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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


Marvel Unlimited and Image trades are probably my favorite things about comics.

Also buying comics and not reading them has its advantages.


Thanks guys. I'll be sure to check Comixology out. Really wanting to get into Ghost Rider and Black Panther lore the most. Guess I'll start with them. And will probably be visiting comic shops in Denver my days off


Thanks guys. I'll be sure to check Comixology out. Really wanting to get into Ghost Rider and Black Panther lore the most. Guess I'll start with them. And will probably be visiting comic shops in Denver my days off

comic pro tip: Though not old lore related, there is a new Black Panther book coming out starting in April.


comic pro tip: Though not old lore related, there is a new Black Panther book coming out starting in April.

Sweet. Yeah aside from the old cartoons from saturday mornings and netflix/hollywood movies/shows, I really don't know too much about these heroes. Hence why I'm trying to really get into it.

Edit: any specific Punisher (another one im interrsted in) series I should start with? Or would googling the very first issue and reading through till now be the best approach.

Edit 2: just subscribed with MU. Oh man I'm excited. Hope this site isn't blocked at work lol.
I read Paper Girls #4 just now. Part of me is totally on board but part of me hates it. It's an odd feeling. I like the girls. I guess I just wanted a book about those girls in that Era. Those
silent video game
pages in the middle hit me hard. I know that feeling.

Cliff Chiang is a master.

Yeah, I felt that way too, especially after reading #2 and #3. Kind of frustrated, like, I don't need all this mystery and shit, I just want a book about these Paper Girls. You know, listening to the raddest new cassettes, smoking under the bleachers, saving their earnings for the next new NES games, etc. The girls and that time/world feel so real and you just want the story to be THERE. Not focused on the other weirdness.

But with #4 I felt myself kind of giving in to it. It helped that I'm starting to care about the
future boys
. And, no matter what, even if these girls
fly away on enormous dinosaurs
or w/e, they are still pre-teen kids of the 80's. They'll be that in whatever context.

Also, my girl made the point to me that the juxtaposition of having these girls alongside the
characters, kind of emphasizes how much a product of their time they are, which is kind of cool. And that
eye blob
thing brought us that wild
experience that Tiffany had. This
stuff will butt up against who and what these kids are and (hopefully) that will make it worth it.

Also #trustinBKV
Sweet. Yeah aside from the old cartoons from saturday mornings and netflix/hollywood movies/shows, I really don't know too much about these heroes. Hence why I'm trying to really get into it.

Edit: any specific Punisher (another one im interrsted in) series I should start with? Or would googling the very first issue and reading through till now be the best approach.

Edit 2: just subscribed with MU. Oh man I'm excited. Hope this site isn't blocked at work lol.

Read Ennis's run.

This 2000 - 2001 one
, Then this one 2001-2003 one
He follows that up with a heavier Punisher MAX but thats not on Unlimited

Jason Aaron also had a run on Punisher thats not available

Remender had a wacky good run titled Frankencastle
that ends in this series

Rucka had a good one too

Some people like the most recent Punisher run by Edmondson and Gerads but theres a lot of racist undertones in the book.


To DC is brining back Bloodlines




DC bought the rights to X-23 and the Hulk?!?
MU is the tits but it's kind of amazing how awful it is. Well, not just the app but the entire Marvel website as well. I was trying to log out last night and literally could not, as in I was clicking on the sign out button and it would just refresh the page but kept me logged on.

pro-tip: unless you really need for some reason, avoid downloading any comics for offline reading (unless you're going to go offline, of course). For whatever reason it causes the whole app to have massive slowdown, at least on my tablet. But you might be using your PC so idk.


I can actually agree with this. I love it for what it is but I definitely would have preferred just a normal life during that era comic.

I've actually been wanting a comic about that a lot, just people living their normal lives in school or whatever. Very hard to find any.

Expecting to Fly and Giant Days.
So far JSA is really good. Just finished Robinson's run, and now Geoff Johns is up. All with David Goyer. Odd that no one ever mentions him unless they're shitting on him for whatever movie they didn't like


Dc need to reprint keith, dematties and maguire's superbuddies run
My ye olde tpb is fine but i cant find a good cheap copy of the 2nd book ToT


Do we have any idea how often Marvel reprint their hardcover Marvel Masterworks collections? I want to Uncanny X-Men set but they mostly seem to be going for $100usd each on Amazom which is way too much.

Does anyone know of any other options for purchasing them?
I'm from Australia if that helps or doesn't help. lol


That Hawkman is sogood.gif

And man I remember reading that Ray run. Used to love the way Porter would draw Ray in flight when powered up.


Hawkworld isn't on sale, lame :V

I feel like Hawkworld was on sale over the summer, because I definitely grabbed it.

That Hawkman is sogood.gif

And man I remember reading that Ray run. Used to love the way Porter would draw Ray in flight when powered up.

That's probably my favorite pre injury Howard Porter art, his stuff on the Ray was so good.

And speaking of Hawkman, over the past couple weeks CMX has added the three issue Legend of the Hawkman miniseries. I kind of feel like no one has read it but me, it originally came out around 2000 and was written by Ben Raab with art from Michael Lark. When it was released in print, each issue was released in that prestige format, and they were all like 50 or so pages long. It uses the Silver Age Thanagarians living on Earth versions of the Hawks and was a pretty decent story. If you like self contained stories and the Hawks, you could do a lot worse than the $6 it costs to grab it on CMX.
So far JSA is really good. Just finished Robinson's run, and now Geoff Johns is up. All with David Goyer. Odd that no one ever mentions him unless they're shitting on him for whatever movie they didn't like

JSA is my favorite johns run, only ever so slightly ahead of Green Lantern. It does get overcrowded in the second volume though, I think he was starting to write GL and lost interest.

I've almost finished reading all of John's runs. I still have to through his action comics stuff, Teen titans (probably after I finished David's Young Justice), and Hawkman.
Even the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl solicits are the greatest.


a) This special issue, called "BE THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL," puts YOU in control of THE MOST POWERFUL CHARACTER IN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE. Will you fight crime and save the day? Or will you be a complete jerk and use her powers to tell everyone off?
b) I'm serious: these are actual choices, and you have to make them RIGHT NOW? To be Squirrel Girl and fight crime, turn to c). To be Squirrel Girl and be a jerk instead, turn to e).
c) Well, you're in luck vis-a-vis crime-fighting, because Squirrel Girl is going to be facing off against SWARM, a bad guy made out of bees! And that's not all. To learn more about the other bad guys she can face, turn to d)! But if INSTEAD you'd like to stop reading this and get excited about this book and maybe order it, please: feel free!
d) Nice try, but we've got to keep SOME surprises for the book! You decide to definitely buy this comic and see who they are. THE END.
e) What? No, why would you even want to be a jerk? Geez, man, maybe this ISN'T the comic for you. Turn to b) and answer better this time!

32 PGS./Rated T ...$3.99
My only issue with the JSA is that I don't think I've seen a team get their collective asses handed to them so much. Good god. They're OP! Damn guys get it together

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Waiting for those Image solicits! Maybe April is the month Manifest Destiny finally comes back to me. Even if all the male characters is jerks now.


Man. The Clown at Midnight issue in Batman and Son was utterly exhausting. I didn't hate it (besides the "art") and the writing was good for the most part (besides the overuse of similes and metaphors), but the whole time I was wishing the issue was done so I could go on to a "normal" one.


this $4.99 stuff is no joke, if i didn't get a good dcbs discount just buying Black Panther and Gwenpool would be $10. For two issues! This is why i need a Freeza guy, i'd never buy digital books this way.


Black Panther is at least oversized to go with the price bump for the first issue.

Gonna have to remember to pick up Ultimates in April to see Christian Ward draw the hell out of Galactus.
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