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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


Tim Drake isn't a bad character per say he's just incredibly boring in my book. I did like him in Young Justice and Johns Teen Titans (scumbag Wondergirl move non with standing). I've just never been a fan of the whole finding out who Bruce and dick were lives a pretty normal life. Plus i'm most familiar with him Post Damien and in the New 52. Out of the robins he seems to lack a hook that the other three have.

What was his solo series from the 90s about i'm guessing in vein of Spider-man or Firestorm?
Tim Drake isn't a bad character per say he's just incredibly boring in my book. I did like him in Young Justice and Johns Teen Titans (scumbag Wondergirl move non with standing). I've just never been a fan of the whole finding out who Bruce and dick were lives a pretty normal life. Plus i'm most familiar with him Post Damien and in the New 52. Out of the robins he seems to lack a hook that the other three have.

What was his solo series from the 90s about i'm guessing in vein of Spider-man or Firestorm?
His hook is he's the smartest of the bunch and most tech savvy. He was the detective Robin. But motivation wise, until Identity crisis decided to ruin this, was he was a Robin that didn't do it out of some tragedy or revenge. He also never had or has any interest in being batman. He is Robin to do good and that's it. His personality is more balanced and I always found to be the most normal of the gang. He also helped remove the stigma of Robin being a joke from comics. He had an amazing (non pixie short) costume, it showed people why Robin can work with batman, etc. also they established a great mentor/mentee relationship with Grayson. And around the same time is when Dixon resurrected Nightwing to be really awesome too.

And yea his solo series was Spidey esque. Since he had his dad, juggling a girl friend, school, etc.


I felt incredibly bad when his father was killed. And I admired how Bruce cared for him.
Until he dumped him like a hot potatoe when Damien arrived.
Finally caught up on Batman and Robin Eternal. It is firing on all cylinders. I legit love how they are molding back in characters like
David Cain
, and
. This particular weekly hasn't had any single section or issue that I wasn't sucked into, unlike Batman Eternal, which had some rocky sections from time to time. I especially love that I don't know which way they're going to go with Batman's involvement with the Mother character.

Classic Marvel.


I got bad news for you friend.

About John or Hal?

I finished the series this morning and really enjoyed it. I'm mad my man Baz isn't in the mail. Group but overall.I'm glad that we clarent getting all of the earth Lanterns in the spotlight.
The change that members of the Lantern core colors are changing is a smart one. I've been under the belif for the now that the Lanterns should have members of all colors following Johns War of light.


Ah right, I forgot my big take away from the Inhumans part of Cosmic Marvel: how the heck has it survived (up until that point at least) that they have a straight up slave class? Are Alpha Primatives still just straight up slaves that the Inhumans are using, or have they dealt with that topic since all the cosmic stuff? Because regardless of the justifications that it looked like the comics may have somewhat tried to come up with, that's some messed up stuff.
You're right. He's better than them
I would say it's too far, but I like Dick as Nightwing much more anyways. Still, though.
His Red Robin outfit (the old one with the smooth topped gimp mask) is literally the worst. It's so dumb looking.
You are not wrong. His current one isn't great either. It could be, but that fucking cross-belt...
His hook is he's the smartest of the bunch and most tech savvy. He was the detective Robin. But motivation wise, until Identity crisis decided to ruin this, was he was a Robin that didn't do it out of some tragedy or revenge. He also never had or has any interest in being batman. He is Robin to do good and that's it. His personality is more balanced and I always found to be the most normal of the gang. He also helped remove the stigma of Robin being a joke from comics. He had an amazing (non pixie short) costume, it showed people why Robin can work with batman, etc. also they established a great mentor/mentee relationship with Grayson. And around the same time is when Dixon resurrected Nightwing to be really awesome too.

And yea his solo series was Spidey esque. Since he had his dad, juggling a girl friend, school, etc.
Eh, part of his motivation is what happened to his dad and mom. Mom was killed and for awhile his dad was completely paralyzed. He has a huge debate with himself wondering if it's tragedy that makes the Robin, and that if tragedy is what's needed to make him a Robin, then does he want to be one? Ultimately, he sort of decides "no" because he disobeys Bruce (which means he doesn't get to be Robin), but then ends up taking up another uniform because the old outfit was too heavy of a burden. So in a way, tragedy helped motivate him, but then not.

Then he proceeded to go stop a mass bio-weapon in France while training with Lady Shiva and beating the hell out of a drug cartel. It was pretty rad.

I don't especially care about any of the Robins.
Oh you in it now!
About John or Hal?

I finished the series this morning and really enjoyed it. I'm mad my man Baz isn't in the mail. Group but overall.I'm glad that we clarent getting all of the earth Lanterns in the spotlight.
The change that members of the Lantern core colors are changing is a smart one. I've been under the belif for the now that the Lanterns should have members of all colors following Johns War of light.

I really dislike that

Guy doesn't have his red ring anymore. He should stay a red lantern.


Buy 10 books monthly.

Still get behind.

I dont' really mind reading two or three issues of a series in a row though, it's almost preferable to once a month. Reading comics monthly with any type of ongoing story is weird.


Bluewater straight up not paying someone is both jaw dropping and 100% believable

Boom is actually surprising though; i'd heard they didn't have the best page rates but i thought there was a rights sharing thing going on in the background


Bluewater straight up not paying someone is both jaw dropping and 100% believable

I'm sorry you mean Stormfront, right? You mean the publisher who changed their name to that of a well-known internet hangout for actual honest-to-goodness neo-nazis?


I'm sorry you mean Stormfront, right? You mean the publisher who changed their name to that of a well-known internet hangout for actual honest-to-goodness neo-nazis?

Bluewater changing their name to Stormfront is both jaw dropping and 100% believable
good lord @ Boom
Bluewater straight up not paying someone is both jaw dropping and 100% believable

Boom is actually surprising though; i'd heard they didn't have the best page rates but i thought there was a rights sharing thing going on in the background

I remember that Brian Hurtt post that went around several months back, I think he said something like he got a page rate for Big Trouble in Little China with no royalties on top of that
I can tell you right now if comics go up to $4.99 I'm going to drop a fuckload of them. That's the point where shit becomes too expensive to be worth the money.

$4 was that for me. I don't pull any Marvel and DC titles other than JL and Amazing Spider-Man because of it. I may buy a few issues of another title but if it isn't god-tier then it gets dropped.
Earth 2: World's End Vol. 2

Been a hell of a ride, I can say that. This series has been so intense, fun, and emotional. It all finally built to the perfect conclusion: an unbelievably pyrrhic victory. The heroes constantly get smacked down and stand back up. These are goddamned superheroes, and I loved this book so much.

Now then, time for Convergence.

Uncanny X-Men #1

1). Why is Archangel still a thing? Last I checked, he got completely tabula rasa'd. Now he's Archangel again? What? Why?

2). If Land wasn't on this book, I would like it so much more. GIVE ME ACUNA DAMN IT!
A-Force #1
Carol why are you bad? Regardless, I think I'm gonna like this book. It's got some hype stuff, plus I'm pretty sure it'll be just adorable to infinity. Medusa's cold tho. Damn girl.

I really liked the SW tie-in, and this seems to be just a direct continuation. Works for me.
if they did that people would want to read X-Men books and



But I want to read X-Men books...
Animal Man #1 - #4: Gives us a very quick insight into Buddy's powers without too much exposition. Shows us the the family dynamic and starts hinting at what is going to make Animal Man tick going forward. B'Wana Beast was fairly cool, will have to look for his other stories. All in all, a good opening arc to a superhero run though seems fairly standard at this point. Not like Doom Patrol, which hit you with the weirdness starting from #1.

Animal Man #5: Huh.


A-Force #1
Carol why are you bad? Regardless, I think I'm gonna like this book. It's got some hype stuff, plus I'm pretty sure it'll be just adorable to infinity. Medusa's cold tho. Damn girl.

I really liked the SW tie-in, and this seems to be just a direct continuation. Works for me.

But I want to read X-Men books...

Invincible Iron Man#5
Marquez da gawd

You are my spirit animal

Singularity totes dorbz 4 evs!
The Ultimates #3

So we get rid of Carol, and replace her with Raz...Just spitballing, here. I really love this book, though. At some point we need a big damn fight scene, though. We have yet to get there, but we will. And when we do, it will be a glorious day.
You are my spirit animal

Singularity totes dorbz 4 evs!

I mean, I don't think I'm Olivia Wilde or Harley Quinn...
The Vision #3
I need an adult, hot cocoa, a bedtime story, and a nightlight.

Bk... Whyyyyy

Why don't I like Carol? Because she's basically a female Hal Jordan, and I don't like Hal. Though, Hal's kind of a piece of shit. Carol isn't. So Carol is actually more boring...
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