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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


Dwight goes back to the Lakers after Kobe leaves.

That is Dwights nightmare.

Got so many comics today:

Huck #3
-Still an enjoyable series, but Millar could at least try and expand his vocab. Vulgarity doesn't make me uncomfortable, but it gets tiresome when it dominates the dialogue so much. Especially in what's supposed to be a heartwarming story. That being said, I'm enjoying this book still.

All-New All-Different Avengers #3
Extraordinary X-Men #4
All-New X-Men #3
Captain America: Sam Wilson #4
Illuminati #3
Radioactive Spider-Gwen #4
Silk #3
Secret Wars #9
The Mighty Thor #3
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2
-This definitely feels like a book where Batman and TMNT crossover. Not much more I can say beyond that it's exactly what I expected. Disappointed that
the Turtles got asskicked by Bats so bad. I would have appreciated a stalemate. At least Splinter did.
Also Shredder being a hoss is appreciated.

Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns
The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye Vol. 3
X-Force By Kyle and Yost: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
Young Inhumans (got it in the mail!)
Green Bay, don't you dare be sour!
At first, for some reason, I thought you were talking about the NXT show that happened last night (which was super fun). But then I remembered there's a Packer game, which I don't care about. Living in WI and not caring about the Packers or drinking is rough.

Speaking of, I started watching NXT. So much more entertaining then the main line stuff.
Starlight was legit good. Definitely one of Millar's best. I wasn't as ecstatic about the art as others but it was still very good.
It was damn good. I know it's popular to hate on Millar, but Starlight was great and I'm really enjoying Huck.


I'm really enjoying Huck, just read issue 3 and it's pretty heartwarming. I can't believe this is Mark Millar writing this.

Also the preview for Empress has got me excited, really happy to see Stuart Immonen on a creator owned project.

Ditto with that Empress interest. I started reading it and was like meh, and then got to the end and went oh. Nice Immonen art too.

#3 felt totally Millar to me thanks to the entire part about
the politicians going LOL RETARD
but that's all right. I mean, #3 was more cynical than 1 & 2, but it can't all be rainbows and heartwarming. Sorta still agree with your comment though, BKatastrophe. But that cliffhanger...

To clarify a little better, I've read all but the last trade from the trades listed here if you scroll down. Hush Beyond is great, Industrial Revolution is baaaaad, 10,000 Clowns is at least decent and IIRC pretty good (though it follows up on Industrial Revolution a little you can get by without it.) Then you hit Justice League Beyond, and Konstriction is pretty bland, and then In Gods We Trust I think was just okay.

And then you hit the good stuff, with Batgirl Beyond, Justice League Beyond: Power Struggle, Rewired, and then finally capping off with the really awesome Justice Lords Beyond. (And then like I said, I haven't read Mark of the Phantasm).

So from that, I guess I'd recommend reading Hush Beyond, and then maybe skipping ahead to Batgirl Beyond and carrying on from there? In theory the other books matter to some degree, but I can't imagine you'd be too thrown off by skipping them. Though if you want more of the stuff then they'll do okay, outside of the awful Industrial Revolution, as I mentioned.

So Batgirl Beyond was good? I remember the initial promotion about the character and she seemed way awesome, but I was so busy with life at the time and when I could check comic stuff again all the buzz was gone. ): I wasn't really a regular comic reader at the time, though. Did it get cancelled / have a sudden ending maybe? Kind of hate it when an awesome premise goes nowhere, if you know what I mean.

Never even knew this was a thing:


Definitely getting it since I love Lil' Gotham.

Dead from diabetes.

Except Bruce isn't emo enough. Need more angry scribbles on notebooks to represent the blackness of his sooooooul.
OT but this UPS/USPS collaboration is a fucking mess. Ordered Fables Deluxe Edition 10-11 and an Age of Apocalypse book on BN.com during the buy two get one free sale.

Anyways I had it shipped through UPS from the shipper but then I get a notice about this UPS/USPS collaboration they are working with which I didn't know about when I made the order.

I've ordered through Barnes & Noble numerous times and it's always UPS only and I've never had any problems. This is the first time I've seen this UPS/USPS collab stuff ordering from anywhere, amazon, etc.

I've gotten my Age of Apocalypse book but I've checked the delivery status of my deluxe editions of Fables 10&11 and they have basically sat in a post office within a neighboring county since Wednesday without moving.

edit: I'm just giving out a fair a warning USA gaf, if you're ordering books online than make sure it's UPS only. Otherwise, you might have your shit sitting in a Post Office DC for a while and they're too backed up from the influx to give a shit.


So Batgirl Beyond was good? I remember the initial promotion about the character and she seemed way awesome, but I was so busy with life at the time and when I could check comic stuff again all the buzz was gone. ): I wasn't really a regular comic reader at the time, though. Did it get cancelled / have a sudden ending maybe? Kind of hate it when an awesome premise goes nowhere, if you know what I mean.

Batgirl Beyond is actually just the name of one of the Batman Beyond trades (IE Batman Beyond: Batgirl Beyond), and as far as I know she pretty much just shows up there, unfortunately. I do remember it being a good read though. (Actually wish I was a little less shaky on how much I'd recommend all the specific Batman Beyond trades, but it's unfortunately started to blend a little in my head at this point, so I'm probably not the greatest reference on all this, to be fair).
Secret Wars #9

And so it finally ends. That was a pretty dope finale to a cool event, sadly marred only by all the delays.

I'm not really sure how to really process the whole
"universal reshaping" bit, and the Storm family running off, but leaving Johnny and Ben. Apparently Reed and Sue knowing something that no one else does (the "final act")
, but what evs. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Regardless, it was pretty awesome. Now I wish Marvel would just chill with the events for awhile...
Journey into Mystery #639 - #641: Enjoyed the arc and how it leads into the endgame for the run. I am sure Tolkien would have picked the other side.

Leah. :( . Someone needs to chop off Hela's hand again.
Secret Wars #9

And so it finally ends. That was a pretty dope finale to a cool event, sadly marred only by all the delays.

I'm not really sure how to really process the whole
"universal reshaping" bit, and the Storm family running off, but leaving Johnny and Ben. Apparently Reed and Sue knowing something that no one else does (the "final act")
, but what evs. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Regardless, it was pretty awesome. Now I wish Marvel would just chill with the events for awhile...

Haven't they got 2 coming this year? Like Civil War II and I swear I heard mutterings of something else...I know Bendis said they sell (if you believe the sold to retailers figures) but it never gives any non-event book a chance to breathe...
Well, I've managed to get up to Walking Dead #140.

The insanity of All Out War was immense, Negan is fucking shitting mental - and that's cool. No idea how they're going to capture his twisted calm personality on TV. No idea at all. The battle of wits and quips with Rick was rather interesting, but Negan's interactions with Carl were on another level completely.
I'm not sure Rick has ever met someone as 'equal' (if entirely polar opposite) of him in terms of smarts, leadership and desire. Negan's idea to dip weapons in the Zombie guts was insanely brilliant. I was almost a little sad that it played out so quickly (though I have to remember I've binged out on The Walking Dead and read several years within a month or so). I wasn't sure about Dwight at all, even at the end of it when he saved them. However, then I stopped and thought about it - why do I not trust him? Because he was introduced alongside Negan? Dwight's motives are exactly the same as Rick's, yet I 'trust' Rick as he's always cast in a shining light. Dwight did everything he did to keep his Wife from harm.

In fact the entire run of Alexandria has been an amazing change of pace after what's been a whirlwind tour through 100 issues, some crazy scenarios (The Prison!) and just general madness. It's nice to see some of the lesser characters get a chance to breath, especially Maggie and Michonne. The struggles to adapt to 'peace' and try to build a new society with new (old) rules is great to see. To see the survivors having to stop and think, turn off the autopilot of survival and become humans again has been written pretty well - or at least good enough for me to appreciate. Humans turning on humans seems entirely more dangerous than any Roamer, which at this point seem to be nothing more than background noise (I guess that's the point?).

Eugene has FINALLY stepped up and become something more than the random fatty. He's suddenly Mr. Technology, building bullets, mills, factories and seemingly a surrogate baby daddy.
I'm still not sure how to take Jesus, I get the feeling I'm supposed to think he's the coolest thing ever but he feels like a 'get out of free jail card'.
Talking of Jail... Negan the Jailbird seems really funny. I really liked his interactions with the new survivors to Alexandria. I didn't trust the new guys at first, but then it was really interesting to see their arrival and introduction mirror Rick's own arrival.

The time jump totally threw me off at first, but in hindsight it was probably needed and (again) it's nice to see 'peace'. Rick has FINALLY managed to achieve what he set out to do - rebuild paradise for his family. It sets up Carl leaving for Hilltop and Rick's sadness interesting, if played out quickly

Talking about Carl... Issue #137 might just have the most disturbing, yet strangely arousing thing I've seen.

The entire Whispers introduction caught me off guard, but I love it. It's taken a device/tactic we've seen earlier in the series for survival and really ramped it up. I've always wondered why the wearing of Zombie skin/guts wasn't used more, but then I guess Rick's group learned to deal with the Roamers early on. Instead of living in the wild and fighting Roamers the survivors settled down for paradise.
I was sort of hoping that the Whisperers would be feral children or something, but it's probably going to work out to be something more than that - I'm not sure how much you'd be able to get our of a feral child group.
Carl chasing after his waifu was interesting to see - even if he does have 3 girls on the go now! You know Lydia is the one though as he gave her his Hat. THE HAT.
Silk #4

All I can say is that I'm still enjoying the book as I have, but boy has the art taken a dive.
Haven't they got 2 coming this year? Like Civil War II and I swear I heard mutterings of something else...I know Bendis said they sell (if you believe the sold to retailers figures) but it never gives any non-event book a chance to breathe...
There's also Apocalypse War, but that's strictly X-Men, so it doesn't bother me as much. I still wish they'd chill out for awhile. Or have a nice event. Like the Marvel universe has a picnic or some shit.
Secret Wars #9

And so it finally ends. That was a pretty dope finale to a cool event, sadly marred only by all the delays.

I'm not really sure how to really process the whole
"universal reshaping" bit, and the Storm family running off, but leaving Johnny and Ben. Apparently Reed and Sue knowing something that no one else does (the "final act")
, but what evs. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Regardless, it was pretty awesome. Now I wish Marvel would just chill with the events for awhile...

I just finished it as well. Solid end to the series. Quite looking forward to reading it over the course of a day or so to see how it holds up without the delays.
Haven't they got 2 coming this year? Like Civil War II and I swear I heard mutterings of something else...I know Bendis said they sell (if you believe the sold to retailers figures) but it never gives any non-event book a chance to breathe...
I think it's ridiculous that ANAD JUST began and they already have like three or four crossovers announced. That is not what anyone wants.
Thunderworld Adventures issue in Multiversity was fantastic. I would read a series based on that.

That was one of my favorite issues. So fun and Stewart's art is just excellent. The Guidebook and Ultra Comics were my other favorites.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Haven't they got 2 coming this year? Like Civil War II and I swear I heard mutterings of something else...I know Bendis said they sell (if you believe the sold to retailers figures) but it never gives any non-event book a chance to breathe...

There is going to be a crossover with all the Spider-Ladies too right?

I think it's ridiculous that ANAD JUST began and they already have like three or four crossovers announced. That is not what anyone wants.

Yep that was a big factor in my dropping the Big 2. Grayson getting pulled into Robin War and Starfire losing her artist also did not help the situation.
Radioactive Spider-Gwen #4
Lizards. Everyone's a damn lizard.

Finally, the wheels stop just spinning and finally start moving. The action was cool, fight was a bit emotional, but I can't help to not be even remotely sympathetic to
Harry. He was always a dick, according to the flashback.
Still, it's interesting to see how this will play out, or if it'll just end up stalling. It's obvious that this will end up with Gwen going after a bigger organization.
I just finished it as well. Solid end to the series. Quite looking forward to reading it over the course of a day or so to see how it holds up without the delays.
I'll have to do that sometime as well
There is going to be a crossover with all the Spider-Ladies too right?
What? When is this? What is this?
This is the article I saw about it......


I mean it is pretty small potatoes compared to the major events.

Well, that doesn't bother me. It's a small crossover, like Apocalypse War. MY problem is when we got like one or two or more MASSIVE events per year. We don't need an event every year! Axis didn't need to be an event! Age of Ultron didn't need to be an event, nor did it need to exist!
Read Justice League 47 last night. Ending is going in a fun direction for sure with
the Crime Syndicate teaming up with the League
. I think my favorite bit in this issue was when Hal made a big green chair to mock Batgod.

I wish Manapul was on art but there's nothing wrong with Fabok here. Really good story arc so far.


Well, that doesn't bother me. It's a small crossover, like Apocalypse War. MY problem is when we got like one or two or more MASSIVE events per year. We don't need an event every year! Axis didn't need to be an event! Age of Ultron didn't need to be an event, nor did it need to exist!

I'm still not sure what the effect of AoU was. I think Battle of the Atom mentioned once, referring to Beast's time machine. Or was it the first arc of Wolverine and the X-Men? I think it was the latter. Regardless, it was mentioned.

Still, not sure what the effects were.
Why does everyone think Bendis runs Marvel? He's beholden to editorial no matter how much pull he has. Age of Ultron made this pretty clear

I don't think he does. It's clear he has pull, but I don't think he's a puppet master or anything.
Getting back to reading BPRD. Just read The Warning and it reminded me why I love this series so much. There's a constant danger that looms overhead while Abe, Kate, Johann, and Liz fight hopelessly to stop it. This volume really drives home how inevitable the end really is. The ending to this arc had some rather sad moments like Abe drinking alone wondering where Hellboy could be and Johann going through his (now-destroyed) home town.
Why let reality get in the way of personal biases and agendas?
Hey Im all about that solipsism lifestyle but 'Bendis runs Marvel' isnt even as compelling as 'Ike Pearlmutter stole Alonso's soul when he took him from Vertigo' or 'Brevoort is a sentient CBR forum from the future' for the way Marvel is run.

I'm still not sure what the effect of AoU was. I think Battle of the Atom mentioned once, referring to Beast's time machine. Or was it the first arc of Wolverine and the X-Men? I think it was the latter. Regardless, it was mentioned.

Still, not sure what the effects were.

I don't think he does. It's clear he has pull, but I don't think he's a puppet master or anything.
I think Bendis's role at Marvel is sort of 'company man who does a lot of what he's asked to even if he's not that interested as long as he gets his pet projects'

I mean, I really dont think its the writers who get to say how long an event is. It's probably sales driving the length of events. 'Hmm should we sell 5 issues at 100k+ each or 8 issues at 100k+?'
Sam Wilson: Captain America #5

I really liked this issue, but CapWolf ruins the tone. Hard to take seriously, and it's a rather serious issue.

More D-Man 10/10 though.

Illuminati #3
I can't stop enjoying this book. Supervillain team books are best team books. I love the art, still, and I like all these characters. Still, Enchantress' role in this is still rather conflicting.
I think Bendis's role at Marvel is sort of 'company man who does a lot of what he's asked to even if he's not that interested as long as he gets his pet projects'

I mean, I really dont think its the writers who get to say how long an event is. It's probably sales driving the length of events. 'Hmm should we sell 5 issues at 100k+ each or 8 issues at 100k+?'
I'm not gonna disagree with this.


This is awesome if it is the teaser poster for Suicide Squad


David Ayer posted it on twitter, trailer in 2 days.

Sam Wilson: Captain America #5

I really liked this issue, but CapWolf ruins the tone. Hard to take seriously, and it's a rather serious issue.

More D-Man 10/10 though..

Cap Wolf runied what was an otherwise amazing issue. Would have been perfect if he was just sam.
This is awesome if it is the teaser poster for Suicide Squad


David Ayer posted it on twitter, trailer in 2 days.

Cap Wolf runied what was an otherwise amazing issue. Would have been perfect if he was just sam.

Dope poster

And also yes. Possibly the best issue this past week...if not for fucking CapWolf.


Why does everyone think Bendis runs Marvel? He's beholden to editorial no matter how much pull he has. Age of Ultron made this pretty clear
I don't think anyone actually thinks that. For the position he's in (basically Marvel's top guy) and the influence he's had on other titles, the dude just isn't as good as he should be at what he does, especially when it comes to team books in most cases.
I don't think anyone actually thinks that. For the position he's in (basically Marvel's top guy) and the influence he's had on other titles, the dude just isn't as good as he should be at what he does, especially when it comes to team books in most cases.

He has his strengths and weaknesses. It's expected that some times stuff happens. A lot of people tend to exaggerate how bad something is. Neither of his X-Men titles were bad. At worst, I'd say average, and nothing more than that. I think what people are really salty about is his work with GotG as of late, but I can't comment on that.

Also, he does have a tendency to push the characters he likes to the point where it feels oversaturated (Kitty Pryde). Like, Morrison and Batman levels.

That being said, I like Bendis, I think he's a good writer, but he has his flaws and he has his strengths. For what it's worth, I think he's a very strong idea man, even if some of his ideas don't pan out the best.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I can't read that book. Nails make me cringe and the thought of someone biting them off just makes my skin crawl. I seen that on one of the covers. No thank you. Bendis is in that book?

Yeah there is one issue where he comes to Buckaroo to do research for a comic he's writing. He eventually gets the crap scared out of him and leaves town.


Yeah there is one issue where he comes to Buckaroo to do research for a comic he's writing. He eventually gets the crap scared out of him and leaves town.

This fits what I know about Bendis.

I know I am biased, but I do believe Bendis is one of the best Marvel has. He writes books that I enjoy and he gets the most visually pleasing artists imo. He writes the comic book events version of the popcorn movie. Sure his characters talk too much sometimes but for a lot of his characters that is endearing. Miles being really chatty early on fits with him being scared/excited/freaking out/being young. Tony Stark talks alot because he likes to hear himself speak. It doesn't always work but it works more ofthen than not for me.


Why does everyone think Bendis runs Marvel? He's beholden to editorial no matter how much pull he has. Age of Ultron made this pretty clear

I don't hate Bendis but I hate his events, Someone needs to be a dick/someone needs to die is his quota for them.

He's a hired gun but a dangerous gun, I only said that because 5 months from now, it's another damn event.
I don't hate Bendis but I hate his events, Someone needs to be a dick/someone needs to die is his quota for them.

He's a hired gun but a dangerous gun, I only said that because 5 months from now, it's another damn event.

I can agree with this.

Trial of Jean Grey was still dope, though.


Batgirl Beyond is actually just the name of one of the Batman Beyond trades (IE Batman Beyond: Batgirl Beyond), and as far as I know she pretty much just shows up there, unfortunately. I do remember it being a good read though. (Actually wish I was a little less shaky on how much I'd recommend all the specific Batman Beyond trades, but it's unfortunately started to blend a little in my head at this point, so I'm probably not the greatest reference on all this, to be fair).

Haha, fair enough. I still appreciate it, though :D
John Romita Jr, Drew 26 Variant covers for the DC April variant cover theme. I don't think I like a single one of them

Yeah, me neither. They're basically all the same 2-3 layouts just with different characters. I don't think I was ever really a Romita fan except in the case of Kick-Ass.
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