Finished my reread of Whedon's Astonishing X-Men. Still great. Still get the feels when Kitty finds Colossus. That page and the page after are really well done.
The end of this run is when I stopped reading X-men as a teenager so where do I go from here? I understand there's a whole series of mini events to do with the X-men and they end up in San Francisco? I've read House of M years ago but I have very little modern X-men knowledge beyond that and not sure what the order is. When does Scott become such a dick?
This is very difficult to answer cuz there isn't really a recommend run I can point to IMMEDIATELY after New X-Men and Astonishing X-Men. So you read House of M, so you know about almost all the mutants going away. The X-Men plot thread after that follows up with
Messiah Complex, which was a crossover event where the first mutant born after House of M showed up. Its actually pretty good, far as crossover goes. At the end, the X-Men disbanded, so the X-books just kinda screwed around aimlessly for half a year. Then "Manifest Destiny" happen, which wasn't really an event so much as it was a status quo. You can read about it
here and how it affected the various X-books. Personally, I can't recommend any of the X-books from 2008.
2009 is more of the same, the X-Men in San Francisco, you can mostly follow it from Uncanny X-Men #500 onward, although again I can't really recommend any comic with Greg Land drawing major parts of it. 2010 X-books...trying to remember what was good. Jason Aaron's
Wolverine: Weapon X? Kieron Gillen/Steven Sander's
S.W.O.R.D. mini series? That's about it.
2011 is where things get interesting, I think. Schism, a five-issue event from Jason Aaron and various artists happen. This leads to a clash(a SCHISM IF YOU WILL) of ideologies, between Cyclops and Wolverine. The people who side with Cyclops stay in San Franchisco on his extinction team, while the people who side with Wolverine go back to Westchester. Both these runs I actually can recommend.
Kieron Gillen writes Uncanny X-Men with Cyclops' squad. Some of the art is sketchy(Greg Land draws a few issues), but its generally solid and two of all-time best X-Men issues are here. Jason Aaron meanwhile writes
Wolverine and the X-Men with generally very strong artwork. This one's less serious, with a lot of focus on the kids at Xavier just as much as its about Wolverine and his X-Men teachers.
There were some other good books around this time, too.
Generation Hope was written by Gillen and had some decent art, it was about Hope(the first mutant born after Messiah Complex) leading the Five Lights(you know how Cerebro could see mutant lights in the X-Men movie? Well these were five more that showed up post-Messiah Complex). The BEST X-Men book post-Whedon/Cassaday Astonishing X-Men was Rick Remender Uncanny X-Force, at least the first 19 issues of it included
here. Small team, smart characterization, great art, compelling stories that deal with moral quandaries in operating a mutant death squad. The
second part isn't as good, but probably still need to read so you get the full effect of Uncanny Avengers, which is basically the sequel to Uncanny X-Force. The first four issues aint shit, but
volumes 2 through 4 are stupid compelling.
After all that, IDK I kinda lost interest. Jason Aaron, Kiergon Gillen, and Rick Remender all left the X-Men and Bendis kinda took over. Some people like it, you can follow that
Uncanny X-Men and
All-New X-Men.