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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


what happened there was Bunn thinking Archangel was cool as hell -which he is- and maybe going for some kind of movie synergy?
I don't think it's that; looking at the team (Magneto, Sabretooth, Psylocke, Monet and Arcangel) Bunn just wanted a team whose backgrounds could be considered as debatable. Anti-hero team. The ANAD reboot leaves out eight months of events unexplained; I guess Marvel will explain that in those eight months Warren had an episode (his new powers going out of control) and reverted back to his Arcangel form and his mind a blank slate again. It's a great plotpoint to use with Psylocke who still feels guilty about the Apocalypse thing.


That Green Arrow deluxe looks great. I had read the first volume of Lemire's GA and thought it was OKAY with great art, kinda kept me from buying the deluxe.


Edit: and of course it's the last post of the page, lol.

Oh holy crap. Got Green Arrow Lemire Deluxe in today, and it is BEAUTIFUL. The book, and the art. The ART! I haven't even seen more than a few pages of the Sorrentino GA art, and it's astonishing. I had to take some pictures.

Great build also, and the best binding DC has done on a Deluxe Edition. There is no gutter loss, even if you have to pull the pages on either end a tiny bit just to get all the detail on a double page spread. Also, the cover under the dust jacket is not completely glossy. Only Green Arrow himself is glossy and the background is matte. Looks fantastic.


What's the ISBN?


Does the multiversity hc have the quality?

It's very nice quality, too, but there's a little bit of gutter loss, since the sewn ribbon is attached to the spine like most DC deluxe editions. Not something you notice much since there aren't many double page spreads, but it's something to be conscious of. Still pretty awesome.

I hope the binding on the GA deluxe is the new standard for DC's deluxe editions.


Does the multiversity hc have the quality?

The Multiversity HC has one of the worst instances of gutter loss I've ever seen. In the below spread in the HC you can't even see Captain Marvel in the center of the page. Stay losing print.


The Punk Rock Jesus HC is also ruined by gutter loss, thank God I have all the issues individually in digital.


Do you know what has no gutter loss? Digital comics! :D

Yeah, and the double page spreads are like six inches diagonally on my tablet, lol. :p I'll take a bit of gutter loss instead.

The Multiversity HC has one of the worst instances of gutter loss I've ever seen. In the below spread in the HC you can't even see Captain Marvel in the center of the page. Stay losing print.

It's so dumb that they wouldn't account for that with some white space in the gutter.
Edit: and of course it's the last post of the page, lol.

Oh holy crap. Got Green Arrow Lemire Deluxe in today, and it is BEAUTIFUL. The book, and the art. The ART! I haven't even seen more than a few pages of the Sorrentino GA art, and it's astonishing. I had to take some pictures.

Great build also, and the best binding DC has done on a Deluxe Edition. There is no gutter loss, even if you have to pull the pages on either end a tiny bit just to get all the detail on a double page spread. Also, the cover under the dust jacket is not completely glossy. Only Green Arrow himself is glossy and the background is matte. Looks fantastic.






Dat Sorrentino art.

I don't think it's that; looking at the team (Magneto, Sabretooth, Psylocke, Monet and Arcangel) Bunn just wanted a team whose backgrounds could be considered as debatable. Anti-hero team. The ANAD reboot leaves out eight months of events unexplained; I guess Marvel will explain that in those eight months Warren had an episode (his new powers going out of control) and reverted back to his Arcangel form and his mind a blank slate again. It's a great plotpoint to use with Psylocke who still feels guilty about the Apocalypse thing.

Psylocke feeling guilty? What a new and interesting direction to take her character.
It's not. She's boring as fuck, and it's been done.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Just got caught up on Hex11. I would definitely recommend it to those of you into girly hijinks. There is plenty of humor and action to be had. I also just donated to their kickstarter to a Vol 1 trade.

In the world of Hex11, humans, through the discovery of a new energy source called The Ether, have found they are capable of Magic. As civilization moves from the Digital Age to this new Magic Age, the corporatocracy is concealing what they know, seeing an opportunity for a new level of control and unprecedented monetary gain.

Meanwhile, a class war is brewing in the urban underworld known as The Hex; where the have-nots have found themselves after years of injustice and oppression. It also serves as a haven for the magically inclined, a place where they can operate in secret.

One such woman is Elanor Kent, a young witch living in the Hex and apprenticing the eccentric Vera, a very powerful oracle. Though she aspires to master the many facets of magic, she finds herself practicing basics and running Vera's errands. However, when one seemingly ordinary task places her in the crossfire of a black market warlock and a demonic mercenary, the excitement she had hoped for becomes all too real and all too dangerous…

Digital version of #1 is free on their web store.

Black Canary #6

So, this was basically one big fight, and since the art's really good, I really enjoyed it. Especially the
rhythm game style sequence (though it could have been done better, I'm not complaining since the fact that it was done at all is enough for me).
Dialogue was super cheesy during the fight, but outside of that...this plot is confusing me; So
an older Kurt Lance has been manipulating everything from the beginning? Is that correct? So...what? And then Ditto has been working for him? I'm going to assume he "assembled" the band in order to protect Ditto from...Waller?
I guess? I mean it doesn't make a lot of sense right now. That's what future issues are for, though.

Either way, a solid issue.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Uncanny X-Men was trash. Shame.

Land is useless too clearly tracing porn. Random nipples on some pages. Like wtf?


Finally got another Valiant trade. Bought The Valiant a long time ago and I've been meaning to get further into this universe for awhile now but I kept having other stuff I wanted to get first.



Dat Sorrentino art.


Psylocke feeling guilty? What a new and interesting direction to take her character.
It's not. She's boring as fuck, and it's been done.

Fuck it, I'm going to grab this the next time I head over to the Beguiling. I don't want to wait for any possible TPB version
Fuck it, I'm going to grab this the next time I head over to the Beguiling. I don't want to wait for any possible TPB version

Little confusing because you're not quoting the person who actually put up the GA pics, but if that's what you're talking about, the TPBs are already out. Vol 4-6. However, it adds up to being more than the OHC, so just grab that.
Captain America: White #5

Appears to be something in my eyes...damn it...vision's all blurry and shit..

Anyways, what other series are there like this? Spider-Man: Blue; Daredevil: Yellow; and Hulk: Grey. Any others? And are all of them this good?
Captain America: White #5

Appears to be something in my eyes...damn it...vision's all blurry and shit..

Anyways, what other series are there like this? Spider-Man: Blue; Daredevil: Yellow; and Hulk: Grey. Any others? And are all of them this good?

Spider-Man Blue will blur your vision a bit, as well. Can't speak on the others.
Extraordinary X-Men #4

In which shit gets weird. Nice to see leader Ororo, though. Art's good, but damn is this plot getting wacky. Also, Jean OP.
Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale: Yellow, Blue and Gray https://www.amazon.de/dp/0785188312/


There's a TPB with the first three, I believe. That's as close as they've gotten. Not sure if they'll do one with White

Edit: ^
Got my back, I see.
Punisher: Salmon

Nah they should save that for Thor.


Little confusing because you're not quoting the person who actually put up the GA pics, but if that's what you're talking about, the TPBs are already out. Vol 4-6. However, it adds up to being more than the OHC, so just grab that.

It was his art comment I was quoting specifically.
I was told there was going to be a .. soft cover(?) version of that book released later, if that is not the case I will definitely grab this.


It was his art comment I was quoting specifically.
I was told there was going to be a .. soft cover(?) version of that book released later, if that is not the case I will definitely grab this.

DC has never released a paperback version of a big deluxe edition, so I don't know.

I am done with comics. I am retiring. I am leaving this community, peace out.

What brought it on this time
I am done with comics. I am retiring. I am leaving this community, peace out.

Is it because I came back? Sorry.

It was his art comment I was quoting specifically.
I was told there was going to be a .. soft cover(?) version of that book released later, if that is not the case I will definitely grab this.

I don't think anything has been solicited in paperback..

DC has never released a paperback version of a big deluxe edition, so I don't know.

They do occasionally. The Morrison JLA collections come to mind.


When one comes back, one must leave. Messi did a very heroic thing, there.

Huh, you're right. That's very interesting. I haven't seen that done before.

The big Johns Wally West Flash TPBs were originally hardcovers as well.

The first Batman Inc and the new Batman and Son collections were also deluxe hc's before getting tpb releases.
When one comes back, one must leave. Messi did a very heroic thing, there.

Huh, you're right. That's very interesting. I haven't seen that done before.

The big Johns Wally West Flash TPBs were originally hardcovers as well.

The first Batman Inc and the new Batman and Son collections were also deluxe hc's before getting tpb releases.

The Filth, too, I thought?

Point being, yes, it happens. It's hard to anticipate if/when it will though.
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