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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


Messi will start having conversations with himself again.

The best thing had happen here right after Civil War.
Ah, guys. I wanted to say that I felt really bad when I saw how you fought shortly before christmas :/ I am the peacekeeper as it seems. Dont do this again!
The best thing had happen here right after Civil War.
Ah, guys. I wanted to say that I felt really bad when I saw how you fought shortly before christmas :/ I am the peacekeeper as it seems. Dont do this again!

We are not fighting. We are green bros. Besides, I can't help it if Messi is too forgiving of shitty art. I couldn't even finish Rat Queens #14. I did buy it by accident though.




Finally got the Fallout platinum. You have to do stupid things to get the Happiness in a settlement up to 100.
Finally got the Fallout platinum. You have to do stupid things to get the Happiness in a settlement up to 100.

Meanwhile, I'm probably done with the game after about 10 hours. I spent a lot of time messing around exploring everything up north. When I finally trekked down to the Boston area and saw the scope of everything to explore, it was a huge nope.gif.


What's the percentage of people who've got it?


It seems to require about 20,000 caps for all of the shops and enough Charisma (or drugs and clothes to increase charisma) to fill the settlement with enough people and then a lot of time. The number will randomly dip a lot as well...seemingly due to the Pip Boy sometimes showing the population of your settlements as double what it actually is.

I also had to abandon one of my earlier settlements because it detached all of the settlers from their jobs multiple times.



Batman & Robin Eternal #14
Detective Comics #48
Midnighter #8

Bitch Planet #6
Black Science #19
Paper Girls #4

Amazing Spider-Man #6
Contest of Champions #4
Deadpool #5
Dr Stranger #4
Guardians of Infinity #2
Howard the Duck #3
Invincible Iron Man #5
Nova #3
Rocket & Groot #1
Spider-Gwen #4
Spider-Man 2099 #5
Spidey #2
Spider-Man Deadpool #1
Totally Awesome Hulk #2
Ultimates #3
Uncanny X-Men #1
Vision #3
Wierdworld #2

Archie #5

Shutter Vol 3
Southern Cross Vol 1.

Holy shit Marvel, you have a really thin week and then this shit? come the fuck on.



It seems to require about 20,000 caps for all of the shops and enough Charisma (or drugs and clothes to increase charisma) to fill the settlement with enough people and then a lot of time. The number will randomly dip a lot as well...seemingly due to the Pip Boy sometimes showing the population of your settlements as double what it actually is.

I also had to abandon one of my earlier settlements because it detached all of the settlers from their jobs multiple times.
Well I can safely say I wouldn't have been able to get it.
First list of the NEW YEAR AW YISS

Archie #5
Midnighter #8
Swamp Thing #1
Batman & Robin Eternal #14
Action Comics #48
Vision #3

Super light week.


The Avengers have mainly been dealing with Hank Pym trying to decide just how tall he'd like to be. Again. However, it's OK as Black Panther has joined the party now! The Collector has tried to capture the Avengers to be part of his... erm... Collection. It almost worked too, but he forgot that Jane could turn super small. Silly git.

So Black Panther gets introduced in an Avengers issue? Which one?

I wonder why marvel is not giving BP his own Epic line of tpbs.


Quick question, and sorry if this is the wrong place to ask it:

Is there a good site that has a reading order for comics leading up to Secret Wars? (2015)
I've been reading stuff on the Marvel Unlimited app and I've been bouncing back and forth between Avengers and New Avengers regarding the incursions, but I'd like to read solo or other team books leading or surrounding that stuff. (In short, the MU app is dogshit when it comes to a chronological complete reading list)
Finished Life is strange episode 4. I can see now why this episode created so much buzz when it came out. Things are ramping up!

Time to finish it tomorrow. So amazing. Glad it got gametrailers adventure game of the year. I've also been watching their just played episode recaps after each chapter I finish to reflect before tackling the next. To simulate the fun of episode watching without having to wait months before the next one.

Black Science #19
Paper Girls #4
The Fade Out #12

A-Force #1
Doctor Strange #4
Uncanny X-Men #1 (Greg Land!)
Vision #3

Archie #5
Swamp Thing #1


I'm contemplating going digital.

Don't do it, buy a lamp and read directly under it. Paper comics are real comics, also Paper Girls is not called Digital Girls. Also paper is great, digital doesn't really exist, just a bunch of data.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Don't do it, buy a lamp and read directly under it. Paper comics are real comics, also Paper Girls is not called Digital Girls. Also paper is great, digital doesn't really exist, just a bunch of data.

LOL probably the best reason not to go digital I've seen so far.
Out of curiosity, I searched for my top comics of 2014 post.

Pax Americana was so good I put it on both my 2014 and 2015 list ayyy lmao. I listed out Black Widow by Edmondson and Noto as an honorable mention. Mistakes were made. In my defense, vol 1 of Black Widow was actually pretty good. The series soured later.

Edgar's Comics That Were Read in 2015
Part IV: Smaller but more

Part I: Zero
Part II: Sandman Overture
Part III: Pax Americana

Thanks to Tyrant Rave for collecting those posts in the op so I didnt have to.

Part IV starts out with (and in no particular order)

I had been a fan of Harren's artwork before I got to this book although my exposure was limited to his Conan work. I've talked about Rumble a few times as a real highlight. The story spun by John Arcudi, James Harren and Dave Stewart is fucking delightful. It's weird in a way thats welcome. More of an uncommon form of story whose presence had been missed but only noticed once it had arrived. It's funny, charming and kinetic.
Southern Bastards
Aaron and Latour are a couple of Southern boys and their intimacy with the region shows. This book made my list last year and I don't see it being kicked off this coming year either. Vol 2 takes a worthy detour from Vol 1's plot and consequences to give us the backstory of Coach Boss. Our expectations are flipped and the allegiance of the reader is tested. Southern Bastards continues to shine in a crowded field of exceptional Image titles.
Avengers/New Avengers/Secret Wars
Jonathan Hickman's massive Avengers storyline delivered through the entire year. The book juggles a cast that would make most good writers cry and big arcs that somehow feed into one very large story that never seems to go where you think it might. Hickman's Avengers run has a higher density of *fucking hell* moments than most books I can think of. It has its weaknesses I suspect are a result of being the flagship title of one of the Big 2. Sometimes characters show up in different costumes because they switched up in their main titles or when it had to deal with Sixis bullshit. It also had a rotating cast of artists so sometimes it felt uneven though most artists on the book are solid. Also, some of the greatest Black Panther moments are in this book. The Great Society Arc was fucking ridiculous.
Uncanny Avengers
I'm just counting the pre Axis stuff. This is basically Uncanny X-Force 2. Many of the same themes are found here and you get more signature Remender. The big bads are threatening and well spoken, the situations are dire, and the heroes are flawed but resilient. It's a great great title once it settles past its iffy first arc. A combination of McNiven, Coipel, and Acuna keep the book looking great on the art front. A++ superhero comics
Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell
This was a great book if not a little short. Felt more mystical than typically superheroic. There is a bit of satisfying mystery mixed in. Dini provides an engaging platform for Quinones to thrive. Quinones is a wonderful cartoonist whose characters often have visual quirks to their expressions identifiable from another. His ink work provides plenty of charm to go with an adventurous tale. I can scarcely imagine a person who could regret reading this book.
Punk Rock Jesus
Sean Gordon Murphy packs this book with everything he's got. He's not quite a great writer, but when a subject is intimate to the creator it brings out the best in them. When reading this book, you get the unmistakable sense that Punk Rock Jesus *matters* to SGM. He puts his life in the inkwork telling the story. Thematically, the book reads like SGM's reconciliation with his family and past. The story revolves around a clone of Jesus stuck in a reality TV show about his life. He escapes and rebels finding himself in music. I don't say this often because tastes vary, but this book is a must read for any comic fan.
Afterlife with Archie
Man I did not think this book would be this good. Across many mediums, this is one of my favorite zombie stories. Forget that the characters are the characters you would find at supermarkets while you wait to check out. There's a minor novelty in it but the book doesn't bank on that. Riverdale is simply the setting for this great tale. You know how sometimes watch a horror movie and you think 'this movie just gets it' and you can't stop believing how good it is? This is like that. I'm only a little bit familiar with Aguirre Sacasa's writing from Fantastic Four Season One which didn't really make me want to seek out his other works but he fucking delivers here. Francavilla settles in as the best possible artist for this kind of story. His lightly cartoony but dark and moody style works its magic every page. I suppose the only downside to this book is that Francavilla only uses like 3 colors if thats a thing that bothers you.
Flex Mentallo
I have always been torn on my favorite Quitely/Morrison collab. Pax Americana v We3 v All Star Superman vs All New X-Men. Well, Flex Mentallo makes its own fine case. It's the best kind of Morrison story delivered by Quitely. A sense of anxiety and mystery permeate the book packed with metacommentary on the different ages of comics, the relationship between creator and creation and the flimsy existential difference between the two. I only wish the collection I bought had the original garish coloring.
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
Likely the funniest book out of the Big 2. Ryan North writes the funniest and entertaining books out of anybody that gets stuck in empty swimming pools and Erica Henderson wields the Power Cartooning Cosmic. Its fun as hell, funny af and a nice break from the other kinds of books the Big 2 put out. Honestly, I plan on giving this book to my niece when she is 8 or so which is like 6 years from now. No I'm not overly excited to share my love of USG, why do you ask?
Sharaz De by Sergio Toppi
In all honesty, one of the most jaw droppingly gorgeous books I've ever seen. Every page is an illustrative marvel. The stories here are classic and dont really rise above but fuck that have you seen how gorgeous this book is? I want to print every page and hang them in my house.

Other noteworthy books:
Silver Surfer by Slott and Allred - probably deserves more wide attention and appreciation from me. I'll admit to being prejudiced against it. I really just want a philosophical approach to Silver Surfer and this book isn't that. There are a lot of really great moments, many of them heartwarming.
Hellboy by Mike Mignola - only putting here because I want to read more than the first Library edition before talking about how great the Hellboy series is and what a master Mignola is
Ms Marvel by Wilson and Alphona Only here because I've only read like 3 new issues this year while waiting to buy the inevitable OHC vol 2. Of the few I read, the book continues its fantastic and inspiring form
The Incal by Jodorowsky and Moebius Requires a few rereads but I finished it with one question, why the fuck isnt this book discussed as one of the GOAT books more often? I need time to digest this book a few more times but I can't help but strongly feel it's one of the best comics ever. Moebius da God blessed be his lines
Monstress by Liu and Takeda Only read the first issue, but that was probably the debut issue of the year, damn.
JLA by Hitch Read only the first issue because I want to experience that bad boy in a nice collection. Although I did just get a Fire 10 so I might just go buy all the other issues now and catch up. Hitch shows he can write pretty well and he fucking kills it on the art surprising no one
Sex Criminals by Fraction and Zdarsky Shit gets real and emotional in vol 2. It didn't quite catch me like vol 1 did so I'm putting it as a noteworthy book this year
Velvet by Brubaker and Epting and Breitweiser A gorgeous, well written book. In the noteworthy section because I don't think its meaty enough and my memory isnt that good when it comes to books I read early this last year.
King City by Brandon Graham oh hey I should finish this excellent excellent book
Drifter by Brandon and Klein beautifully drawn and colored (painted really) book. Reminds me of a book Remender would do. Sci Fi western. A good one.
I'm contemplating going digital.

Do it. It's 1,000,000,000 times easier to not have to go to a comic shop to get your books. If you forget something, fixing that takes 30 seconds instead of having to go out anywhere. It saves time and valuable space by not having to store floppies anymore. My life is at least 20% better since switching to digital.

Also do not listen to people named sillymonkey.


I am part of the silent majority who is ready to take our comics medium back.

Who's going to sniff your digital comics before you buy them to know you're part of a better society?

I'll die before i see the comics i love get turned into some damn digital buffet table, gobbling up any book you see. Books shouldn't be available to all people at all times! It's about self respect and common decency, to know that if you want to get a comic then you have to go get that comic, believe in yourself and actually accomplish something. Oh, let me open up this app and tap this button with my dainty finger while the internets send a bunch of bippidy zippidy data to my computer goblin. NO.


The main reason I would be doing it is for space.

There's no good reason to buy digital comics. Space problems? Burn your comics after reading them, you save on heating and no one has to know you read Sunstone. Well, whoever sold you it might know but they can be managed.

60's Uncanny X-Men continues to be really bad, which continues to perplex me as Rob Thomas' Avengers is really good. I don't understand this at all. Anyway I've just witnessed the death of
Professor Xavier
thanks to the Sub-Human and I didn't care at all. I feel like this should have been something major, but such is the poor storytelling for the X-Men, I felt nothing.
But that's not Uncanny. It's just X-Men

I'm picky, because I think you'll like Claremont's run, where X-Men stops being a Saturday morning cartoon, and becomes the superhero soap opera it's known for
If anyone cares, the Cyclops artfx koto statue figure thing is $27 at Amazon. I'm still waiting for them to have Emma, and then for that to be discounted.
I need it!
The main reason I would be doing it is for space.

Definitely worth it for space issues. I'm just about to go through my shortboxes and yank out the valuable stuff (like Saga #1-30) and just toss the rest.
Need more space for figure boxes lolololololol


Time for list #1 of 2016

Bitch Planet #6
A-Force #1
Doctor Strange #4
Ultimates #3
Vision #3
Giant Days #10

*Is Totally Awesome Hulk truly a totally awesome book? I haven't grabbed #1, but it's tempting.

*Why is Howard the Duck $4.99? God DAMN, Marvel.

Archie #5
Sheriff of Babylon #2
Survivors Club #4
Black Science #19
Fade Out #12
Paper Girls #4
Amazing Spider-Man #6
Spider-Man Deadpool #1
Spidey #2

Looking forward to Archie the most this week, really interested in seeing what style the new artist goes in. Still haven't read Sheriff of Babylon #1 so don't know if this series is good or not, pretty sure it's gotten a lot of praise here. Honestly I'm behind of most of these books. I will say I really like the Spidey book, I hope that series continues for awhile. It's like seeing a new writer on Ultimate Spider-Man, and it's not tied down by continuity.
So Black Panther gets introduced in an Avengers issue? Which one?

I think he first appeared in a Fantastic Four story a while back, and then appeared again several issues later in Captain America's, which then tied in to the Avenger's book (I think it's around Avengers 52 or so). I've really enjoyed the way that Avengers has been a small backbone for several characters and story lines flow between the main Avenger's book and then the smaller side issues some of the characters have. For example in Tales of Suspense Black Panther calls on Captain America's help as he feels Cap is the only one who can help him against the evil forces trying to take over Wakanda. True to form Captain DOES help Black Panther repel the invasion of remnant Hydra force (led by a fake Baron Zemo)! So a friendship is built, and when Captain says he's leaving the Avengers he vouches for Black Panther to be part of the team (after all Black Panther had just returned the favour by saving all the Avengers from The Collector).

But that's not Uncanny. It's just X-Men

I'm picky, because I think you'll like Claremont's run, where X-Men stops being a Saturday morning cartoon, and becomes the superhero soap opera it's known for

Ah, I think the confusion here comes from the Marvel Unlimited app, as it's grouped the ones I'm reading with the Uncanny X-Men (1963-2011). As this is all I've ever known I can't stop calling them Uncanny X-Men, so sorry if that's causing problems!

I'm really struggling to get to grips with Roy Thomas (who I keep mistakenly calling Rob Thomas - woops). For me he's probably the best writer Marvel have at this time as I REALLY like his work on the Avengers, and I've taken a shine to the newly introduced Captain Marvel... but I just can't understand why his time on X-Men was so poor. The continuity is there in the X-Men, which is one of the things I really like about the Avengers' stories but it just doesn't feel the same. I think X-Men lack any real threat, which might be way he's reintroduced Magneto. The times X-Men has shined for me involved the semi political and social aspects of just what the hell a mutant is and their struggle to be part of normal every day life, however I think that's probably to deep for a 60's Marvel comic. With that in mind I can understand if that's why Thomas shied away from writing more stories like that (I really enjoyed the introduction of the Sentinels by Stan Lee).

I've just checked and Thomas' run on X-Men ends soon, which I guess is so he can focus on the newly launched Captain Marvel.

Southern Bastards
Aaron and Latour are a couple of Southern boys and their intimacy with the region shows. This book made my list last year and I don't see it being kicked off this coming year either. Vol 2 takes a worthy detour from Vol 1's plot and consequences to give us the backstory of Coach Boss. Our expectations are flipped and the allegiance of the reader is tested. Southern Bastards continues to shine in a crowded field of exceptional Image titles.

I'd really like to hear more about Southern Bastards, as I'm still looking for a 'sports' comic. Is this like Friday Night Lights?
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