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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.

recoil? What's that?

Not really familiar enough with JRJR to lend an informed opinion about his body of work as a whole, but I've never really been impressed with what I've seen of him.

Read Justice League 47 last night. Ending is going in a fun direction for sure with
the Crime Syndicate teaming up with the League
. I think my favorite bit in this issue was when Hal made a big green chair to mock Batgod.

I wish Manapul was on art but there's nothing wrong with Fabok here. Really good story arc so far.

Yeah...it's quite a fun issue. Johns feels like he's holding back for the final few issues/arc of Darkseid War. I'm waiting for what I presume is my inevitable resurrection because if Darkseid isn't back by the end I will be genuinely shocked and not just because #Comics.

Manapul was so good on art duties, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm not sure how many events you can do involving the New Gods before you dilute them I'd love him to get to do the art for the whole thing, maybe with Buccelato on colours.

As for all the event stuff...I mean obviously they are driven by sales (I didn't know Marvel were doing a spider-related thing at all) but I wish I could get any writer of Marvel's smaller books and just ask how frustrating it is with a status quo change or the fact that events might feel like they take the attention away from the smaller books.

I don't mind family-wide event (Batman, Spider- etc) every now and again but I think...in the New 52 era DC have probably handled it better? As far as I can remember the only DC-wide event they've had was Forever Evil...and Convergence (which i forgot about :p) but things like Darkseid War are Crisis/Event-tier but don't disrupt everything else. A big event every few years can give writers a chance to tell smaller and also be part of the larger stories, and in Forever Evil's case I don't think there were a million and one tie-in books.

Edit: Lol those Romita Jr covers...I saw the Harley one and thought "doesn't really look like R...oh, the chair legs" have those lines he loves to abuse. It's like Jim Lee cross-hatching on crack
All-New All-Different Avengers #3
Still fairly decent. Action was good, though the "kids v adults" thing might get old quick. Still, new Vision is a douche, and I'm not sure how I feel about Kid Nova.

All-New X-Men #3
Finally, a book I can read. Scott's whole "just surrender" thing in the police station was pretty cool. Just convincing dumb kids that they're dumb kids. If I can't have old Scott, I'll take new Scott.

Extraordinary X-Men #5
Now this...this is what I need out of my damn X-book. At first, I thought none of these books would live up. ANXM had potential, but it wasn't doing too much. Still hasn't. Uncanny has Land art, so it's hard to look at. But this...this is what I need. The X-Men being superheroes, because that's what they are. Superheroes.
I haven't read a comic in 2 days. I'm starting to go through withdrawals.
I feel the same way, but strictly with X-books.
Not really familiar enough with JRJR to lend an informed opinion about his body of work as a whole, but I've never really been impressed with what I've seen of him.


He did some cool spreads during WWH, like the entire Sentry fight.


Yeah...it's quite a fun issue. Johns feels like he's holding back for the final few issues/arc of Darkseid War. I'm waiting for what I presume is my inevitable resurrection because if Darkseid isn't back by the end I will be genuinely shocked and not just because #Comics.

Manapul was so good on art duties, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm not sure how many events you can do involving the New Gods before you dilute them I'd love him to get to do the art for the whole thing, maybe with Buccelato on colours.

As for all the event stuff...I mean obviously they are driven by sales (I didn't know Marvel were doing a spider-related thing at all) but I wish I could get any writer of Marvel's smaller books and just ask how frustrating it is with a status quo change or the fact that events might feel like they take the attention away from the smaller books.

I don't mind family-wide event (Batman, Spider- etc) every now and again but I think...in the New 52 era DC have probably handled it better? As far as I can remember the only DC-wide event they've had was Forever Evil...and Convergence (which i forgot about :p) but things like Darkseid War are Crisis/Event-tier but don't disrupt everything else. A big event every few years can give writers a chance to tell smaller and also be part of the larger stories, and in Forever Evil's case I don't think there were a million and one tie-in books.

Edit: Lol those Romita Jr covers...I saw the Harley one and thought "doesn't really look like R...oh, the chair legs" have those lines he loves to abuse. It's like Jim Lee cross-hatching on crack

I guess the point of the Spider Gwen, Silk and Spider Woman team up is to get more people reading Silk and Spider Woman. Get those people who read Gwen and not the others by placing it in gwens book and world.


Don't forget Standoff, ANAD/Uncanny/New Avengers with Agents of SHIELD, Howling Commandos and other small books could help the non Avengers books.
I don't think Bendis deserves the outright dismissal he is usually dealt. Overall I really like his work. Hell, his Iron Man is probably my favorite series from ANAD. His Daredevil is held in high esteem. People say he can't write team books, but his Avengers/New Avengers run was going just as I was getting into comics and I remember really enjoying it. Especially Dark Avengers. I've read some of his Guardians of the Galaxy and it's biggest sin is just not getting the voices of the characters right. That was enough for me to drop it, but honestly I think if someone wasn't familiar with the Abnett/Lanning run it wouldn't be horrible. I don't think it would go beyond "OK", but it doesn't seem horrible to me. I liked what I read of the Secret Wars series by him (for Guardians, Ultimate End was some hot shit). He did Old Man Logan for Secret Wars as well, right? That was pretty good.

He has certain quirks, but so does any writer after you read enough by them. I don't mind that, it's like a trademark. Hell, try reading Ant-Man and Captain American back to back. It's extremely noticeable that they are both written by Spencer (even if you ignore the credits on the cover/opening page).

Maybe his event work is bad, but then what event outside of Hickman's hasn't been mediocre at best lately? Remender was killing it and then there was Axis. AvX had pretty much all of Marvels' big hitters writing it and it ended up a mess (I don't hate it quite as much as some seem to, but the event did fall apart.)

Do people just want some sort of scapegoat for Marvel and they've pinned that role onto Bendis?
I don't think Bendis deserves the outright dismissal he is usually dealt. Overall I really like his work. Hell, his Iron Man is probably my favorite series from ANAD. His Daredevil is held in high esteem. People say he can't write team books, but his Avengers/New Avengers run was going just as I was getting into comics and I remember really enjoying it. Especially Dark Avengers. I've read some of his Guardians of the Galaxy and it's biggest sin is just not getting the voices of the characters right. That was enough for me to drop it, but honestly I think if someone wasn't familiar with the Abnett/Lanning run it wouldn't be horrible. I don't think it would go beyond "OK", but it doesn't seem horrible to me. I liked what I read of the Secret Wars series by him (for Guardians, Ultimate End was some hot shit). He did Old Man Logan for Secret Wars as well, right? That was pretty good.

He has certain quirks, but so does any writer after you read enough by them. I don't mind that, it's like a trademark. Hell, try reading Ant-Man and Captain American back to back. It's extremely noticeable that they are both written by Spencer (even if you ignore the credits on the cover/opening page).

Maybe his event work is bad, but then what event outside of Hickman's hasn't been mediocre at best lately? Remender was killing it and then there was Axis. AvX had pretty much all of Marvels' big hitters writing it and it ended up a mess (I don't hate it quite as much as some seem to, but the event did fall apart.)

Do people just want some sort of scapegoat for Marvel and they've pinned that role onto Bendis?
I would say that is exactly correct. Although Axis wasn't Remender's fault, and can someone PLEASE tell me: what was the point of AoU? Please? It keeps me up at night.


I would say that is exactly correct. Although Axis wasn't Remender's fault, and can someone PLEASE tell me: what was the point of AoU? Please? It keeps me up at night.

To have an event despite Infinity already piped in.

Do people just want some sort of scapegoat for Marvel and they've pinned that role onto Bendis?

No, I'm with you, I like Bendis solo work. But he botches events and team books unless he likes a character.
Stuff about Bendis & Hickman

I think so. For whatever reason I would guess Infinity + Secret Wars are the best Marvel events in a good few years.

I would say that is exactly correct. Although Axis wasn't Remender's fault, and can someone PLEASE tell me: what was the point of AoU? Please? It keeps me up at night.

Did editorial or someone majorly interfere in AXIS? Was it just meant to be an Uncanny Avengers event and turned into some company-wide thing? I haven't read it yet.
If you give an owl a Miraclo...
...he's gonna kill a bitch.
Miraclo + Owl = Secret anti-demon tech
To have an event despite Infinity already piped in.

I think it was just a vehicle for Marvel to say "Hey, look everyone! We own Angela now!"
Not helping!
Did editorial or someone majorly interfere in AXIS? Was it just meant to be an Uncanny Avengers event and turned into some company-wide thing? I haven't read it yet.
From what I remember, Age of Ultron was meant to be 2012's summer event. It was one of the events mentioned in that "map of the future" that popped up in post-Siege Avengers:

Marvel's 2011 FCBD was an Avengers book that served as a lead-up to it. Then The New 52 happened, and Marvel were getting creamed in sales and had to change tack, so it was decided to go with Avengers vs. X-Men to set up Uncanny Avengers and Marvel NOW. There was a lot of crowing about the Architects of Marvel around then so the story was hyped around all of them working on one story. They were Bendis, Fraction, Hickman, Brubaker and Aaron IIRC.
So I suppose (some of) the problem is when Bendis does events, and ends up playing with other kids toys. He just doesn't play nice with others? I can see that as a legitimate problem. Admittedly the only time I've experienced that with Bendis is with Guardians, and his run was several years removed from the last one, and I still hold to the fact that if you didn't have the previous run to go off his current run would be serviceable.

I also find it a little funny how when Remender does a horrid event, it's editorial's fault. But when Bendis gives you Age of Ultron, it's him personally handing everyone a steaming pile.
Sorry, man. The time you spent reading AoU is gone and it's never coming back.
From what I remember, Age of Ultron was meant to be 2012's summer event. It was one of the events mentioned in that "map of the future" that popped up in post-Siege Avengers:

Marvel's 2011 FCBD was an Avengers book that served as a lead-up to it. Then The New 52 happened, and Marvel were getting creamed in sales and had to change tack, so it was decided to go with Avengers vs. X-Men to set up Uncanny Avengers and Marvel NOW. There was a lot of crowing about the Architects of Marvel around then so the story was hyped around all of them working on one story. They were Bendis, Fraction, Hickman, Brubaker and Aaron IIRC.
Huh...well isn't that a neat and sly little map there
I also find it a little funny how when Remender does a horrid event, it's editorial's fault. But when Bendis gives you Age of Ultron, it's him personally handing everyone a steaming pile.

Both of them are treated the same way online. Axis is still the go-to book people point out when they don't like Remender. It's very obvious editorial are the ones running the show for most of Marvel's events.
Yeah...it's quite a fun issue. Johns feels like he's holding back for the final few issues/arc of Darkseid War. I'm waiting for what I presume is my inevitable resurrection because if Darkseid isn't back by the end I will be genuinely shocked and not just because #Comics.

Been meaning to give my condolences for the death. You got put down pretty hard.
john romita jr über alles

He probably drew each of those covers in about an hour and got paid 700 for each.


Have you ever seen a video of him drawing a page? It takes him no time. I can't find a video right now but it blew my mind how fast he could it.


He probably drew each of those covers in about an hour and got paid 700 for each.


Have you ever seen a video of him drawing a page? It takes him no time. I can't find a video right now but it blew my mind how fast he could it.

Yeah, he describes his style as a "deadline style" somewhere so I can imagine. Dude's always been all about getting his shit done on time which hasn't always lead to the most consistent quality project to project.

I'm resigned to the fact that the ~comics internet~ will never be fired up about him but I always have time for a good JRJR comic


I also find it a little funny how when Remender does a horrid event, it's editorial's fault. But when Bendis gives you Age of Ultron, it's him personally handing everyone a steaming pile.
Sixis was Remender's first Marvel event. AoU was not Bendis' first Marvel event.

Anyways, in answer to your first post regarding Bendis. More or less, yeah, Bendis is just a really weak team book writer. You get stuff like Bendis speak where the dialogue of every character have them repeat what they're saying. Usually in the form a character saying a statement followed by another character saying the same statement in the form of a question followed by the previous character repeating the same statement as to clarify what that character said.

THEN the character who said the statement in the form of a question asks "What does that even mean?" then the previous character says "It means blah blah blah", it's almost in every team/event book he writes. Oh and this exchange can repeat itself ad hominem before it even reaches "What does that even mean?". He can use this for every character he has in whatever team/event book he's writing, he's not giving them much personality or any unique dynamic between each character. And he uses this kind of thing in a number of varieties, it's kind of cute that he thinks some of us don't notice.

His strength comes in the form of writing solo character books, and I'm glad he went back to that in form of Invincible Iron Man because it's been good so far, even though you can tell it's Bendis without looking at the credits page.

I'm not saying his team books are terrible, but they're certainly a LOT weaker than the solo books he's written. With that being said, I can't wait until Spider-Man #1.


I've spent my Sunday rereading New 52 Aquaman and just wrapped up the Throne of Atlantis crossover with Justice League. I had completely forgotten about this gorgeous double page spread by Paul Pelletier in the Epilogue issue. This image of Arthur pledging his allegiance not to the people of Atlantis, but to the creatures of the sea is quite lovely.



I think so. For whatever reason I would guess Infinity + Secret Wars are the best Marvel events in a good few years.

Did editorial or someone majorly interfere in AXIS? Was it just meant to be an Uncanny Avengers event and turned into some company-wide thing? I haven't read it yet.
Seemed like AXIS was meant to be the final arc of that run of Uncanny Avengers but editorial interfered and spun it out into an event book. Remender recently did an AMA on reddit and basically confirmed this.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
i am actually totally ok with that explanation Messi lol

btw, im actually surprised they gave JJ a second season. Im happy, but surprised. Netflix really is going all in on this Marvel thing huh. Maybe shit like Moonknight or Cloak and Dagger arent that far fetched afterall


i am actually totally ok with that explanation Messi lol

btw, im actually surprised they gave JJ a second season. Im happy, but surprised. Netflix really is going all in on this Marvel thing huh. Maybe shit like Moonknight or Cloak and Dagger arent that far fetched afterall

I'm not. I think it looks stupid as hell.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
btw, im actually surprised they gave JJ a second season. Im happy, but surprised. Netflix really is going all in on this Marvel thing huh. Maybe shit like Moonknight or Cloak and Dagger arent that far fetched afterall

I'm not surprised. Everything with the Marvel name does well. I bet it did WAY better number than most of Netflix originals.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Do you need to be caught up on the other DC tv shows to watch Legends of Tomorrow?

how much have you seen? it seems pretty heavily tied into both shows, but you could maybe get away with just the latest Flash X Arrow crossover eps if you didn't want to invest too much time

you should be watching all 3 shows, though (and iZombie too, but that's neither here nor there)

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Not difficult when most Netflix originals are terrible. I think Orange is the New Black is the only Non-Marvel one I enjoyed.

I haven't watched most of them.

I loved The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. With Bob and David was decent.

I keep meaning to watch Peaky Blinders but I never seem to get around to it.


how much have you seen? it seems pretty heavily tied into both shows, but you could maybe get away with just the latest Flash X Arrow crossover eps if you didn't want to invest too much time

you should be watching all 3 shows, though (and iZombie too, but that's neither here nor there)

0 episodes of Flash
1 episode of iZombie
12 episodes of Arrow season one

Not entirely caught up...

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
0 episodes of Flash
1 episode of iZombie
12 episodes of Arrow season one

Not entirely caught up...

i'd say keep on keepin on. you're through the worst of it already.

finish Arrow S1
enjoy Arrow S2 - it's so good
watch The Flash S1 & selected episodes of Arrow S3

continue on to Arrow S4, The Flash S2 & LoT S1.... it's all so good

or skip all that and just watch iZombie which is the best


Both of them are treated the same way online. Axis is still the go-to book people point out when they don't like Remender. It's very obvious editorial are the ones running the show for most of Marvel's events.

Post- Dimension Z Cap is no picnic either...that Iron Nail/Shield has a Metal Gear stuff feels like it came from the same place Axis did.

I'll defend Dimension Z since it let JRJR do his trippy Inferno issues of Daredevil stuff again.
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