Neoxon said mutant to Inhuman but I think it's the OG Human Torch.
I just realized it's been like... four months since Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 1. When's the second issue hitting?
Neoxon said mutant to Inhuman but I think it's the OG Human Torch.
Yeah, Jim Hammond was never a mutant. I think he's a robut.
Avengers #40 and New Avengers 28ish: I'm not impressed by Hickman's run anymore, it's gone on too long and for having a nine month countdown until time runs out, there's no sense of urgency when there are still 18 or more issues to go through. Random 4/10 for a persistent feel of indifference.
Nah, Thor would win this.My money is on Thor.
TBD. They said the issues take time to complete.
So my voyage into getting collected volumes has lead me to a bunch of stuff! Some from my local comic store and some from amazon because 6$ with free shipping is hard to beat when catching up with stuff. So far I have read the first 3 TP of Saga and it is pretty amazing. I almost want to save vol. 4 which is sitting on my bedside until the next trade is closer.
My entire collection is.... Mind MGMT 1-4, Sex Criminals V1, Black Science V1, Pretty Deadly V1, Manifest Destiny V1 &2, Lazarus Vol 1&2, Rat Queens V1, The Wicked + The Divine V1, Saga V1-4, Veil V1. My biggest issue is that I keep grabbing new stuff I will have to keep up with. At least the releases are so staggered that you don't end up too bad off each month!
trying to use Colin Farrel's emotions against me
Hickman's Avengers has been going on for 68 issues plus Infinity, so about 75 total. When i reflect on his run, i'm basically emotionless towards it. It was not great, it's not terrible, it is consistent and continues to be put out. It's written for the digital format, there are few if any memorable panels or pages. I will never recommend it to people looking to get into comics and it will never be on a top list of favorite runs.
I have it digitally from the print codes, maybe i'll go back and start at the beginning to give it another chance, but i'm not hopeful.
Sillymonkey must have that one wretchedly bad book that he enjoys but hides from us. I know it. Someone with that much hate in their hearts must have secrets. Maybe he is a fellow Zenescope reader?
a fellow Zenescope reader?
Say it ain't fucking so ComicGAF
I just realized it's been like... four months since Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 1. When's the second issue hitting?
Say it ain't fucking so ComicGAF
Messi is truly the king of kings.Yeah I read Wonderland and a few other. Eh, I like what I like. No shame here.
When does IST usually update?
Getting hella anime ads now browsing this thread
Thanks GH and Freeza
Yeah I read Wonderland and a few other. Eh, I like what I like. No shame here.
X-Men popularity isn't as strong as it was in the 80s and 90s. Comic book wise.Messi with da truth. fuck all of you X-Men shamers, you cant stop me!
ComicGaf, do we like this new X-Force series?
I really liked the first 2, a lot
I know I know im a X fanboy, but still, Ive actually been quite sour on most of the X stuff lately as youve seen
Yo, it's being written by Simon Spurrier, the writer behind kd-z 's FAVOURITE COMIC OF ALL TIME*, Six Gun Gorilla. So of course it's good.
*does not mean much as I've not read a lot of comics
*also no, I haven't read X-Force itself
*and neither did I read X-Men Legacy, which I probably should read
*also it seems like you have a Legion-do shaped hole in your X-reading, Rhaknar!
X-Men popularity isn't as strong as it was in the 80s and 90s. Comic book wise.
So apparently Toro is Inhuman rather than a mutant like he once was (I believe he was among the first mutants in the Marvel universe), & that being exposed to the OG Human Torch was equal to being exposed to the Terrigen Mist.
Read the first issue, loved it, started the second
"nwar? what's nwar?"
Oh gods this will be good.
Thanks for the recommendations, guys o/
Hey Kipp, what month were you reading Doom Patrol? I would like to go back and read your impressions.
When does IST usually update?
Been reading through the Criminal deluxe hardcovers lately and just finished the "Bad Night" arc in the second hardcover. Such a great story with tons of twists and turns. Overall this is a fantastic series and I can't wait to see where the final two arcs go.
You're welcome. I've started seeing ads with Tsundere references. It amuses me to no end.
IST is just the best all around. No hassle at all.
yup Legacy is the only modern X book I didnt read... I just dont see the appeal in a Legion book
I dont like you anymore Psych
I almost want them to turn all mutants into inhumans just for the absolute SHITSTORM that it would create![]()
Read the first issue, loved it, started the second
Oh gods this will be good.
Thanks for the recommendations, guys o/
Freaking ice. Just had my first fall in a years and I hit pretty hard. I don't think I did anything serious but my knee and wrist certainly sting. Ouch.
Also, I started part 7 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and let me just say I just realized that they pretty much(big old Jojo's spoilers via comic terms). Crazy stuff!new 52'd it
The Foggyplot in Daredevil is heartbreaking :/cancer