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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


Trump is on Fallon tonight, it just feels so American.

I also read Doctor Strange #2, it was okay, comics are kinda boring me again after a surge of greatness, i need to get back to Zero and stop reading these bland Marvel things.

I didn't think Dr Strange was bland at all :/. I thought they really nailed it.


I didn't think Dr Strange was bland at all :/. I thought they really nailed it.

Aaron spent too much time hamming up what turned out to be a mansion tour issue and then throwing in a "remember what happened at the end of the last issue?" two pages.


Tippytoe bites it.



I just cant understand why everyone goes apeshit again, I mean, even the stupid shit like the Planet X X-Men thing turned out to be a fake and that was a more or less important popculture website.
I just cant understand why everyone goes apeshit again, I mean, even the stupid shit like the Planet X X-Men thing turned out to be a fake and that was a more or less important popculture website.

It hasn't turned out to be fake, though. The current arc throughout the X-books (and even New Avengers) has been that the T-Mist is killing and sterilizing mutants. Meaning that they might very well leave. There's no reason to believe they won't, and I absolutely hate the idea, because it robs us off potential good stories, but it's not a very far-fetched speculation anymore.


It hasn't turned out to be fake, though. The current arc throughout the X-books (and even New Avengers) has been that the T-Mist is killing and sterilizing mutants. Meaning that they might very well leave. There's no reason to believe they won't, and I absolutely hate the idea, because it robs us off potential good stories, but it's not a very far-fetched speculation anymore.

And that Marvel shifted it from "different planet" to "different dimension" at the last minute is hardly impossible. The bulk of the story was true.


The X-Men arent anymore in the main universe?

Edit: And still, why does anyone go apeshit about some random post by some random gaffer? I mean I have read the script to the new Batman series yesterday. Its pretty fun and its a bold move that they kill of Superman by space herpes and its revealed that Joker is the child of Wonder Woman and an alternate Damien from the Pre-Crisis universe. Loved the part were Mr. J became the new Batman.

Sorry for both the crap quality and that they're stored kind of roughly (currently have them stored in a location where they don't all line up evenly, due to both lack of space and the fact that I'm possibly moving before too much longer so I've gotten kind of lazy with getting things back into order to any real degree. Which is why I also didn't go ahead and take new picks of my current collection, as it's kind of a mess. Like, I have all the Mignolaverse trades now which is neat, but they're also not in proper order and I'm too lazy to fix that if I may be having to box them up for a move anyway).

Edit: Actually pretty excited, btw, since I've only read through the first Rosa set and the Christmas Barks set, and was waiting for this to arrive before diving in!

Cool. My last box set came in yesterday too. Still in two minds as to whether to start buying the single volumes or wait for more box sets to be released.
And that Marvel shifted our from "different planet" to "different dimension" at the last minute is hardly impossible. The bulk of the story was true.
The X-Men arent anymore in the main universe?

Edit: And still, why does anyone go apeshit about some random post by some random gaffer? I mean I have read the script to the new Batman series yesterday. Its pretty fun and its a bold move that they kill of Superman by space herpes and its revealed that Joker is the child of Wonder Woman and an alternate Damien from the Pre-Crisis universe. Loved the part were Mr. J became the new Batman.
They currently have a base called "X-Haven" in the Limbo dimension. Issue #3 of EXM was actually pretty kick-ass because of this. Lead to a couple great "I'm a damn superhero" moments.

It's not people going apeshit over one post. In fact, no one is really going apeshit. Everyone is so eager to believe it because of Bendis' event track record. Or, like myself, are so apathetic to it (to the point of being dismissive) because it: A) has no basis in anything whatsoever, and; B) it's an event no one wanted, so no one cares anyways.


It hasn't turned out to be fake, though. The current arc throughout the X-books (and even New Avengers) has been that the T-Mist is killing and sterilizing mutants. Meaning that they might very well leave. There's no reason to believe they won't, and I absolutely hate the idea, because it robs us off potential good stories, but it's not a very far-fetched speculation anymore.

Given that Extraordinary made fun of the space thing I don't see it happening.


I've been reading Uncanny Avengers and I quite like it.

So with that in mind, let's hear your unconventional fantasy Avengers teams.

I'll go with -


Reed Richards. Cyclops. Emma Frost. Iron Man (Tony). Sersi. Doctor Nemesis. Valeria Richards. Moondragon. Death's Head.

I would read the everloving crap out of that book, even if I did come up with it myself and I'm totally biased. I think it's a team that could hold it's own in most fights, but isn't ludicrously overpowered. It's a braintrust of smarts and influence in the Marvel universe who could come together to change the world, but not in a way that's been done. It feels like an Avengers team, even though it's pretty different.
11-24) X-O Manowar #2-14: Went a bit overboard with the Valiant books... PAFF PAFF PAFF. Lots of action so it's a nice quick read with some decent artwork. Liked the introduction of Ninjak who is a badass. It's just a shame he's called Ninjak. Enjoyed the interplay between him and Aric in that second arc. Aric's boneheadedness is frustrating but then he'll come out with something cool to make up for it. More of the same from the first issue really. Solid.

25-33) Harbinger #1-9: Probably my favourite of the Valiant bunch so far although things in that first issue do make for uncomfortable reading. I don't know if it says more about me, that I fixated on that and barely batted an eye at all the violence on the page, or what. I suppose with the nature of the powers involved there's gonna be that creepy overtone to it. Wasn't too keen on the artwork in parts though.

34-36) Invisibles vol 1. #2-4: wtfamireading.jpg

Early days yet but so far so good. Burning through the Valiant stuff I have has been a big boost. I'll need to start shifting to some more current stuff eventually.

I love Ninjak, and he is a badass, but he fucks up due to arrogance and it's usually kind of hilarious. You'll enjoy his solo series. On XO, its always been consistently good, and it improves as it goes. Some of the later arcs are masterfully told. I've shed tears several times through the series. Aric also grows considerably as a character over time.

Harbinger is my favorite. It's just so thematically perfect. You'll love it.

Valiant gettin dat love~!!

XO stays pretty consistent throughout the whole thing, Aric gets a lot smarter as the series goes on, but it's pretty much a constant good guy vs bad guys type of story.

Harbinger is always good! The continuation series, Imperium, is prolly one of the best books out now that nobody in here reads :( shyt gets crayzay in that book!

I read Imperium. It's batshit crazy and I love it.

I see Harper and Steph being sisters like howthe Robins are brothers.

Valiant mini mates coming this spring.

That's the third set of minimates. There are two sets for XO and Bloodshot, one with battle-damaged clothing. They are very neat and I will buy these, as well.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
wait X-Men are hanging out in Limbo? I mean I guess Illyana is technically STILL queen of limbo I guess, that makes sense.

Do they actually show / acknowledge that, you know, theres alot of demons in there? :p
That's awesome news. Why the hell didn't they have HCs to begin with? It's not like Star Wars wasn't going to perform well or anything.

They can release five issue trades faster and people have been snapping them up. They've sold really well.

The hardcovers contain more issues so they take a bit longer to release them.


wait X-Men are hanging out in Limbo? I mean I guess Illyana is technically STILL queen of limbo I guess, that makes sense.

Do they actually show / acknowledge that, you know, theres alot of demons in there? :p

Yes they gave been fighting off demons since Magik got taken out.


I want it now, though.

What happened to Magik?

Here you go, Xtraordinary X-Men spoilers

The action then turns to Colossus and Magick who are on the hunt for Nightcrawler. Just when they think they’ve found him, it turns out they’re only partially correct – they’ve found his severed tail. After tracking the rest of him to the sewer, they encounter his kidnappers from the previous issue. After an altercation, it’s revealed that these are the new Marauders, under the orders of Mr. Sinister, who confesses that he’s excited to get his hands on the Rasputin bloodline before subduing Colossus and Magick.

The abduction of Magick is even more a problem when it's revealed that the X-Haven that Storm is sheltering mutants at is inside Limbo. Magick apparently helps keep out the unsavory elements of Limbo, and with her gone so are the new X-Men base's defenses.

Mr Sinister is kidnapping mutants to try and create a mutant inhuman hybrid so he kidnaps Magik. When she gets knocked out her mental barriers holding up the walls in limbo fall.
11-24) X-O Manowar #2-14: Went a bit overboard with the Valiant books... PAFF PAFF PAFF. Lots of action so it's a nice quick read with some decent artwork. Liked the introduction of Ninjak who is a badass. It's just a shame he's called Ninjak. Enjoyed the interplay between him and Aric in that second arc. Aric's boneheadedness is frustrating but then he'll come out with something cool to make up for it. More of the same from the first issue really. Solid.

Aric becomes increasingly less clueless with time. I'd say it remains a solid book for the most part with a few ups and downs with arcs.

25-33) Harbinger #1-9: Probably my favourite of the Valiant bunch so far although things in that first issue do make for uncomfortable reading. I don't know if it says more about me, that I fixated on that and barely batted an eye at all the violence on the page, or what. I suppose with the nature of the powers involved there's gonna be that creepy overtone to it. Wasn't too keen on the artwork in parts though.

The early artwork is pretty rough, yeah. But it certainly improves as the series goes on. And yes, I'd say it's one of the Valiant series I enjoyed the most.

34-36) Invisibles vol 1. #2-4: wtfamireading.jpg

Welcome to probably the most Morrison of Morrison books.

Early days yet but so far so good. Burning through the Valiant stuff I have has been a big boost. I'll need to start shifting to some more current stuff eventually.

Well, that tends to happen pretty naturally given that they don't put out 60 books a month. You'll get there sooner or later if you keep at it.

Harbinger is always good! The continuation series, Imperium, is prolly one of the best books out now that nobody in here reads :( shyt gets crayzay in that book!

Hey, I may not talk about it but I certainly read it. Granted, I pull every Valiant book.
700-800 was (and still is) the hardest stretch in the Marvel Chronological Reading Order for me, if only because I was sort of distracted by The Walking Dead. Yet, it was more than that - there was too much Thor and X-Men for my liking. I'm at a point now where I'm starting to look forward to certain comic lines, and certain writer's work. I strangely look forward to Stan Lee's Spiderman and Roy Thomas' Avengers, however everything else written by them I'm not too keen on... well maybe Stan Lee's Fantastic Four. I'm also starting to really like John Romita Sr's Spiderman art, some of the facial expression he captures are really effective (even if a little primitive compared to today). Dare I say I even like Romita's work more than Steve Ditko's?!
I think the reason I'm liking Romita's work more is probably to do with the improvements in printing and inking more than anything else, which isn't really fair on Ditko.

To give you an idea of why I didn't really enjoy the 700-800 stretch as much as previous stretches, it opens up with 11 Thor issues (most of which are flashbacks) and then hits you hard with 3 X-Men issues before going straight back into another 17 issues of Thor. After which you're 'treated' to shitty Daredevil... so basically it starts off pretty poorly.
Don't get me wrong here, there are times when I enjoy Thor but he's nowhere near entertaining enough to read through nearly 30 issues in a row.
I should probably like how he's all pompous and arrogant - you know since he is a god and Son of Odin and blah blah blah - but I'm bored of it. What makes it worse is that they've shown how much a god can be fun when they introduced Hercules (who I really like). Yet, I guess it's nice to have different characters.

Anyway, let's have a look at what's happened in Marvel (from what I can remember) in the 800 issues I've read so far...


I am glad they've moved away from his human persona of Dr. Blake and they tied up his on/off relationship with Jane Foster. The main issue I had with the whole Blake thing was that it seemed pointless, and they flaunted the 60 second rule on the hammer far too much for it to ever feel like a threat.
I've enjoyed the stories more when Thor has been away from Earth, which seem too few and far between. So I really enjoyed his battles against Mangog and Ulik, compared to his horrible stories against Absorbing Man and co. It's just a shame that they spend a lot of time and issues telling the backstory of Asgard, as I don't feel I need to know that stuff.
It was a treat to see Loki involved more, even more so when he brainwashed the Hulk to attack Asgard. It felt huge and special, even if it wasn't really billed as much especially when The Hulk went toe-to-toe with the vast majority of Asgard and more or less came away on top. Yes, I'm quickly becoming a big Hulk fan...
However, it wasn't just because Hulk was involved, it was interesting to see Loki's scheming nature coming to play throughout this run in the order. Loki has attempted several plans to gain favour with Odin and cast Thor into bad light - some of which almost worked! Yet, this brings me onto something else within the Thor books... Odin is a bit of an arsehole. The almightly Odin is as dumb as a broomstick, he's constantly being tricked by someone only to go 'Oh I knew all along it was you. HA!' when it's revealed to him. Also he's a really bad Dad, constantly trying to teach his Son a lesson by putting him into mortal danger. I feel like Odin has stripped Thor of his powers at least twice by this point - just to prove a point. Once after Loki framed him for a crime, and then again after Thor was all "BUT I LOVE JANE, DAD!"

All together Thor isn't terrible when he's not being all high and mighty across Earth, or is in a random supporting role in other comics. He so bettered suited in cosmic events or against fellow Gods.


I have no idea how Stan Lee can go from writing Spider-man to writing this crap. The issues and people Daredevil fights aren't even B-Tier. They'd make the classic Doctor Who monsters feel ashamed to hang out with them. We're 40+ issues into Daredevil at this point, and out of those 40 I think I've enjoyed five. I did enjoy Dr. Doom swapping bodies with Daredevil to gain revenge on the Fantastic Four, but that's about it.

The Hulk

Poor Hulk, he just wants peace and quiet. He's probably the most human of all the heroes right now, as his motives and desires are the clearest. Sadly, he's easily fooled and tricked by people, which has seen him brainwashed or tricked into attacking other people several times in this 100 issue run in the order. First Hulk attacks General Ross after being tricked by The Living Lightning, no sooner does The Hulk realise Lightning is actually the enemy, he's being controlled by The Puppet Master and attacking Namor... and then Loki decides to summon and brainwash the Hulk to attack Asgard.
I loved this. I hope Thor: Ragnorak has something like this, as it was great to see the Hulk just go all out rampage. Seeing The Hulk battle Asgardians was amazing, he just ran riot through the lot of them. However, the noble fighting of Thor's friends was enough to help the Hulk realise that something isn't right... so he runs away... and falls down a chasm (straight into Hulk #1).


He's floundering.
He went from being one of the most noble and interesting Characters early on in Marvel's reading order to just being this direction-less mess. He switches back and forth between declaring war on the land above to trying to save them, I have no idea where he currently stands. Also his silly love triangle thing - why Stan Lee feels the need to shoe horn a love triangle into every character's story I have no idea (also timed weaknesses).
At this point in the order I don't care at all for Namor.


I'm loving the Avengers. Roy Thomas' work on the Avengers is some of my favourite stuff, which is odd as Roy Thomas' work on X-Men is terrible and I utterly hate it. The level of continuity on the Avengers is amazing, not just within the Avengers line but the way it leads off and draws in from other storylines in other comics too. Avengers feels like the real backbone to the entire Marvel universe right now.
This part of the order has mainly focused on Quicksilver and Wanda's conflict of feeling like they belong. They've lost a lot of faith in homo-sapiens and don't feel like the rest of the Avengers understand, and at times that even the Avengers don't trust their mutant partners.
This is built up for several issues before Magnetos eventual return and reformation of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. He quickly convinces (by manipulating a bullet to graze Wanda's skull during a stand off with some homo-sapiens) Wanda and Quicksilver to join him. It's these little teases and insights of the conflict I know is coming that gets me excited.
Captain America retired as Captain America for a few issues, and chilled as a regular Joe for a while as he pinned over Agent 13. However, he's quickly back in uniform after Black Panther sends him an urgent message for help. Cap discovers that Zemo has returned and is attacking Wakanda. It was nice to read these few issues, as Black Panther tested the might of Captain America to see if he was worthy of helping him save Wakanda. I mean sure this reads a bit strange, but it totally made sense within the issue.

Iron Man has been on the backburner for a bit, which is a shame as I really enjoy Howard Hughes Tony Stark era. Iron Man's several issue long battle with the newly improved Titanium Man was pretty fun to read too. Yet, you can tell there's a change of writer at some point as Iron Man swiftly goes from battling Titanium Man and Half Face to facing off against the Maggia on a submarine. And then A.I.M. and then suddenly Iron Man #1!


The majority of these X-Men stories I can't even remember, they're so bad. Roy Thomas' work on the Avengers just doesn't seem to carry over into the X-Men at all. There's far too many Monster of the Weeks, or long drawn out story lines that carry no interest (even if they should). However, something happened towards the end... two great issues of X-Men that concluded with a crossover with the Avengers!
Roy Thomas - you did it! Kinda. X-Men was left in the hands of other writers, but Roy Thomas had left behind a plot to follow... and it worked. Really worked.

This all goes back to how The Avengers bleeds in and out of other comic lines, and it works really well with the Magneto storyline. The X-Men discover Magneto has returned, and seek to stop his evil plans. Quicksilver and Wanda are starting to question Magneto's true intentions, and even Magneto's abused lackey Toad has grown to dislike his Master. The X-Men captured after a failed attack on Magneto are locked away, with their powers nullified, however Angel manages to escape and alert the Avengers to come and help.
Marvel being Marvel the Avengers assume Angel is an enemy Mutant sent to trick them by Magneto so we end up with our first

Avengers v X-Men crossover.


However I am still waiting for this...



Okay, so I hit the arc with him in Busiek/Perez Avengers, and... is there a villain more bland/flat than Count Nefaria? He just feels so... generic. Like, I guess to some degree you can say the name is just a relic and if he had managed to be more iconic it would be something like Doctor Doom, where it honestly is kind of generic, but it works. But instead, he just feels to me like "oh, we need an evil guy, just throw Count Nefaria in there."

Like, in my mind, his the most interesting thing about his character is that he fathered Madame Masque, who's far better as a character. His biggest "feat" to me is probably that poor Thunderbird had to be an idiot and do that attack on him while escaping, thus ruining the X-man's chance at becoming an iconic and well-remembered character, instead leaving him as a foot-note.

tldr: Man Count Nefaria is lame. Especially when you put him in that goofy outfit with the cape and the "N" belt.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Have the night off! Gonna read lots of The Walking Dead comics! In the last one I read
Maggie got poisoned and Carl lost his V card.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
has no tail now? I dont think you can reattach tails, thats not how it works Marvel!


Next to the Star Wars OHC, we getting OHCs for the Prequel Adaptions, so we will have the whole saga oversized. Starting to release with Phantom Menace in August and Attack of the Clones in November.
Most likely they come with Digital Codes, like the OT Comics.

People still want to talk about it, because it is happening. People like to speculate. Means they can think.
Sorry, havent sleept tonight and was a asshole earlier today. I am always shit when I am so tired.
They are rescuing him also.

I am enjoying the book so far.

Me, too! I especially enjoyed #4.
It was neat to see that little mutant girl who bossed the demons around get in the fray like that. And the chick with the black-hole face and how Jean put her brain to sleep, that whole sequence was rad.
And off course the big reveal.. I'm feeling good about this series. I wanted to read a current X-Men title and I think this one was a good choice. No way I'm reading a Land book. I do hope I'm not missing much not reading, All-New, though. Oh, I read Wolverine, too, so I guess I read two X-books.

700-800 was (and still is) the hardest stretch in the Marvel Chronological Reading Order for me...

Enjoyed you latest update, Mr. Luchador!


Read Lazarus v1 last night, never had before. Bought it during the Image sale.

Really wish I'd bought the other volumes now.


Top 25 sales for December:

1 Secret Wars 8 $3.99 Marvel 169,667
2 Dark Knight III Master Race 2 $5.99 DC 158,188
3 Star Wars 13 $3.99 Marvel 139,918
4 Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 $3.99 DC 134,526
5 Batman 47 $3.99 DC 127,201
6 Guardians of Infinity 1 $4.99 Marvel 121,407
7 Darth Vader 14 $3.99 Marvel 97,457
8 Harley's Little Black Book 1 $4.99 DC 92,266
9 Star Wars Annual 1 $4.99 Marvel 89,635
10 Darth Vader Annual 1 $4.99 Marvel 86,478
11 Justice League 47 $3.99 DC 84,970
12 Daredevil 1 $3.99 Marvel 84,500
13 Amazing Spider-Man 4 $3.99 Marvel 82,066
14 All New X-Men 1 $3.99 Marvel 81,342
15 Deadpool 1 $4.99 Marvel 81,240
16 Gwenpool Special 1 $5.99 Marvel 80,768
17 Amazing Spider-Man 5 $3.99 Marvel 79,122
18 Justice League 46 $3.99 DC 75,660
19 Totally Awesome Hulk 1 $4.99 Marvel 74,471
20 Deadpool 3 $3.99 Marvel 72,357
21 Mighty Thor 2 $3.99 Marvel 70,331
22 Harley Quinn 23 $3.99 DC 69,168
23 All New All Different Avengers 2 $3.99 Marvel 67,154
24 Amazing Spider-Man 1.1 $3.99 Marvel 66,092
25 Spidey 1 $3.99 Marvel 65,503

God damn at those Secret Wars and Dark Knight numbers. Star wars too. Also nothing stops the Harley Queen money train!

Gwenpool sold 80k. Awesome and fun book.

There was a new Guardians book this month? Guardians of Infinity??
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