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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


Manifest Destiny looks really interesting. I just added volumes one and two to my IST wishlist. Not typically an Image fan, but they have a few things to my interest.
I've been catching up on a lot of my Fantasy reading this past month. Been really enjoying The Anvil of the World and the Temeraire series.

There's similarity in the same way cape comics are. Common foundations but variations in tone, character, execution, etc. plus there's high fantasy, low fantasy, etc.

I'd love a David Eddings Belgariad (my favorite book series EVER) movie series. And Glenn Cooks Black company would be awesome. I do agree one issue is a lot of fantasy authors like to create series that don't end

I love The Belgariad too. Like a large serving of good vanilla icream. Re-read it ever couple of years or so.

I've read a few urban fantasy series before. It's a good genre. Some of them take a nosedive after a while, though. The Anita Blake series hasn't been good in years. Yeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrrrsssssss

Definitely true. I got bored with Dresden Files after the fourth or fifth book.

My current favourite in this sub-genre is the Rivers of London series. Just caught up with the latest book.
I just realized that I have no idea what the title of the OT is referring to

Doom Patrol. GOAT final issue.

My New Years Resolution for comics is to buy less stuff because I bought too much last year and I really want to get my backlog under control and have time for my other hobbies again. In an effort to accomplish this, I'm cutting down my list of ongoings dramatically:

Deadly Class
Paper Girls
Tokyo Ghost

Squirrel Girl
Hellcat! (giving it another issue)

Justice League
Gotham Academy
Black Canary
Starfire (till Lupacchino is off at least)

And then the limited series:
Hellboy and the BPRD 1953
Joe Golem
The Spire

Cutting off everything I'm not up to date on (besides minis). So around 12ish ongoings. Other Image stuff I like I'll just tradewait or forget to keep up with. There are a few ongoings I do want to try like Black Widow and Cry Havoc but I'm mostly satisfied with this list. Got too much shit in my backlog: more BPRD, Rachel Rising, Love and Rockets, Flash, Solo, several Pope comics, two volumes of Copra, a bunch of random assorted DC comics like Supergirl and JLA, more of Casanova, Nameless-- and that's just what I remember off the top of my head.
Something like that.

I just finished the last five issues of Zero. Starting with issue #15 it goes on an existential tangent that completely loses me. As in, I'm work in the intelligence industry and have two master's degrees and feel absolutely stupid reading this book. Swoosh, right over my head.
I love The Belgariad too. Like a large serving of good vanilla icream. Re-read it ever couple of years or so.
*high five* yea it's my favorite set of characters ever. And it came after reading series after series where magic was always a burden and evil, etc. Eddings shows up with a wonderfully refreshing take on fantasy, magic, etc. Love it.

Aaaaand my LOTR marathon is complete. What a journey. An epic in every sense. Till next year or so
Aaaaand my LOTR marathon is complete. What a journey. An epic in every sense. Till next year or so

It kind of astounds me that they condensed Lord of the Rings into one movie per book, yet stretched The Hobbit into three films. Peter Jackson trying to ride that money-train as long as possible.

Also, what's next year? They making a movie out of the Silmarillion or something?
It kind of astounds me that they condensed Lord of the Rings into one movie per book, yet stretched The Hobbit into three films. Peter Jackson trying to ride that money-train as long as possible.

Also, what's next year? They making a movie out of the Silmarillion or something?
Hah yea. Hobbit turned more into a LOTR movie prequel. It's funny. The first hobbit movie you could see Jackson struggle to make the Hobbit story fit into the LOTR universe (Which it barely does, by tone, feel, etc). Then in the later he just goes "Aw screw it let's go full LOTR" and while not faithful to the book and isn't near as great it at least found its identity more. Still need to see the last hobbit film.

And the next year line is just until I do the LOTR marathon again
Something like that.

I just finished the last five issues of Zero. Starting with issue #15 it goes on an existential tangent that completely loses me. As in, I'm work in the intelligence industry and have two master's degrees and feel absolutely stupid reading this book. Swoosh, right over my head.
Story arc basically stops with volume 3 but the emotional catharsis is in volume 4. I mean it's nowhere near as weird as evangelion. There are seeds for what happens at the end in volume 3.

Idk I remember reading the impressions of 15-18 from a few people that made it seem it was just unintelligible but it made sense to me. The good thing is that if you don't like vol 4 at all vols 1-3 make for a damn good anti spy book.


Spider-Man 2099 is by far my favorite ongoing ATM and that's saying something given how much I'm digging certain books like All New Wolverine and Paper Girls.


Manifest Destiny looks really interesting. I just added volumes one and two to my IST wishlist. Not typically an Image fan, but they have a few things to my interest.

It's a solid book. Monster and adventure movie mash up that can get kind of gruesome at times. On the whole, it just feels unsettling, which I imagine is what they are going for.
It did for a while, but sales have died down and they've made some questionable decisions in response and a lot of their big heroes have bad creative teams atm.

If they change the Flash, Green Arrow, and possibly Wonder Woman creative teams I will jump on those books.

Not really :(

Lantern was great until Johns left, Aquaman is still decent but not AS GOOD

I tolerate the flash, but WW is pure trash

I was too daunted by it all, there was too many issues to buy at once. I'm not saying that was the general feeling, but for a relative newcomer to it all it just seemed like too much.
The Flash by Geoff Johns Vol. 1

A surprisingly enjoyable mixture of fun and dark. If there's a book to bring people into the Flash mythos, it's this: Speed Force, Alternate Universes, metahuman powers, the Rogues. It has it all and I love it. I love the art, and the way the action sequences are played out. I've seen the inner monologue utilized before, but this is so much more enjoyable. There's layers to how Wally is overcoming the obstacles, and it's intriguing. Even if it is pseudo-science nonsense. Wally once again proving he's the best Flash. I'm also very much looking forward to more Rogues, and how this Speed Force plotline
(with Cicada)
is gonna play out.

Super enjoyable and fun superhero book. Just good superheroics, and it's been awhile since I read a book like that. One that isn't dark or apocalyptic.

Also Linda and Wally for best marriage.

Next up: Robin Vol. 1: Reborn by Chuck Dixon


Doom Patrol. GOAT final issue.

My New Years Resolution for comics is to buy less stuff because I bought too much last year and I really want to get my backlog under control and have time for my other hobbies again. In an effort to accomplish this, I'm cutting down my list of ongoings dramatically:

Deadly Class
Paper Girls
Tokyo Ghost

Squirrel Girl
Hellcat! (giving it another issue)

Justice League
Gotham Academy
Black Canary
Starfire (till Lupacchino is off at least)

And then the limited series:
Hellboy and the BPRD 1953
Joe Golem
The Spire

Cutting off everything I'm not up to date on (besides minis). So around 12ish ongoings. Other Image stuff I like I'll just tradewait or forget to keep up with. There are a few ongoings I do want to try like Black Widow and Cry Havoc but I'm mostly satisfied with this list. Got too much shit in my backlog: more BPRD, Rachel Rising, Love and Rockets, Flash, Solo, several Pope comics, two volumes of Copra, a bunch of random assorted DC comics like Supergirl and JLA, more of Casanova, Nameless-- and that's just what I remember off the top of my head.

Dropping Harley huh. With this news I would like to announce that I am dropping Tyrant Rave from my friends list
I read the newest Black Canary last night and while I love Wu's art, I thought the story was just so painfully corny. This was the first time in the series in which I questioned me as the books audience.
So yesterday I started to read Classic spidey again. Going to try to read one issue a day or week or something. I could post impressions if people want on each or that could be annoying. I dunno. Anyway issue 28 stood out to me in how funny it appears to have discarded a side character Liz Allen. The issue introduces the Molten Man! Who just doesn't do much, punches cars and gets taken down eventually by Spider-Man. The real hook was the graduation of Peter from high school. And during the whole thing Liz is doing what all Stan Lee written women do in Spider-Man. Walk around in a huff not talking because they're mad about something. Boy Stan likes this gimmick as he uses it with Liz and Betty Brant all the time. Anyway they graduate, Flash and Peter are getting full rides to the same college and Liz finally talks to Peter. She goes "oh I had a crush on you, but we graduated so I gotta go now". And Peter essentially is like "welp, bye nothing I can do now!" It's been 10 years since I read these classic spidey books (from those essential collections) I forget if this is the last we see of her for a while.

Also the running MJ tease is hilarious. First mentioned in issue 15. A very vague tease in issue 25 and now still mentioned by name but never shown. She doesn't get her big reveal until #42! Over. Two year build up! Marvel of today would have had two ANAD resets by then.


Finished reading Flex Mentallo and....fuck.

Head's completely beaten into submission, and I thought that was done with when I read Doom Patrol. Didn't think that experience could be topped. It was.

Morrison is on a whole new level of a mindfuck.
So yesterday I started to read Classic spidey again. Going to try to read one issue a day or week or something. I could post impressions if people want on each or that could be annoying. I dunno. Anyway issue 28 stood out to me in how funny it appears to have discarded a side character Liz Allen. The issue introduces the Molten Man! Who just doesn't do much, punches cars and gets taken down eventually by Spider-Man. The real hook was the graduation of Peter from high school. And during the whole thing Liz is doing what all Stan Lee written women do in Spider-Man. Walk around in a huff not talking because they're mad about something. Boy Stan likes this gimmick as he uses it with Liz and Betty Brant all the time. Anyway they graduate, Flash and Peter are getting full rides to the same college and Liz finally talks to Peter. She goes "oh I had a crush on you, but we graduated so I gotta go now". And Peter essentially is like "welp, bye nothing I can do now!" It's been 10 years since I read these classic spidey books (from those essential collections) I forget if this is the last we see of her for a while.

Also the running MJ tease is hilarious. First mentioned in issue 15. A very vague tease in issue 25 and now still mentioned by name but never shown. She doesn't get her big reveal until #42! Over. Two year build up! Marvel of today would have had two ANAD resets by then.

Haha so much truth here, but I really enjoyed those early Spidey stories. I found it odd that Peter Parker was swatting girls away like flies, or was just totally unaware that everyone was after him.


Also the running MJ tease is hilarious. First mentioned in issue 15. A very vague tease in issue 25 and now still mentioned by name but never shown. She doesn't get her big reveal until #42! Over. Two year build up! Marvel of today would have had two ANAD resets by then.

Never understood the big fuzz about her build up.
Haha so much truth here, but I really enjoyed those early Spidey stories. I found it odd that Peter Parker was swatting girls away like flies, or was just totally unaware that everyone was after him.
Yea the notion of Peter being an unpopular nerd lasted maybe 6 issues. He starts dating Betty in issue 7. So it's really an image that Peter never really had for long once he got his powers.

Never understood the big fuzz about her build up.
It seemed to be a running gag in the book. Aunt May kept wanting to set Peter up with "nice girl MJ" and Peter assumed this meant she was some ugly girl and wanted nothing to do with her. Everytime Aunt May mentions MJ Peter just gets annoyed and makes some disparaging comment. And then after years of teasing she's revealed to be this attractive party girl with the signature line and great Romita art
Yea the notion of Peter being an unpopular nerd lasted maybe 6 issues. He starts dating Betty in issue 7. So it's really an image that Peter never really had for long once he got his powers.

It seemed to be a running gag in the book. Aunt May kept wanting to set Peter up with "nice girl MJ" and Peter assumed this meant she was some ugly girl and wanted nothing to do with her. Everytime Aunt May mentions MJ Peter just gets annoyed and makes some disparaging comment. And then after years of teasing she's revealed to be this attractive party girl with the signature line and great Romita art

Betty who is like in her 20s at least, so some High School kid is dating some 20 year old. Amazing scenes here Jeff!
I can't deny Mary Jane is my dream girl. My wife knows this. Honest.


Never understood the big fuzz about her build up.

It's the juxtaposition of Peters and the readers expectations of her and what the reality would be. Plus those following issues are pivotal for Peters character development as she got him to loosen up and get away from the melodrama that plauged his high school days. He probably wouldn't have become friends with Flash, Harry, and Gwen without MJ.


I wasn't reading comics back then, but all those panels people have been posting remind me of why we need Trump even more. He'll bring back the strong values those panels represent.


Sweet the ALIAS Omnibus is only 50somerhing dollars on IST. Snatched that up along with Deadly Class Vol 2 and The Fade Out Act Two. I'm actually getting Alias for my friend, she recently watched Jessica Jones and got obsessed with the character. She's interested in getting into comics, only thing she has read so far is the new Ms Marvel stuff. Figured this will a cool gift for her. Def gonna read it after her though haha. I chose the FedEx ground service. How long does that typically take?
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