These Marvel drop offs are ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Invincible Iron Man #1 279,514
Invincible Iron Man #2 66,664
Invincible Iron Man #3 59,069
Fighting to stay above Harley Quinn's 22nd issue.
Listening to the Mayo Report podcast and it's sounding like by issue 3 the books are returning to pre-Secret Wars numbers or even dipping below. So it's Star Wars and #1's inflating Marvel's percentages right now.
Just read Vision 2 and 3 back to back. What a great book so far. It keeps the unsettling tone from the first issue and goes in a very interesting direction. The cliffhangers in these issues were great and I'm real excited to see where it goes next. This is the standout book of ANAD so far.
Iron Man #1 had a ton of variants that inflated the initial numbers. Now we just need to see where Marvel's sales stabilize. I'm honestly pretty done looking at those numbers because they aren't an accurate indicator for the most part these days.
This is all obvious. My point was just that the numbers are returning to pre ANAD numbers.
Vision's wife is best character.
Crap, should have been more snarky in my post lol. I meant Psylocke is indeed boring and they keep her in the same place. Every team she's in, she has the same role.Psylocke feeling guilty? What a new and interesting direction to take her character.It's not. She's boring as fuck, and it's been done.
I've read Hulk: Grey two months ago and it kicks ass. It's remarkable how Loeb and Sale are this great team together.Captain America: White #5
Appears to be something in my eyes...damn's all blurry and shit..
Anyways, what other series are there like this? Spider-Man: Blue; Daredevil: Yellow; and Hulk: Grey. Any others? And are all of them this good?
No lies detected. Although Vision's outburst towards Tony was pretty "Woah!" to me.Vision's wife is best character.
I had a couple of issues left from the Damage Control TPB (Civil War and World War Hulk) tie-ins left, so wrapped those up yesterday. Some funny moments, but didn't really capture the magic of the previous runs.
Now, where's my ongoing (and TV show*) Marvel?
*(Thinking a little more on it, a TV show might not work. A series like Damage Control will require a lot of cameos from the "big" characters. And looking at the half-assed wink-and-nudge references in AoS, Marvel TV doesn't seem to have the clout to pull that off).
Guys, I like the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Shit is rad.
I wasn't joking, I am burned out.
Yeah, I mean, I didn't really feel it before this issue, but I'm getting some pretty misandrist vibes from the book now. And it seems like pretty much every male character is a shitbag. It's definitely a different book than it was in earlier issues. I may give it another issue (#7 starts a new arc, #6 was backstory for one of the characters from the last arc - dark stuff.)
Guys, I like the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Shit is rad.
Driving it through Gotham is fun. The combat isn't though.
I'm thinking about just buying the character episodes instead of paying for that overpriced season pass. Together it's like a little over $20 I think.I just finished season of infamy and enjoyed it. I wish more DLC was like that, built into the game, than a separate module. At the very least they could have done episodic content. The bat mobile is fun, but it's just not what Batman is all about for me.
My only real super big disappointments with the game were:
A missed opportunity to make Arkham Knight a new character, to add to the Batman mythos like Dini did with Harley.
No Court of Owls, reusing a lot of villains. I was super surprised to see Grundy in AC, it was such a great moment. I was hyped when they had Prometheus in the files.
No other hero cameos. References aren't enough, I really wanted to see Supes make a quick cameo post credits or something.They upped the references in this game a ton with Lex, Metropolis, Central City and Iron Heights, but it seems like they're still reluctant to have the other heroes. For people that Bruce works with everyday and considers friends, you think he had some more interaction.
Lack of boss battles. I enjoyed AO's boss battles and the fights in AC, it seems like they all but evaporated in Arkham Knight.
Mechanically the game was fun for the most part.
I don't have a problem with the combat at all but then again I'm a natural when it comes to controlling tanks and can put up with the unnatural handling. It's a little too wavy moving at times but overall It feels fluid to me and I'm able to make my shots.Driving it through Gotham is fun. The combat isn't though.
I don't have a problem with the combat at all but then again I'm a natural when it comes to controlling tanks and can put up with the unnatural handling. It's a little too wavy moving at times but overall It feels fluid to me and I'm able to make my shots.
On top of all that, this is the story of the women and not the men, at least at this point, and I expect that to be where most/all of the focus remains. As a result they are going to be in the orbit of a lot of shitbag men. I mean, clearly those with power are pushing this angle and most of it is inside a prison so yeah. But again, it's not about the men, it's about the women.
I understand that as far as the story is concerned, but I feel more and more like I'm just reading a piece by someone using writing to vent their frustrations. And that's fine, but it's becoming increasingly clear that this isn't a book for me.
Yup. She's like Gambit; everyone likes her because of her looks and powers (she's ninja who can make psychic constructs), but in reality she has the same damn personality in everything. At least Uncanny X-Force did a really good job with her. So did Spurrier's X-Force.Crap, should have been more snarky in my post lol. I meant Psylocke is indeed boring and they keep her in the same place. Every team she's in, she has the same role.
This is the first time I've seen Kirby's art colored like this. Really wonder what Kirby could have done if he wasnt drawing multiple books at a time with todays printing methods
I understand that as far as the story is concerned, but I feel more and more like I'm just reading a piece by someone using writing to vent their frustrations. And that's fine, but it's becoming increasingly clear that this isn't a book for me.
I found everything about the game to be boring. It's what killed my interest in gaming.
I understand that as far as the story is concerned, but I feel more and more like I'm just reading a piece by someone using writing to vent their frustrations. And that's fine, but it's becoming increasingly clear that this isn't a book for me.
Fair enough on the last point. I'll also admit to being fairly defensive about this sort of thing.
Fair enough on the last point. I'll also admit to being fairly defensive about this sort of thing.
I find it funny that you didn't expect some hardcore personal feminism in a comic "Bitch Planet."I noticed. And I can certainly understand why, but it feels like DeConnick is getting overly aggressive here.
Defensive about someone not liking the direction a book is taking?
I noticed. And I can certainly understand why, but it feels like DeConnick is getting overly aggressive here.
So somehow I only just heard about this and it's amazing.
See, I'm not really getting any of that, although it's certainly quite dark and honestly can be painful to read. It's a bit weird to mention it after an issue that very clearly has a non-asshole guy playing a major role. I mean yes, most of the other men have been awful, but a lot of that being awful has been pretty much directly from the gender politics and culture portrayed in the comic up to this point. It's made clear that not everyone agrees with it but there really isn't an option to not go along.
On top of all that, this is the story of the women and not the men, at least at this point, and I expect that to be where most/all of the focus remains. As a result they are going to be in the orbit of a lot of shitbag men. I mean, clearly those with power are pushing this angle and most of it is inside a prison so yeah. But again, it's not about the men, it's about the women.
Yeah I'd say that is fair.
I can only read a story about the same character having an identity crisis so many times before I get bored of it. And I can only read a story about that same character being guilty about some shit only so many times before I get bored of it. Psylocke has worn out her welcome on both of those counts.A) Psylocke is dope as all hell, fuck you, it goes beyond the "has sword and is a woman" thing, it's a story about identity. A recurring thing with her is people projecting their own ideas of what she is on her, whether that's as a Braddock, as Mojo's slave, as Kwannon, going on and on. She's always stuggled with that, and it's a struggle that anyone who's had things projected onto them can identify with.
I just started the game so maybe I'll have a different opinion in the Batmobile towards the end but right now I think it's a nice change of pace from the usual Batman stuff that's been there since the first game. I prefer driving he Batmobile to get around Gotham then gliding. I'm surprised my reaction so far is positive after hearing so many negative things.It's not just that it's awkward to control. Tank combat in a Batman game doesn't really interest me and feels like a bit of a slog by the time you've finished the game.
Nobody even know who the fuck Kwannon is. Nobody.
i think Bitch Planet vol 1 is going to the top of my backlog list so i can comment on this.