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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.

So, Convergence already contradicts not only itself but Earth 2: World's End as well:

1) What happens to Grayson's kid at the end of World's End is not what's shown in Convergence.

2) A specific version of Batman that Earth 2 Batman meets up with is drawn with two different designs.

3) I'm pretty sure Alan Scott wouldn't need the Green for his powers to work, since he absorbed all the Parliament. Though I'd imagine his power set would change...

4) Val is considerably more willing to directly fight. So that's a little upsetting (I preferred pacifist Val)

5) Yolanda is da bess

Oh this event is iffy.


I started Multiversity. I estimate I'm a little over halfway into the first issue. WHAT ON MULTIPLE EARTHS IS THIS. It's absolutely insane.


^ I've only read Pax Americana, which messed with my brain pretty badly haha. I enjoyed it but definitely warrants a reread. You liking the rest of Multiversity?
Convergence is continuing to not be great. Feels very rushed, like whole chunks of plot are being skipped so it's only the barest of bones.

It was going at a decent pace before, but when they get to
Skartaris it all goes to shit. Like, what is this Telos origin crap? Jay Garrick is the source of Convergence?



I need more Obi-Wan in my life.


I want a penny everytime someone says "Dont get cookey" or "I have a bad feeling about this".

At this points its annoying that its said all the time in a Star Wars thing
Don't really see what you are saying. Looks more like he just didnt like the book rather than take shots at Landis.

This reminds me. Tommy Lee Edwards blocked Serpentine and me on twitter because of uh... reasons? He was super defensive about shit.
lmao, and i've never even read the books! and you were super civil too

some people can't hang even when no one addresses them
Landis has a bit of a habit of trying to interject himself into any criticism of his work even when its not wanted. From what I gather, he can come off as an entitled brat. From what Tommy Lee Edwards said from the last issue, they set up some auto search engine to populate results of when people are talking about it but not tagging it

If I remember right there was that one time Lexi Alexander criticized something about him or his work or something. He tried get at her in some way in some way or another and she wasnt having it. So she blocked him and he made a youtube video response and asked people to send it to her, so even if she wasn't interested in hearing him out, he was trying really hard to make sure she heard it anyway because he thought he was entitled to be heard out.
christ, what a dumbshit

All I can say about this is...fuck. What started out as "Earth 2 saves the multiverse" went to complete shit. Still was "Earth 2 saves the multiverse," but boy was it just done in the clunkiest way possible.

I can only assume I'd appreciate this if I had read previous Crisis events. Possibly Multiversity, since the book progressively gets more and more into the DCU metaphysics. Which would be fine, but it feels like that, if the reader doesn't really understand the multiversal stuff, then this story makes mo sense.

Oh well, at least the art and action were good.


Fallout from Secret Wars #9?

So no Fantastic Four ongoing? First time since 1962?

Link to CBR interview.

Yeah. It was always my understanding that that book was really ending. Part of it, as the article said, may be due to movie rights. Part may be to give the story more impact. It sets them up in a really interesting status quo.

What if the real reason Ben joined the Guardians is that he is looking for Reed and Sue?

I also really liked the point that Hickman makes in that article that there is no more 616. 'Our Marvel universe' is basically 001 and from now on any references to 616 will only refer to the pre secret wars Mu.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Landis has a bit of a habit of trying to interject himself into any criticism of his work even when its not wanted. From what I gather, he can come off as an entitled brat. From what Tommy Lee Edwards said from the last issue, they set up some auto search engine to populate results of when people are talking about it but not tagging it
Oh, he's a total entitled brat. He's known to many around LA for treating a certain movie theater as his personal living room and being a loud tool. I have a friend who kind of alluded to that on a Facebook posting by that theater for some event, like "I hope you-know-who isn't there and making it impossible to enjoy the show", and Landis went and sent him some whiny private message. He's very much a mix between of the stereotypical bad millennial qualities and c-list Hollywood royalty. All the narcissism and entitlement that those two involve.
So, Convergence already contradicts not only itself but Earth 2: World's End as well:

1) What happens to Grayson's kid at the end of World's End is not what's shown in Convergence.

2) A specific version of Batman that Earth 2 Batman meets up with is drawn with two different designs.

3) I'm pretty sure Alan Scott wouldn't need the Green for his powers to work, since he absorbed all the Parliament. Though I'd imagine his power set would change...

4) Val is considerably more willing to directly fight. So that's a little upsetting (I preferred pacifist Val)

5) Yolanda is da bess

Oh this event is iffy.

1) Yeah that stuff wasn't handled very well.

3) Alan Scott still needs a connection to the world for his powers no matter what, even after absorbing the other avatar's powers. It just seemed to act like a force multiplier.

4) Pacifists are hard to write in the superhero genre. Also, I just take it as growing to realize that not all fights are bad. Some are OK and even justified. He still has reluctance to really harm.

5) Too bad they haven't really done anything with her.

That said I think you're going to enjoy Earth 2: Society.
Maybe what Landis is doing for the character is the right direction instead of the boring Doomed story line, the dude-bro story line, the powerless Superman because he can explode himself. They all have become boring.
I don't find Superman appealing or interesting in the slightest.

He's just too Super... although I did enjoy the Man of Steel movie. I think I'll probably have to queue up a Superman Chronological Reading Order whenever DC gets their act together and put out a DC Unlimited or whatever.


Pizza Dog
I don't find Superman appealing or interesting in the slightest.

I like the odd Superman story, All-Star, Red Son, etc, but I have a hard time getting interested in Superman ongoings. I think it needs a stylistic or thematic change for me to take interest.

Also, as someone who has been lurking too long, I'll say hello again. How about that Secret Wars eh? Also Patsy Walker was great. I'm also loving having Bacchalo on Doctor Strange, I love his art and I've never read Doctor Strange before so this run has been great for me so far.


Cassidy is awesome though. Plus you shouldn't take them too seriously.

Yeah, Cassidy is the best of the bunch. I like the story as a whole, and some of these arcs are damn compelling, but there's a lot of scenes where the characters run into caricatures of people Garth Ennis doesn't like, and then said caricatures get the shit kicked out of them.
I was just about to say this looks like Rai,, sick as art.
I really liked Rai (art mainly), i was getting it for the first 4-5 issues.

I will keep this on the radar thanks

Rai, for me, always had some really strong ideas, but the execution was just decent to good. I'd recommend going through it though, as the last issue had a HUGE payoff, and this event is looking to be pretty momentous for the future side of the universe.
I like Superman as part of the Justice League, not so much on his own. He doesn't have a great roster of villains to play off like say, a Batman or a Spider-Man. I prefer seeing how he interacts with other heroes.

I don't know enough about Max Landis to comment on that stuff. I have read his Superman/Joker story and that was okay.
Rai, for me, always had some really strong ideas, but the execution was just decent to good. I'd recommend going through it though, as the last issue had a HUGE payoff, and this event is looking to be pretty momentous for the future side of the universe.

Cool thanks. I will at least look out for the second trade at some point.
Really cool concepts and ideas

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
now that SW is finally done, i can dive into ANAD

Vision #1 was super dope, but i'm unclear as to the story that led to it

what do i read to see Grim Reaper's motivations and the 'brain from whom Virgina's brainwaves originated'? or is that stuff explained in Vision 2+

now that SW is finally done, i can dive into ANAD

Vision #1 was super dope, but i'm unclear as to the story that led to it

what do i read to see Grim Reaper's motivations and the 'brain from whom Virgina's brainwaves originated'? or is that stuff explained in Vision 2+


It hasn't been explained yet as of #3, to my knowledge. I believe it will be as the story goes on.
He's awesome, cool humble guy too
I missed this gif. Thanks for bringing it back.

I had no idea there was so much behind the book drama in the comic industry, I just thought they'd be all good mellow people. I guessed wrong.

If you're interested in some of shadier aspects of comics, you can check out

Bob Kane vs Bill Finger where Kane fucked Finger out of credit for creating Batman

Alan Moore's beef with DC over the rights to Watchmen and the Marvelman/Miracleman name change with Marvel

Brian Wood sex couchin

Marvel screwing Jack Kirby out of hundreds of his original pages.

The Dark Horse Editor in Chief sex assault scandal

That and many more!

There are always some muddy corners in any industry. Comics isn't any different. In fact, I'd say the only difference is comics is small enough to be able to change.

lmao, and i've never even read the books! and you were super civil too

some people can't hang even when no one addresses them

christ, what a dumbshit
yeah that was just super odd. The weird thing was that he responding to a couple of my questions and then right after that he blocked me. So what I got was a notification letting me know he responded and then a page that said sorry you cant see these tweet replies, he blocked you!

Oh, he's a total entitled brat. He's known to many around LA for treating a certain movie theater as his personal living room and being a loud tool. I have a friend who kind of alluded to that on a Facebook posting by that theater for some event, like "I hope you-know-who isn't there and making it impossible to enjoy the show", and Landis went and sent him some whiny private message. He's very much a mix between of the stereotypical bad millennial qualities and c-list Hollywood royalty. All the narcissism and entitlement that those two involve.
That reminds me of an interview he did. It looks like it got taken down because I cant find it on the site but this jezebel page has some quotes.

My favorite
Max Landis said:
I can’t date chicks who haven’t figured out their orgasms. I’ve met a lot of chicks who don’t or can’t cum during sex but still go on and on about how much they love sex and it throws me a little because I’m like, do you though?

This is the guy that started the whole Rey is a Mary Sue thing right? ayy


All this superman hate is hurting my heart, he's hand down my favorite Superhero (well I flio flop between him and Spider-man).


Just to get confirmation, all the Multiversity issues between Multiversity #1 and Multiversity #9 are one-shot stories and don't necessarily relate much to the main story, correct? I'm about to start the second issue (Society of Super-Heroes) and I want to go in with the right mind frame.


Just to get confirmation, all the Multiversity issues between Multiversity #1 and Multiversity #9 are one-shot stories and don't necessarily relate much to the main story, correct? I'm about to start the second issue (Society of Super-Heroes) and I want to go in with the right mind frame.

It ultimately ties together, but each book is a one shot, yes.

Kirby did a little bit of everything, he also worked in animation for Hanna-Barbera and did a handful of toys designs for Kenner or Mattel. I really can't recommend the Mark Evanier bio on Kirby enough. It's called Kirby: King of Comics, is in a nice oversize format, and is full of reproductions of Kirby's original art.


Landis' personality aside, I am finding Superman: American Alien far better than maybe I would have expected.

These three issues have felt like one of the freshest takes I've read of the character in quite a while. This last one did more to make Superman feel more contemporary than a lot of what DC has done in years. (Though I have enjoyed some of Pak's run, and the beginning of Morrison's).
1) Yeah that stuff wasn't handled very well.

3) Alan Scott still needs a connection to the world for his powers no matter what, even after absorbing the other avatar's powers. It just seemed to act like a force multiplier.

4) Pacifists are hard to write in the superhero genre. Also, I just take it as growing to realize that not all fights are bad. Some are OK and even justified. He still has reluctance to really harm.

5) Too bad they haven't really done anything with her.

That said I think you're going to enjoy Earth 2: Society.
It makes more sense that the other Avatar powers were just a boost and he's still primarily the Green. It still bugs me a little that he couldn't sense the Red, but Yolanda could, since she was no longer an Avatar. I mean, remember when the Red Avatar was called the Red Lantern way way back in Earth 2? When Captain Steel investigated the fire pit in Brazil? Yeah.

And I realize that Val having the realization that sometimes fighting isn't bad should happen, it's just that him going into berserk mode and punching everything and being angry all the time isn't the Val I came to really like.

I'm gonna wait for the first trade of Earth 2 Society and then read it as an ongoing.


Was just thinking of ordering Batman Volume 7 from Amazon and the cover seems to have changed a bit and the title, writer...

Haha, wow. I was like "wait, that's both not what the English version got renamed, plus don't we not have that particular (sub)series in America?" before realizing that's from a Mexican release, to top it off. But yeah, interesting mistake.

Also, read more Avengers, getting to about the last 3rd of Busiek/Perez omnibus 2. USAgent was really weird as a character in the Maximum Security "event" thing. Like, I can't really tell if they were going for him being "oh, he's so cool" or "oh, he's such a lame dick", because they gave him moments fitting the former, but he was really written like the latter. Other than that, that was a pretty nice, condensed little thing compared to the "events" we get nowadays, though it was pretty lame that they pretty much ignored the actual question and idea at hand and were instead all "nope, evil villain behind everything, so we can sweep the rest of all this under the rug". Oh, and bizarre/kind of lame to see Xavier go off and make Skrull X-men "cadre K" or whatever. Like, I thought they were there own thing and was like "hey, that's kind of neat/fun, the idea that this parallel group is running around, maybe inspired by the X-men or whatever" when I first saw them. But then it was all "nope, Xavier is their leader too, and pretty much just copied his old X-team outfits", which felt lame.


Oh yeah, I ordered the second OHC Hawkeye volume a few days ago so I'll be able to join in the reading thing if that's still going to happen.
All this superman hate is hurting my heart, he's hand down my favorite Superhero (well I flio flop between him and Spider-man).

He's probably my number one as well. Anyone who drops the "Superman is boring" stuff clearly hasn't read any good Superman stories or just hates hope and optimism.

It makes more sense that the other Avatar powers were just a boost and he's still primarily the Green. It still bugs me a little that he couldn't sense the Red, but Yolanda could, since she was no longer an Avatar. I mean, remember when the Red Avatar was called the Red Lantern way way back in Earth 2? When Captain Steel investigated the fire pit in Brazil? Yeah.

The Red Lantern stuff in the first Earth 2 run was a casualty of the change in the creative team when James Robinson left.
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