Sometimes I wonder how I afforded all those comics when I was a kid. I remember I sold a lot of magic cards lol. I guess they were cheaper back then aswell.
I mean, like $4 a comic is crazy, 10 comics (which isn't a lot across multiple companies) is $40 that's almost the price of a new game for example, and I'm not buying a new game every week (or month really). These days I struggle to get a game on sale for $10, and that would buy me what, 2-3 issues I get through in 20 mins probably and probably never touch again?
I don't rag to rag on a medium I still love but...damn son. I miss having disposable income lol
Edit: I guess that's also why so may people trade wait aswell
I have seriously considered going back to the UK reprints for Marvel stuff, but MU is cheaper than that, and their desktop app's not so bad.
I was buying the books because I was like "I like following along as it happens!" but I realised lately I never actually do this. The last Marvel book I read day-and-date was probably Avengers Undercover.
Seriously considering dropping most of my books the last few days. Right now, only Archie, Rat Queens and Transformers MTMTE I read month to month. I'm wayyyy behind on most other things. I feel like I've hit the stage of the hobby again where I am accumulating first and reading second. It's not good for me, either health or budget wise.
It's not like comics go off anyway, well maybe some of the worse quality print ones rot.