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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.

Edit: And in other news....

Jem & The Holograms writer Kelly Thompson and Prez artist Ben Caldwell taking over on A-Force.


I like it!
The Red Lantern stuff in the first Earth 2 run was a casualty of the change in the creative team when James Robinson left.
That's what I assumed. It seemed kind of asspull-y to use a character already introduced, but didn't make sense to be there. Like, the "Red Lantern" was clearly supposed to be the Red Avatar (probably under a different influence), but then they made the Red Avatar the Beast from the Tower of Fate, which would have worked, but it didn't line up.
ooo Hawkguy book club?

That could be cool. Although I'm still waiting on the 2nd oversized HC to arrive.

Edit: It's just a thread? aww, i thought we were gonna get flown by the Comic-GAF invisible jet to GameProff's island hideaway to discuss comics in a gentlemanly fashion before it goes all And Then There Were None on us.


Is this happening?

I have all the single issues but have thought about getting the omni. The latter would definitely get me to read it again.

I will create a thread tomorrow. Nothing against Zombine, but it take to long when we want to give the people time to order the Books


He's been working on it actively. You should contact him before doing anything.

I'm going to post a thread today, here's the rough draft:

Title: Comics-Gaf Book Reading Comics Book Club for Books: Hawkeye edition

Post: Let's read Hawkeye, you go first.

I'm also going to include a picture.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i suggest we make the title very inclusive and non-referential. Hawkguy is a great intro comic and we should actively try to get more than just the regulars into a bookclub.


Totally off topic, but yay! The Mega Man Board game arrived, so I have finally actually received a product from a kickstarter!

Oh, on topic: Are (all?) the Runaways Complete Collections worth reading?


Totally off topic, but yay! The Mega Man Board game arrived, so I have finally actually received a product from a kickstarter!

Oh, on topic: Are (all?) the Runaways Complete Collections worth reading?

Stick to the BKV ones, i think there are three ( there were three hardcovers). Anything else should be relegated to MU. Runaways is still one of my favorites, great cast and story.


Stick to the BKV ones, i think there are three ( there were three hardcovers). Anything else should be relegated to MU. Runaways is still one of my favorites, great cast and story.
Thanks! I've definitely been interested for a while, so it's good to have a better idea of how to approach it.


I also really liked the point that Hickman makes in that article that there is no more 616. 'Our Marvel universe' is basically 001 and from now on any references to 616 will only refer to the pre secret wars Mu.
Not what Marvel thinks though.
It's still 616.


I am making the thread this weekend. I work for a living.


We can have a shit thread like last time, or I can work on something compelling. Please don't fuck this up and let me do my thing.
I'm only 14 issues into the 800-900 part of the Marvel Reading Order, but I've enjoyed every single story so far. It started with 8 Spider-man stories in a row, all of which were really engaging. Then 3 Daredevil stories which were bad, but I can give them a pass since they FINALLY 'killed off' Mike Murdock. I've also been treated to two #1s with Namor getting a reboot with his own Sub-Mariner line, and Doctor Strange getting his own standalone series continuing from Strange Tales.
Over the last 200 issues Marvel have launched #1s or stand-alone comics for:

Captain America
Iron Man
Captain Marvel
Namor the Sub-Mariner
Doctor Strange

It's been insane to see how quickly Marvel have branched out and almost doubled the amount of full length books they're doing in the last 10 years (I'm currently reading stuff released from ~1968) and perhaps even less.
At this point Roy Thomas seems to be a major playing in Marvel, and has been trusted to write Namor, Avengers, X-Men and now Doctor Strange. Only Stan Lee is writing more. However, like Stan Lee, his writing can range from really engaging (Avengers) to the utter drizzly shits (X-Men) and there's often nothing in between. I'm really enjoying the Thomas/Adkins combo on the newly released Doctor Strange (1968) - REALLY enjoying.

I'll do a more detailed write up once I've read 50 or so issues, but I just had to share the good news how good this stretch has been so far!

However there are some reoccurring 'Marvel Troups' I'm hoping disappear soon.

- Love Triangles
- Time Limit Weaknesses (Thor's Hammer, Captain Marvel out of costume, etc.)
- Robots/Androids/Replicants
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