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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.

Journey into Mystery - Jim 642-645; The Mighty Thor 8-22: Some should have warned me with a #bloodyshakespeareantragedy tag before I started this book. -_-

What a brilliant end to a great run.

I was a bit premature in my mourning for Leah. But doesn't make it less sad.

The "Loki is Hela's father" explanation was pure genius.

As Gillen himself puts it, I guess there was no other way to end this.


The only sour note was Thor Annual #1. A comic that was filled with writing that a 15 year old (or Zack Snyder) might find "epic". I don't even know why it was included in the collection.

John Romita Jr, Drew 26 Variant covers for the DC April variant cover theme. I don't think I like a single one of them



I guess we know what his answer to the "avatar facing left or right" GAF thread would have been.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Gillen's run on JiM is some top-tier comics.

One of the best runs I've ever read.

Be sure to read Young Avengers next!


Finished the Masterman issue of Multiversity. I loved it. It, out of all the issues so far, felt the most standalone. I can't recall anything really that related to the concepts of the plot other than it taking place in one of the universes we haven't seen yet. It reminded me of Superman Red Son but the writing felt like a step up over that. Jim Lee put in great work here, too. Sometimes I feel like that normal Jim Lee style of comic book art is boring, but he will occasionally show that he is far above the "Jim Lee" style many artists utilize.

Also started the Ultra Comics issue, but had to quit like ten pages in because I had to return to work. But this issue is insane.
john romita jr über alles

those covers though, lol. They're basically con commissions, which is cool but there's little variation between many


Why is Superman staring at me


Do you need to be caught up on the other DC tv shows to watch Legends of Tomorrow?

Not really, basically all you really got know is.

-Jay Jackson became the other half of the Firestorm Matrix instead of Ronnie.
-Sarah was brought back to life via Lazarus pit and had her soul restired by Constantine.

Regarding the hawks just watch episoides 8 of flash and Arrow which should
Can someone explain to me what was up with Tony Stark in Avengers/New Avengers? He seemed to go crazy and everyone hated him and I had no idea why. Just finished it by the way, I guess I'll start jumping into Secret Wars stuff.


Can someone explain to me what was up with Tony Stark in Avengers/New Avengers? He seemed to go crazy and everyone hated him and I had no idea why. Just finished it by the way, I guess I'll start jumping into Secret Wars stuff.

AXIS turned him into a jerk so his attitude followed up in that book. Gave Hickman an excuse to make him do dumb thing.
I think so. For whatever reason I would guess Infinity + Secret Wars are the best Marvel events in a good few years.

Did editorial or someone majorly interfere in AXIS? Was it just meant to be an Uncanny Avengers event and turned into some company-wide thing? I haven't read it yet.

I had to go back to this because I had a funny thought:

right now there's an alternate universe where AXIS is fondly remembered as the capstone to a great run and DC fans are currently suffering through the interminable line-wide Darkseid War.

(Only occurred to me because seriously Darkseid War feels like a Crisis-tier event without messing up any books, and the situations seem like they might have been pretty similar).
So, Secret Wars readers, did the end of that series let us in on all this awful stuff that Cylops did? No, right? That happened in the 8 month leap? So stupid.

Caught up on some stuff.

Walking Dead 150: yeah, what I expected. Nothin' that big happened except we saw
Rick nom someone's throat
. Ahhh, that old chestnut.

Paper Girls is the greatest thing ever, is about how I'd sum up issue #4. The art, story, characters, the freaking paper is even top tier. I just can't even.

Spider-Man/Deadpool #1 was so funny. "Which side?" "Elllliott"

Rat Queens #14: the story is really good. Funny and compelling and stuff. But I've made it known how I feel about the art. This will be my last issue. Can't make it through the arc. </3

Wolverine 3 & 4: Fun. Enjoyed Strange. Love Laura.

Clean Room 3: Woooot! Loved this issue! A return to form after a so-so second issue.

EXM #5, Archie #5, and A Force #1 were pretty alright, too. Good week.

Still have to read Mighty Thor #3 and Totally Awesome Hulk #2.


All we know is that during the 8 months, Rage of Ultron/Ant-Man Annual happened, Cyclops took the L, Stark got broke, Sam/Steve fought over Edward Snowden, Peter brought the Baxter buliding, Alchamax starting shit with Miguel and cloned Laura.

Re Read Original Sin, that event is actually really good despite the end result.


All we know is that during the 8 months, Rage of Ultron/Ant-Man Annual happened, Cyclops took the L, Stark got broke, Sam/Steve fought over Edward Snowden, Peter brought the Baxter buliding, Alchamax starting shit with Miguel and cloned Laura.

Re Read Original Sin, that event is actually really good despite the end result.

Rage of Ultron is post Secret Wars? Interesting I own that book but never read it.
I actually just read Rage of Ultron for the first time tonight, along with Morrison's Vimanarama and We3. I had no idea what Vimanarama was about (I may be horribly misspelling it, as well.) and only sort of know what it's about now that I've finished it. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but I did feel like I was missing something several times throughout. I knew what We3 was about, and it still got to me.

Rage of Ultron taking place partly during ANAD is kind of washy. Some of it just doesn't seem to add up, but I it was made ahead of any other ANAD books I'm assuming, so I'm sure editorial wasn't on the same level. I feel like a lot of things concerning the ANAD marvel universe won't really add up right if you really scrutinize, so I guess you're just supposed to let it all slide as "It happened during that 8 month span, who knows what could have happened then! AIM were still bad guys even though Sunspot had totally bought out AIM before Secret Wars happened anyhow!" But yeah, that's just nitpicking a very small scene from the book. Overall it was pretty good. I also read it while listening to the soundtrack from "Fury", which ended up matching pretty well.
Seemed like AXIS was meant to be the final arc of that run of Uncanny Avengers but editorial interfered and spun it out into an event book. Remender recently did an AMA on reddit and basically confirmed this.
Yup. That's why. But I also have never blamed Bendis on events either. So yeah.


I finally finished Waid's daredevil run. Decent ending.
I'm just happy Kristin is still alive, even if she's probably not still with him now in the current series. I wonder if they were still together when he made her forget his identity? I wonder when we will see her again.
Has Batman and Robin Eternal been good? I stopped at issue 3 and decided to wait for the trade.

It has been consistently very good (so far). It has had less story and art missteps like Batman Eternal did. I haven't had a single issue yet where it felt "off". Whether this is from better planning or proficient creative teams I'm not sure. The story has been really interesting to me. It's both small in scope with a focus on the Bat Family but also has larger implications.

Its also made me like Cassandra which isn't something I normally do. It was a successful reintroduction of the character. Similar but different enough to be worth doing again.
JSA has been really good. After JSA Returns, it's Goyer and Robinson on JSA. All of it's pretty cool. Golden Age with a modern veneer. I like it

Was it always Hippolyta as part of the JSA? Or was that a retcon?


Man, those JRJR covers are terrible. I don't hate his art or anything - it's decent - but those covers are just BAD.

Yeah, his ability to draw pages so fast means he's extremely inconsistent. His dad was much better at that, which is partly why JRS is one of my favourite artists of all time.


Neo Member
I feel like i'm the only one who didn't really dig Bitch Planet. I need to go back and reread it I guess.

Loving American Alien. Easily one of the better books out right now.

Huck is great.

Finally got caught up on Batman. I had stopped after Death of the Family, just felt like it was too cheesy overall and didn't like how Snyder was writing it. Glad I picked it back up because I have heavily enjoyed everything since.

Read all of Batman and Robin. The silent issue is still one of the most heartbreaking issues of comics i've ever read.

Reading a bunch of stuff right now, mainly finishing out the classic Star Wars Thrawn books. Really digging them but the dialogue leaves a bit to be desired.


Neo Member
Also, I hate to say it but The Walking Dead is just soooo boring now. I'll keep reading it because i'm a dumbo but it really feels like it's 30 issues of filler and getting to a point, two issues of greatness, followed by 3 issues talking about the greatness and then cycle repeats. I honestly don't know what they can do to become interesting to me again but I really wish something would change.

I mean I can almost guarantee these next issues will be
them getting ready for war, them going to war, them getting their asses kicked and then boom, the girl Carl is banging is pregnant and that somehow gets them to declare a truce.


Also, I hate to say it but The Walking Dead is just soooo boring now. I'll keep reading it because i'm a dumbo but it really feels like it's 30 issues of filler and getting to a point, two issues of greatness, followed by 3 issues talking about the greatness and then cycle repeats. I honestly don't know what they can do to become interesting to me again but I really wish something would change.

I mean I can almost guarantee these next issues will be
them getting ready for war, them going to war, them getting their asses kicked and then boom, the girl Carl is banging is pregnant and that somehow gets them to declare a truce.

This particular arc (that I'm not sure where it begins and ends) has had some really big moments and introduced a lot of cool characters/has fleshed out existing ones, but the past few (3?4?) issues have been a real drag. 150 was the payoff to the lecture in 149, and that was about it. We're still sitting here waiting for fuck all to happen, and it's about time that Kirkman gets the show on the road. I don't think that "Book" readers will see a real issue with the quality, because they get to tackle these arcs in one sitting, but those of us that read it month to month have been met with a ton of exposition and little action.

I've heard people say that 150 has great art, but I honestly thought it looked rushed as shit. 148 had the pages that looked really sharp.


All we know is that during the 8 months, Rage of Ultron/Ant-Man Annual happened, Cyclops took the L, Stark got broke, Sam/Steve fought over Edward Snowden, Peter brought the Baxter buliding, Alchamax starting shit with Miguel and cloned Laura.

Re Read Original Sin, that event is actually really good despite the end result.
I don't think Fury has actually been in any books since he became the new Watcher at the end of Original Sin. I thought he would have been good for a Secret Wars tie-in.
Most of the JRJR variants have the characters looking towards and/or running to the right side. There all side views. It's all flat and not dynamic with view points.




I don't think Fury has actually been in any books since he became the new Watcher at the end of Original Sin. I thought he would have been good for a Secret Wars tie-in.

To be honest it wouldn't surprise me if, post Secret Wars, that had been quietly undone and is never mentioned again.


To be honest it wouldn't surprise me if, post Secret Wars, that had been quietly undone and is never mentioned again.
I can't actually remember anything from that series that ended up being important in the grand scheme of things other than Thor becoming unworthy for some reason.


I can't actually remember anything from that series that ended up being important in the grand scheme of things other than Thor becoming unworthy for some reason.

Silk came out of the event and we got backstory for quite a few characters.


And the Hulk/Tony bit was touched upon a little in Axis.

But yeah, not a lot.

The Nick Snr on the moon part was obviously just put into placate fans. As time goes on it gets less important with no explosion of outrage, and they can use the end of Secret Wars to change things like that.
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