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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


I saw TFA for the 4th time last night. Took my parents to see it this time.

I want to see it again, too. Not sure about four times but I wouldn't mind a second viewing.

Sideshow posted a preview for their Gamora premium format statue. Looks good.

What are comixology's customer service like as I've just accidentally bought volume 2 of black science. Is there a chance they would cancel my order? I emailed them pretty much straight away.


I want to see it again, too. Not sure about four times but I wouldn't mind a second viewing.

Sideshow posted a preview for their Gamora premium format statue. Looks good.

Oh god. bought so hard.

So getting Captain Marvel and Gamora.


What are comixology's customer service like as I've just accidentally bought volume 2 of black science. Is there a chance they would cancel my order? I emailed them pretty much straight away.

I did something similar back in the spring and they were cool about cancelling the order and giving me a refund
So now that I got the Bloodborne plat I'm back to resuming Life is strange. Just finished episode 3. OMG things are getting real! Love this game

Starting Ep 4 now.


Didn't feel right posting my 2015 list before 2015 was actually over, so I waited it out. I'm mostly listing (and rambling) about older stuff that was complete or if ongoing I read a substantial portion of to warrant mention. Looking back I actually need to do better on newer comics. Oops.

Stray Bullets
- Superb crime fiction that could go from funny and sweet to horrifying and heartbreaking without missing a beat. Gave me a renewed appreciation for black and white artwork. Best of all, each issue felt like a worthwhile read. There was a lot packed into them. Wish more modern comics were written in that fashion and less dragged out for the trades. Happy to say it's still going strong with the most recent series.

Zoot Suite - main story (if you can call it that) based around Zeno's Paradox satirizing such disparate topics as the inner machinations of a DMV and Waiting for Godot. In between you get short 2 or 3 page gag strips on equally absurd subject matter. Jumps from the mundane to the absurd and back again. My favourite strip might have been the most straightforward but I think it was just the placement of it as much as anything. It just caught me completely by surprise. Some of it went over my head like the strip about oubliettes. I intend to read more from the Langridges in the next year. Have Art D'ecco on the way and some of Roger Langridge's Muppets work.

Astro City - struggled with it when I first tried the newly relaunched series from Vertigo. Went back this year and read the first couple of trades. It clicked for me and now I get it. Favourite arc so far has been the one with the Confessor and Altar Boy. Intend to catch up on this series in 2016.

Mignolaverse - I'm cheating by putting everything read under one banner. Enjoyed everything I've read so far but I've been going through the trades slowly and drawing out the experience so I haven't covered the vast majority of it. Still enough to say that this should be up there. Top notch artwork and writing. Love the aesthetic and the universe they've been building. I particularly like that they aren't afraid to change things irrevocably and see where it takes them story-wise.

- Ennis with his excesses pared back a tad and it works to the advantage of the series. John McCrea's no slouch either in the art department. Tommy and Nat have to be one of the best buddy duos in comics - the banter is out of this world. They really do feel like old friends shooting the shit and Ennis' dialogue helps to convey that feeling fantastically well. At times one of the funniest comics I've read too. Also Sixpack and Section 8! Still haven't done that Preacher re-read so this is still my favourite Ennis thing I've read. Once again have to thank ViewtifulJC for recommending it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The ambiguity was intentional on my behalf as I have no idea if that is an insult or compliment.

In the context of the scene I believe
he is flipping him off, some disagree.

err no? hes clearly
giving a thumbs up in the scene


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Gamora is the worst Marvel green lady


But it's the redesign! I can't resist the redesign!

The good news is that Sideshow has no more lady statues to reveal. The rest will be dudes. Big burly dudes. So the rest of my monies are safe.

My figure collection is probably a bit higher percent male, which sucks because there are so, so many female characters I'd love to have nice figures of. But they either don't get them, or instead of getting cool stuff related to their actual character they get like bunny girl and swimsuit variants and other such fanservice-y stuff. :( At least I got a nice figma (Cardcaptor) Sakura and Lucina, so that's something...
My figure collection is probably a bit higher percent male, which sucks because there are so, so many female characters I'd love to have nice figures of. But they either don't get them, or instead of getting cool stuff related to their actual character they get like bunny girl and swimsuit variants and other such fanservice-y stuff. :( At least I got a nice figma (Cardcaptor) Sakura and Lucina, so that's something...

Well. Now that you mention it I do have a bunny girl Bulma pre-ordered, but come on. Bulma was like the original waifu.
So, I've jumped back into the Marvel Chronological Reader Order again (ran out The Walking Dead to read until next pay). I'm still ~1967-1969 depending on which series crops up in the order (which has put me nearly 800 issues into the very DEEP pool of Marvel's back catalogue), and I've been blessed with some #1 issues of Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk and the FIRST appearance of Captain Mar-Vell!

For those interested I've been following this website's order - CMRO.


Peter Parker has been chilling - mostly. He deserves it too, as he's had a rather busy schedule moonlighting as Spider-Man, while trying to balance several relationships AND care for his Aunt May.
Aunt May is living with MJ's Aunt, which is for the best really as Aunt May needs someone to look after her (and distract her from worrying about Peter ALL THE TIME). She really should have got together with that charming young man she met a while back...

Parker is sort of dating MJ, but really wants to get with Gwen Stacy (now that Gwen is totally ignoring him)! As discussed earlier with a fellow poster who is currently reading through all the old Spider-Man stories, Parker is such a player. He never knows what he's got.


60's Uncanny X-Men continues to be really bad, which continues to perplex me as Rob Thomas' Avengers is really good. I don't understand this at all. Anyway I've just witnessed the death of
Professor Xavier
thanks to the Sub-Human and I didn't care at all. I feel like this should have been something major, but such is the poor storytelling for the X-Men, I felt nothing.

Captain Marvel

Wow what a start! Captain Marvel is one of the Marvel heroes I have NO clue about. At all. So I was pretty hooked on his origin story straight away. The interest waned slightly within 2 panels as Stan Lee - true to form - decided to create a love triangle for his latest superhero... and then proceeded to create a time limit weakness too. Why Stan, WHY?!
However that aside, I still enjoyed it - even if there were heavy nods to Superman (almost shamelessly). I suspect there's something happen behind the scenes I don't know the full backstory too.

What I liked the most about Captain Marvel is he's possibly the first 'Hero' to appear that has a clear reason for doing what he does, a purpose and cause to his actions. It was refreshing to read, and it was nice how they've tied all the Kree stuff together to form this new story. You can already see Marvel isn't a total bad guy, and is sticking to mission to the letter: Decide if Earth should be destroyed or not.

It's also interesting to see Carol Danvers appear. I don't know much about her, other than what I've seen discussed here on GAF. So far she's one of the few 60's Marvel Women who isn't weak or meaningless, as she's given the role of head of security for the base!

Captain America

I'm really enjoying Cap's standalone stories so far, very happy to see a return of the most dapper of fiends in the Marvel Universe... The Red Skull.

Cap having his own series also means plenty of cameos from Nicky Fury too. While it might not be Steranko's Fury, it's still great to see him (such is my liking for the character now).
I'm still slightly confused that they seem to heavily push that Captain America is just an ordinary man all the time. Perhaps I'm too attached to Ultimate Marvel and the Cartoon's pushing of him being a Super Human. Maybe things change in the future, I'm not sure.


The Avengers have mainly been dealing with Hank Pym trying to decide just how tall he'd like to be. Again. However, it's OK as Black Panther has joined the party now! The Collector has tried to capture the Avengers to be part of his... erm... Collection. It almost worked too, but he forgot that Jane could turn super small. Silly git.
It was good to see The Collector again though, as he's one of the people I'm most intrigued by after seeing him in 'Guardians of the Galaxies' - how did he get all of this stuff? Why does he have strange powers (which suddenly appeared in this issue)? How did he get the Avengers into his collection? Oh he just had to use an obedience potion on Thor to lure them all into his ship..!

Sadly, other than the Collector it feels like the Avengers have been treading water for a long time. Yet, I think I like that as it really sells Quicksilver and Scarlet Witches' decision to leave and rejoin the Brotherhood of EVIL Mutants.
I can't even begin to guess which version of the Avengers this is now, there's been so many comings and goings. I think the current line up consists of Hank Pym (as Ant Man again... or is it Giant Man), Janet Van Dyke (Wasp), Black Panther & Hawkeye.
Black Widow has retired and instantly become your standard 60s Marvel Woman, seemingly forgetting all her super cool spy training. Thor is busy being pompuss and arrogant somewhere. Iron Man is fighting Whiplash, but not THAT Whiplash. Captain America has his own series, so no longer needs those other bums around. The Hulk too.

Oh wait, no! Hank Pym is GOLIATH again, and just to add to his own confusion has decided to wear a new red and blue suit too.
Story arc basically stops with volume 3 but the emotional catharsis is in volume 4. I mean it's nowhere near as weird as evangelion. There are seeds for what happens at the end in volume 3.

Idk I remember reading the impressions of 15-18 from a few people that made it seem it was just unintelligible but it made sense to me. The good thing is that if you don't like vol 4 at all vols 1-3 make for a damn good anti spy book.

That's the wild part. It goes from an amazing action/spy book to WTFAMIREADING over the course of one book. I was loving the storyline. It was legitimately my favorite comic of 2015. Then we go down this multiverse author-in-the-story study of humanity that I can't follow. Boo.

I definitely get that.

I imagine part of the problem was not having enough time with the remaining issues to introduce these things as slowly as had been intended.

Maaaaybe. But why did it have to become Charlie Kaufman the Comic? Straight out of left field for me. :(


I love how after all these years Otto still kinda felt bad when he and May met at the set of Lobster Man in StracynzkisRun *g*




Maybe just Cap for me. Gamora is rad, but I don't know. I'm kind of over Guardians.

Why must you hurt me like this? I thought we were green bros.

This is the best Gamora. Never in my wilde-st dreams did I think we would get a premium format of this version.
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