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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.

I'm getting caught on my dc books I missed while trying marvel now for the past few months? I'm about to jump into the superman books. which should I tackle first Superman or Action Comics?

Superman until his powers drop, then Action for the first arc, then alternate.

Or just alternate. I read them in release order from #41, made more or less total sense.


Woohoooo!!! I passed my National Boards part 2 Dental Exam! :D God, what a freaking relief. Now it's time to put my feet up relax and catch up on some damn comics.


Why does he wear the mask!?
The nipple caught me off guard. I was like... Wait what did he really draw the outline of a nipple in her suit.

It was such a weird panel, one breast had a nipple in clear view, the other one was nowhere to be seen

I'll stick with it until issue 3, but wasn't anything special


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It was such a weird panel, one breast had a nipple in clear view, the other one was nowhere to be seen

I'll stick with it until issue 3, but wasn't anything special

What are we talking about?
So I'm reading Grant Morrison's New X-Men and I get to part where Xorn is introduced and it just made me remember how they fucked up that story.
Such a dumb retcon.


It was such a weird panel, one breast had a nipple in clear view, the other one was nowhere to be seen

I'll stick with it until issue 3, but wasn't anything special
I'm going to wait a few issues before I decide to jump in or not. I really want it to be good but so far from what I've seen from previews and impression it ain't worth it.


He leaves just as I pick up more Sunstone and have no one to talk about it with. Great.
At least I still have Howard the Duck and Ms Marvel...


Gameproff, you're not Messi, not even honorary/substitute Messi, without an appropriate avatar.


I see you.

Messi wouldn't have problems with comics if he read good ones like Paper Girls.

I read 90% of what image publishes. Paper Girls included.

He leaves just as I pick up more Sunstone and have no one to talk about it with. Great.
At least I still have Howard the Duck and Ms Marvel...

I will always be here to talk about Sunstone.


I wanted to just let everyone know that The Fade Out is over, and it's basically a work of art. Comics at its absolute best. Please read.
I don't read Bitch Planet anymore. It's not for me.

What changed? I mean, I don't disagree because this book is getting a little heavy lately. I always enjoyed the feminist leanings of the book, and the essays in the back are always interesting reads. But she seems to be getting pretty extreme in some regards.


What changed? I mean, I don't disagree because this book is getting a little heavy lately. I always enjoyed the feminist leanings of the book, and the essays in the back are always interesting reads. But she seems to be getting pretty extreme in some regards.

I was considering on starting reading it.

What did you not like?

Haven't liked it since the start, gave it the first arc but it's too angry for me and it only seems to be getting worse. I do see what people enjoy and I do see why the book is important but I found myself having to force myself to read it. I buy too many books to have to force myself to read one. I didn't buy this months one but by your posts I feel I am not too far off in it getting heavier and angrier.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Messi jokes aside, im actually a bit burned out on comics atm, Siege took a lot out of me apparently. Im starting to pile up weekly releases again (I only read SW #4, Civil War and AoA #1s recently), and i stopped Iron Fist on issue 15 (after the tournament arc).

Comes and goes I guess


Messi jokes aside, im actually a bit burned out on comics atm, Siege took a lot out of me apparently. Im starting to pile up weekly releases again (I only read SW #4, Civil War and AoA #1s recently), and i stopped Iron Fist on issue 15 (after the tournament arc).

Comes and goes I guess

I wasn't joking, I am burned out.
Haven't liked it since the start, gave it the first arc but it's too angry for me and it only seems to be getting worse. I do see what people enjoy and I do see why the book is important but I found myself having to force myself to read it. I buy too many books to have to force myself to read one. I didn't buy this months one but by your posts I feel I am not too far off in it getting heavier and angrier.

Yeah, I mean, I didn't really feel it before this issue, but I'm getting some pretty misandrist vibes from the book now. And it seems like pretty much every male character is a shitbag. It's definitely a different book than it was in earlier issues. I may give it another issue (#7 starts a new arc, #6 was backstory for one of the characters from the last arc - dark stuff.)


I will always be here to talk about Sunstone.
In that case, just bought vol2 and 3. I'm about halfway through 2 and they've just introduced the three new characters.
I know people who act like Ally and Lisa, well the non-BDSM aspects of the characters anyway, and I'm finding myself laughing at so much of the dialogue. The dialogue and art are so good. It's probably going to be recommended to a few of my friends, to hell with their odd looks.


In that case, just bought vol2 and 3. I'm about halfway through 2 and they've just introduced the three new characters.
I know people who act like Ally and Lisa, well the non-BDSM aspects of the characters anyway, and I'm finding myself laughing at so much of the dialogue. The dialogue and art are so good. It's probably going to be recommended to a few of my friends, to hell with their odd looks.

That's the spirit. I love the dialogue sometimes it has me laughing out loud. I love when Ally acts like a complete idiot for laughs. Volume 2 is my fave volume so far. It's really special. But then again I love all of it. The most appealing thing to me about sunstone is the fact that it doesn't really need the bdsm, sure it helps but this is really just the story of two people falling in love with each other and it feels so very natural to me. Sunstone makes me happy one moment ,incredibly sad another only to make me laugh a few pages later.

I hope you keep reading and posting impressions, I can't wait to see your opinions on something big that happens in vol 2.

Apologies for the scattershot opinions


Freeza Cap Marvel premium format preorders are open Jan 14th.


Batwoman Bombshell has been picked for shipping once more. Let's see if they can get it right on the 47th attempt.
Just read Vision 2 and 3 back to back. What a great book so far. It keeps the unsettling tone from the first issue and goes in a very interesting direction. The cliffhangers in these issues were great and I'm real excited to see where it goes next. This is the standout book of ANAD so far.
Everyday I'm saddened that Superman isn't Superman anymore. I like old school, good guy, no grit Supes.
People don't like good guys anymore. Except for Cap apparently.
I'm so glad I main digital. I would go broke with these covers.
Jason is best ranger.
Messi jokes aside, im actually a bit burned out on comics atm, Siege took a lot out of me apparently. Im starting to pile up weekly releases again (I only read SW #4, Civil War and AoA #1s recently), and i stopped Iron Fist on issue 15 (after the tournament arc).

Comes and goes I guess
Claremont's X-Treme X-Men will revitalize your love for comics
The main thing I got from War of Kings is that the Inhumans are morons.

In what way? The T-Bomb? Because quite frankly, they just showed up, took over Halla, and then took out the Shi'ar. And I can't fault anyone who nukes Vulcan into another reality.
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