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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


The one thing I dislike about Secret Wars that I expect every Issue to habe amazing shit to happen but every issue felt anticlimatic.
But its a Hickmann book so its my fault to expect something like this.
Nothing will be topped by the Galactus/Celestial Issues in FF (before the book took a nosedive)
The one thing I dislike about Secret Wars that I expect every Issue to habe amazing shit to happen but every issue felt anticlimatic.
But its a Hickmann book so its my fault to expect something like this.
Nothing will be topped by the Galactus/Celestial Issues in FF (before the book took a nosedive)

Even #1? I definitely couldn't call that anticlimactic. Everything went down in that issue.
#4 comes to mind as well. The end was awesome.

I'm planning on reading #9 after we've beaten Arsenal.


Even #1? I definitely couldn't call that anticlimactic. Everything went down in that issue.
#4 comes to mind as well. The end was awesome.

I'm planning on reading #9 after we've beaten Arsenal.
My problem was that I didnt read Avengers and New Avengers, so I didnt really knew the big context.


My problem was that I didnt read Avengers and New Avengers, so I didnt really knew the big context.
Read New Avengers, Avengers and Secret Wars; everything will click.

I liked the ending to Secret Wars btw, totally my favourite Marvel event. About time with all those terrible events for the past few years. Okay that's not fair, Infinity was cool too.

Walking Dead #150 was pretty good too.

Rick being awesome. Negan being proud. And oh boy, Carl getting some again.
Even #1? I definitely couldn't call that anticlimactic. Everything went down in that issue.
#4 comes to mind as well. The end was awesome.

I'm planning on reading #9 after we've beaten Arsenal.

*brings out my enemies list*

The delays hurt SW, imo. No question.

It's a really good event but I don't know if it'd be like one of the best of all time events given Marvel's event history for a while (Infinity and AXIS the goat notwithstanding). It reads much better in one go rather than over the course of almost a year, because (imo) you could guess what was going to happen from #1, which was both and blessing and a curse.

Edit: That said I actually really liked the event, the ending in particular, even if the reading experience was...awful for an event. A few issues felt like it was a bigger issue cut in two (which we know happened a few times) and thus felt less like "ooooohhhhh, can't wait for next issue" and more like "Where's the rest?". Marvel's events will miss Hickman, for sure.


Oh you know, just my monthly post about how awesome Catwoman is. I don't really recall reading anything by Frank Tieri, but I'm most definitely enjoying what I'm reading. I loved Valentines run, and it was the perfect break for Selina, but it is nice to have her back to her thieving ways.

Also, I got a bunch of fun stuff in this week, one of them being this Life Sized bust based off the art of Alex Ross :D




Hamilton Book seems to be having a rather large sale.


Been holding off on the One Million Omnibus but couldn't resist at $30. Also ordered The Losers and Newsboy legion to fill some holes in the Kirby collection.

Other deals include

New 52 Zero and Villains omnibuses at $50 each.
Absolute Sinestro War Corps at $30.
Green Lantern Omnibuses (Broome) - $20 + $25.
Hawkman Omnibus (Johns) - $25.
Absolute Superman For Tomorrow - $20
And lots of DC archives at high discount.
Is Superman For Tomorrow good/worth it?


Image humble bundles are always a collection of things i own. Don't have stray bullets, kaptara, wayward, and a couple other smaller known books. This is great for people who want to read Sunstone but don't want to admit they bought Sunstone. I got this huge image bundle with tons of other books in it that aren't Sunstone! *immediately reads Sunstone*


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Anyone read Uncanny Avengers #4 yet? Need to know something


Why does he wear the mask!?
Apparently the resurrection that Marvel is hyping has leaked from Instagram.

Ultron and Pym

When did the former even die?
Oh you know, just my monthly post about how awesome Catwoman is. I don't really recall reading anything by Frank Tieri, but I'm most definitely enjoying what I'm reading. I loved Valentines run, and it was the perfect break for Selina, but it is nice to have her back to her thieving ways.

Also, I got a bunch of fun stuff in this week, one of them being this Life Sized bust based off the art of Alex Ross :D

do you have a video of your entire set up? You gotta have an entire room packed wall to wall


My problem was that I didnt read Avengers and New Avengers, so I didnt really knew the big context.

No surprise there. SW #1 was the true ending to his NA/A saga and in much the same way SW #9 is the finale to the Fantastic Four story he started so many years ago.

The amusing thing to me is that for all the criticism Hickman gets for supposedly not doing character moments in his work, this finale is almost nothing but, yet people say it's boring.

For me though it was extremely satisfying.


"Far as ad men go, you're no Don Draper. You're not even Pete. You're Harry." is the put down to beat in 2016 and it's so good I'm not telling you in which book it is.


Hamilton Book seems to be having a rather large sale.


Been holding off on the One Million Omnibus but couldn't resist at $30. Also ordered The Losers and Newsboy legion to fill some holes in the Kirby collection.

Other deals include

New 52 Zero and Villains omnibuses at $50 each.
Absolute Sinestro War Corps at $30.
Green Lantern Omnibuses (Broome) - $20 + $25.
Hawkman Omnibus (Johns) - $25.
Absolute Superman For Tomorrow - $20
And lots of DC archives at high discount.
Okay, thanks for this. Looked it over and went with DC One Million and Afterlife with Archie volume 1, personally.
Thinking about what to read next after Animal Man.Deciding between Hellboy LE 2 and The Eternaut and Love & Rockets: Girl from H.O.P.P.E.R.S.

Or I should read Akira.

Is Superman For Tomorrow good/worth it?

I haven't read it yet. Have it on hold at my library though, will get to it sometime.
Is Superman For Tomorrow good/worth it?

It's ok. Good/great Jim Lee art but the story kind of goes off the rails and loses the point it was (maybe) trying to make, and Azzarello's hard edged take on Superman's character makes him seem too abrasive in a scenario where we're supposed to sympathize with him.
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