Beautiful except the face and the base is lovely.
She has an alt. face, though.
It's a nice piece, but $500 is pushing it. Yeesh. I'd probably buy her at $399.
Captain Marvel I will pay any price
Beautiful except the face and the base is lovely.
Also, speaking of figures, god that Amaterasu (from Okami) one that just got announced is damn tempting, but like $350 is a BIT much...
Beautiful except the face and the base is lovely.
oh. F4F. You got me all excited for nothing.
At least they're cheaper than Sideshow.
Are they known for having issues? Some of their human face sculpts don't look great, but at least from the images the Amaterasu figure looks great... Though honestly that company has always been "oh, that's way too much goddamn money for me to justify" for everything, so I've never paid much attention to them.
She has an alt. face, though.
It's a nice piece, but $500 is pushing it. Yeesh. I'd probably buy her at $399..Captain Marvel I will pay any price
I'm quitting comicsnow you're getting it
let's all stop reading comics
it's not worth it
What are the chances of Captain Marvel's alt head being long hair Carol?
Watch it be mowhawk helmet.
You know what? I'd be okay with either.
Sure thing, Messi.
Need a review on my Image list since I'd like to make sure I am not missing out on any comics whether they slipped through the cracks or I quit too early on the series. Feel free to recommend any from my list that I should drop in favor of others since I don't want to have to spend more than $50-60 a week on comics (Marvel list is large enough already).
My Image list as of 1/5/2016
Black Science
Deadly Class
Goddamdned, The
I Hate Fairyland
Paper GIrls
Rat Queens
Southern Bastards
I have already given the following a shot:
Low (gave it 5 or so issues)
East of West (gave it 15 or so issues)
Walking Dead (read everything up until the most recent release)
The Fade Out (read 8 issues of it)
Jupiter's Legacy (only read 3 issues)
Lazarus (up to 9 or so issues)
Wayward (2 issues)
Rumble (8 issues)
Drifter (7-8 issues)
Sex Criminals (3-4 issues)
The Autumnlands / Tooth & Claw (6-7 issues)
Injection (2 issues)
Trees (2-3 issues)
Wicked & Divine (10 issues)
Ody-C (2 issues)
Phonogram (2 issues)
Tokyo Ghost (3 issues)
Bitch Planet (2 issues)
You should just drop all Marvel books as they are only publishing one book worth reading right now. Guardians of the Galaxy.
Panther baby!
Manifest Destiny
I've been keeping an eye on it because it's X-23 with Lopez art but I think I decided to trade-wait instead, trying to limit my Marvel intake of late.Anyone else reading All New Wolverine? I'm really enjoying it.
Please tell me this is a reference to something in another thread.
Hmmm. Maybe.
Any of you fluent in Pakistanian? I'm thinking of taking up a second language and I'm wondering how hard it might be compared to, say, French.
I've been keeping an eye on it because it's X-23 with Lopez art but I think I decided to trade-wait instead, trying to limit my Marvel intake of late.
I got the Funk Pop Howard The Duck for 5 bucks, at Barnes and Noble! What a steal!
ComicGAF: Dark Reign?
Norman Osborn is the shit.
What about Pakistanian though?Urdu is definitely easier than French.
Who is our Harry Osborn?
What about Pakistanian though?
Hey guys, I have a question about Deadpool and Wolverine, I figured that this would be the best place to ask since there's isn't an OT for either of them (that I'm aware of at least). I don't really have the time to read any of their comics (though I want to one day), so most of my knowledge about them comes from the established lore, wikis, or movies.
Anyway, has there ever been moments when Wolverine or Deadpool explicitly act Canadian? Or have they ever expressed Canadian stereotypes? They're the only Canadian superheroes in Marvel that I know of, so sorry if this sounds like a dumb question. I'm looking to work them in as examples for a presentation I'm doing for a Canadian graphic novel course.
You want Alpha Flight for that:
That's not a languageWhat about Pakistanian though?
I got the Funk Pop Howard The Duck for 5 bucks, at Barnes and Noble! What a steal!
boothisman.gifNorman Osborn is the shit.
But maybe its Otacon Style The Shit? So Norman is awesome?boothisman.gif
Where's my dope-ass Black Bolt statue?
It's something I want