am not.

Black Science
Deadly Class
East of West
The Manhattan Projects
Nowhere Men

That's my list just with what they're currently doing, plus all the other awesome forthcoming books.


Read Pandora Tim? Nothing bad, nothing amazing. Set-up issue that should make JLD another fun read next week.

Yep, I'm glad they explored what she learned after their visit to Heaven last week. I agree it wasn't the best book this week, but it's consistently a solid read.


Oh man, Wolverine and the X-Men.
It ties in so well with Wolverine as well... This issue has some of the best dialogue I've seen


Does it have to do with the other Wolverine title?

You mean Savage? No, not that one.
A lot of what Wolverine is getting at is directly related to the Killable arc. Actually, his drastic character change makes absolutely no sense unless you read up on Wolverine.
You mean Savage? No, not that one.
A lot of what Wolverine is getting at is directly related to the Killable arc. Actually, his drastic character change makes absolutely no sense unless you read up on Wolverine.

Yeah, I thought it would be the
Killable story arc
Does anyone know why Batman 66 went from $0.99 to $1.99? My enjoyment of the title decreased after the initial Allred arc, but I was still picking it up until the price change. You would think that Dc would know that 99 cents is the magic price point for these things. I have no idea what Marvel is thinking with their pricing, no way in hell am I paying those prices for 1/3 of a comic. Injustice better not get a price raise because it's got the strongest character work out of all the current DC titles.
Quick and shallow impressions on the few books I've read so far:
- Chew: okay, that issue went too quick and I'm blue balled now. I hope next issue brings a measure of closure to some stuff.
- Avengers: for some reason, Larocca doesn't work for me on this title. I don't dislike him but I feel there's a disconnect between the tone of the book and its art. I like where this is headed nonetheless and how titles are starting to overlap. It also starts to answer something I've been wondering about New Avengers:
if this is a planetary threat, when will AIM get involved?
- Avengers World: I won't lie: having the Secret Warriors creative team automatically earns them points with me. I like that they're referencing the AIM mythos Secret Avengers has been building. Conceptually, I appreciate the huge build up Hickman is going through but in the end, the monthly pacing is frustrating because so little happens over an issue. Also, at the end
had Smasher become AIM's Yellowjacket? I like the outfit
- the Walking Dead: was the Walking Dead. Take that as you will, you'll probably be right.
Does anyone know why Batman 66 went from $0.99 to $1.99? My enjoyment of the title decreased after the initial Allred arc, but I was still picking it up until the price change. You would think that Dc would know that 99 cents is the magic price point for these things. I have no idea what Marvel is thinking with their pricing, no way in hell am I paying those prices for 1/3 of a comic. Injustice better not get a price raise because it's got the strongest character work out of all the current DC titles.

Yeah I don't know what is up. They went from "95" to "114" "Pages" (WTF does a digital comic consider a "page"?) That isn't enough to justify a doubling of the price.
So the comics I wanted to get today (Avengers #25 and All New X-Men #22) were not at my local store because some weird delay happened on those certain titles. All other Marvel titles released today were there. Gotta wait until next week. :(
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