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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.

Robin Vol. 1: Reborn

Great read and a nice start to the future adventures of Tim Drake. His relationship with Shiva was very interesting, and honestly just a really compelling story in and of itself. The action sequences were all well-drawn, whether by Breyfogle or Lyle, and it was really good to show Tim as a different fighter than the other Robins. He's not refined like Dick, but not brute force like Jason. He's a happy middle that focuses on playing tricks, and I really liked that. Also his morality is a bit different, given what happened to Dorrance.

Though the book pushes Dixon's Robin series (only five issues), over half is given to Grant's runs on Detective Comics and Batman. Not that I'm complaining, since his writing is also good. Just a heads up for anyone else who plans on reading it.

Green Lantern: Secret Origin

I really enjoyed this. A lot of set-up but still yields its own satisfying conclusion. Love Atrocitus as always.

Though a lot if the set-up feels like padding unless you understand the previous storylines in Johns' run, I'm still baffled as to how they messed up adapting this into the 2011 film. Apparently this was used as the basis.

How'd they fuck it up? Regardless, next up is Rage of the Red Lanterns for that run. Looking forward to it because of my favorite power couple Atrocitus and Dex-Starr


Spider-Man/Deadpool was everything I wanted out of the book. Perfect characterization, fun story, great art. Title is added to the pull.

PS. It was supposed to come with Vision #1 but mine came with Vision #3 that was also out today. I wonder if that mistake made it all the way to print or if it's just on digital.

Decision to wait for MU isn't looking so good, but these are the choices we make.


Why does he wear the mask!?



Mu is terrible though if all you read on it is the books you didn't think were worth buying in the first place, that's what was going on when i first had an annual membership and still bought 10+ marvel titles per month.


Green Lantern: Secret Origin

I really enjoyed this. A lot of set-up but still yields its own satisfying conclusion. Love Atrocitus as always.

Though a lot if the set-up feels like padding unless you understand the previous storylines in Johns' run, I'm still baffled as to how they messed up adapting this into the 2011 film. Apparently this was used as the basis.

How'd they fuck it up?
Regardless, next up is Rage of the Red Lanterns for that run. Looking forward to it because of my favorite power couple Atrocitus and Dex-Starr

Lots and lots of rewrites and interference from WB. GL was supposed to launch the DC movie verse and as a result had way too many cooks in the kitchen.


Have high hopes for DC relaunch, DC you had some good ideas but dissing continuity and those terrible costume was a bad idea.


Midnighter and Swamp Thing were some next level awesome this month. I'm thrilled Wein is taking Swampy back to his horror roots, and while Midnighter is excellent every month this was a great one off story.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Midnighter and Swamp Thing were some next level awesome this month. I'm thrilled Wein is taking Swampy back to his horror roots, and while Midnighter is excellent every month this was a great one off story.

I want to pick up Swamp Thing, but I barely know his history. Just vague pieces, will I be confused if I get the newest one?


I'm not terribly surprised about the price, but I guess it didn't hit me as hard as other people because I never gave a shit about Oculus to begin with.
Very curious about Sonys price, everything over 400€ is a deal breaker.

Maybe I will pick one up when its for 50€ in the bargain bin.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
i VR like 3d, where if you have bad vision on one eye youre fucked and it doesnt work?
Cant wait to pay 881€ for Oculus Rift here in germany.
I need to get a second and a third job.

Don't buy first gen tech, duder. I wish I had taken this advice myself with the Steam Paperweight Controller.

Not going to buy VR for awhile, if ever. I'm antisocial enough without sticking a screen to my head. Too close to WALL-E people for me right now.


I want to pick up Swamp Thing, but I barely know his history. Just vague pieces, will I be confused if I get the newest one?

Nope. It pretty much ignores everything that has come before and the first page serves as a nice recap on the character and his origin.


Don't buy first gen tech, duder. I wish I had taken this advice myself with the Steam Paperweight Controller.

Not going to buy VR for awhile, if ever. I'm antisocial enough without sticking a screen to my head. Too close to WALL-E people for me right now.
Nah. Oculus is a no no anyway, since my pc is shit and I dont care about PC gaming.
PS VR it will be when its reasonable priced.


If VR grows the way it's capable of, you guys will start to care soon enough.

Of course, early adopter support may be low enough that it stalls the tech from really growing in the consumer space.

But even a cheap low tech solution like Google Cardboard is a lot of fun to play around with. The tech can be a real draw for even casual mainstream consumers.
Is there no longer a Supergirl comic book series?

Seems odd what with the tv show and all.

There is going to be one later this year, I think it's a Digital First title.

If VR grows the way it's capable of, you guys will start to care soon enough.

Of course, early adopter support may be low enough that it stalls the tech from really growing in the consumer space.

But even a cheap low tech solution like Google Cardboard is a lot of fun to play around with. The tech can be a real draw for even casual mainstream consumers.

It won't though. Videos of people with that thing on their heads will be the new cat videos for a few months, and then it will die off again.

Maybe I'm old, but the thought of a room full of people, each with one of those things on their heads, it annoys me on a fundamental level.
Digital and then straight to trade skipping floppies. Digital future baby.

GrandHarrier am cry.

There's actually a Supergirl comic in the UK at the moment, it's just New 52 reprints though. It's hilarious as Superman doesn't have a book of his own, he has to share one with Batman/Superman and the Injustice comic.


He has like a dozen or so of these babies.

Also a good number of TPBs. He told me I'm free to make him my Mignola library, so I'm going at it. He has them all laid out in chronological order according to this:

I'll finish up Seed of Destruction after work tonight, but the first three issues were great.
you lucky bastard. The art is going to blow you away and only gets better after seed of destruction.

let me know how you like it

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Another awesome issue of Paper Girls. My favorite line......

...have to get....sixth bucket..for the...grand prize....
Ultimates 3 is wonderful.


I always forget one comic every week. ALWAYS. At least now that I've gone completely digital, it doesn't warrant another trip to the comic shop the following day and can be fixed in 30 seconds.


Ultimates 3 is getting way better than I thought. Carol needs to be gone and just stay in A-Force though.

Spider-Man/Deadpool is the best!!!!!! 10/10.
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