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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.

The debate over BB 8's gender amuses me to no end. Maybe it has no gender? It's a toaster oven with personality programming.

It's a good example of how crucial people make it to peg someone's gender. Heaven forbid you don't know.

People are really doing this?


BB-8 should have got a medal.

This is a fair point! Did R2 ever get recognition for all the work he did for like 100 years?
Robots in Star Wars have a gender programming.
R2 and C3PO are dudes, the one protocoll droid in the beginning of Phantom Menace had a female personality.

Good to know. But I don't think that those who were kept awake at night not knowing BB 8's gender knew that. So my second point still stands.
I know nobody really cares about DC anymore, but I've been reading the Superheavy arc in Batman and, despite a rocky start, I think it is as classic as Snyder's other arcs have been.


People are really doing this?


This is a fair point! Did R2 ever get recognition for all the work he did for like 100 years?

Hmm.. I just rewatched A New Hope and I want to say he was up there on the podium at the end but I could be making that up. Or maybe it was the end parade moment in prequel?

Yeah, I think he was up there at the end of A New Hope. I was upset to see (TFA Spoiler)
how they had allowed R2 to just rust up between ROTJ and TFA. Ungrateful stinking meatbags.


I love that we finally get a movie with Ego the Living Planet :D

Good to know. But I don't think that those who were kept awake at night not knowing BB 8's gender knew that. So my second point still stands.
Because someone declared it as canon, most likely it was a word of god from Lucas.
I know nobody really cares about DC anymore, but I've been reading the Superheavy arc in Batman and, despite a rocky start, I think it is as classic as Snyder's other arcs have been.

I haven't read any DC for years, but I've enjoyed watching the animated movies on Amazon and Netflix. Especially the Lego Batman Movie.
Yeah, I think he was up there at the end of A New Hope. I was upset to see (TFA Spoiler)
how they had allowed R2 to just rust up between ROTJ and TFA. Ungrateful stinking meatbags.

I know right?
Like, on the one hand, it's kind of cute how they show him aging. But on the other hand, no! He's frickin robotic royalty! Soup him the fuck up!
I know nobody really cares about DC anymore, but I've been reading the Superheavy arc in Batman and, despite a rocky start, I think it is as classic as Snyder's other arcs have been.

I care about some DC books. Clean Room was really good this month.

On the Marvel side, Captain Marvel #1 was really solid. Liking this way more than any of the DeConnick stuff.
The debate over BB 8's gender amuses me to no end. Maybe it has no gender? It's a toaster oven with personality programming.

It's a good example of how crucial people make it to peg someone's gender. Heaven forbid you don't know.

For some reason people have this urge to stick everyone and everything into buckets. Anything that doesn't fit or that is unclear is upsetting. Gender is certainly one of the more frustrating examples of this.


Not sure if you mean me, I would be ok when the non-humanoid robots would not have a gender, but they have them and thats all Ive said...


Dc comics is just as good as marvel so what are you talking about^

Though I think they are both trash compared to image imo

Edit: I am exaggerating
They're going to send our warriors, the Justice League, to Apokolips to KICK DARKSEID'S ASS!!!!!

Woah, woah, woah...

I know nobody really cares about DC anymore, but I've been reading the Superheavy arc in Batman and, despite a rocky start, I think it is as classic as Snyder's other arcs have been.

It did have a rocky start...but I kinda love how in #48 they went full crazy. I also like how the monologue in #48 was as much about the never-ending nature of comics and it is about Batman himself. It makes it feel more mythic and although the next arc is Two Face it'd be cool to get something a bit crazier/supernatural for the one after. Or just Snyder doing those one or two issue arcs, dark detective stories.
Doctor Fate #7, #8: Okay, that... was actually a decent end to the origin arc. I'm willing to stick with this to see where it goes from here. Art in #7 was pretty great, which confirms that while the style just isn't suited for regular life stuff, it does look pretty good when handling the fantastical.

It's clear that the Egyptian pantheon got put through the ringer at some point, which does explain Anubis' behavior. And with other faiths starting to crop up in issue 8, things are looking up.


I know nobody really cares about DC anymore, but I've been reading the Superheavy arc in Batman and, despite a rocky start, I think it is as classic as Snyder's other arcs have been.

For me personally it's still the weaker of Snyder's arcs.
Also I'm personally glad that JimBats is likely coming to an end, dunno what to expect in #49, but definitely looking forward to #50.
For me personally it's still the weaker of Snyder's arcs.
Also I'm personally glad that JimBats is likely coming to an end, dunno what to expect in #49, but definitely looking forward to #50.

I would still agree with this statement, but only because the others have set the bar insanely high. However, I will say, especially on a thematic level as the story intertwines the 3 main entities - Bruce, Jim, and Gotham itself - it really comes full circle for Snyder's Batman saga.
I would still agree with this statement, but only because the others have set the bar insanely high. However, I will say, especially on a thematic level as the story intertwines the 3 main entities - Bruce, Jim, and Gotham itself - it really comes full circle for Snyder's Batman saga.

Pretty much where I'm at.

Secret Six #10: Well, that was anticlimactic.


No Scrubs
I would still agree with this statement, but only because the others have set the bar insanely high. However, I will say, especially on a thematic level as the story intertwines the 3 main entities - Bruce, Jim, and Gotham itself - it really comes full circle for Snyder's Batman saga.

Agreed, though if he can stick the landing it might elevate this one, given all the themes involved and how the story is progressing.
Batman & Robin Eternal: art was pretty weak this week, which is unfortunate because there's some really cool stuff going on.

And I'm still waiting on that twist re: Bruce in the past. It's gotta be coming.

It's gotta.

Batman #48: WOW, what a comic! That was some fantastic shit. Capullo on point as ever, Bloom and his henchmen were suitably freaky. The whole discussion between Bruce and Joker was captivating, especially the bit about bringing things back. Agreed that it applies brilliantly to both the current story and comics as a whole. Very well done.


I dunno what it was, but Silver Surfer was missing that spark that made it a really special book before Secret Wars. It was like seeing a tribute band instead of the real thing. Hopefully it gets back on track, that was one of my favorite comics.
Oh, random question: I see the Busiek Thunderbolts run just started being rereleased. What are people's thoughts on that? What little popped up in the Avengers omnibus left feeling kind of "eh, I can take it or leave it", but I'm curious as to whether or not anyone has any strong opinions on it.

I liked it back when it was coming out.


Just finished Batman #48 and American Alien #3. Both were great.

The conversation between Bruce and "Joker" at the beginning wasn't as obviously metaphoric as some point out Snyder as being most of the time, even though the scene still is very thematically loaded. It was so well done. I really love Snyder's Batman/Joker moments. He really knows how to write both characters extraordinarily well when they're together in a scene.

Mr. Bloom is a cool character too. For a first appearance in this arc, he's become a pretty formidable foe, much like the Court of Owls. I see him becoming a much bigger villain in the future and a fine addition to the rogues gallery. While at this point it seems like the story will be pretty predictable going into its conclusion in the next two issues, I'm still interested because I want to see how Snyder leaves everything for post-issue 50 Batman; like where's Gordon gonna end up, is Bruce really gonna return as Batman, who's gonna be the first villain to arrive after this arc, as the solicitation for #51 makes it seem as if Gotham becomes totally quiet after Superheavy.

It seems like #50 is going to be a great cap to the Snyder/Capullo run they've built since issue 1. Gonna miss Capullo greatly and I'm super excited to see where Snyder takes the character next. Easily my favorite Batman run of all time.
Just finished Batman #48 and American Alien #3. Both were great.

The conversation between Bruce and "Joker" at the beginning wasn't as obviously metaphoric as some point out Snyder as being most of the time, even though the scene still is very thematically loaded. it was so well done. I really love Snyder's Batman/Joker moments.

Mr. Bloom is a cool character too. For a first appearance in this arc, he's become a pretty formidable foe, much like the Court of Owls. I see him becoming a much bigger villain in the future and a fine addition to the rogues gallery. While at this point, it seems like the story will be pretty predictable going into its conclusion in the next to issues, but I'm still interested because I want to see how Snyder leaves everything for post-issue 50 Batman; like where's Gordon gonna end up, is Bruce really gonna return as Batman, who's gonna be the first villain to arrive after this arc, as the solicitation for #51 makes it seem as if Gotham becomes totally quiet after Superheavy.

It seems like #50 is going to be a great cap to the Snyder/Capullo run they've built since issue 1. Gonna miss Capullo greatly and I'm super excited to see where Snyder takes the character next. Easily my favorite Batman run of all time.

Well Capullo isnt gone forever, but at least a year while he does his project with Millar. Dude also has some health issues related to how hard he pushes himself so a break from a monthly is probably good for him. Also next arc spoilers but
whether its 51 or not, the next arc is all about Two Face and drawn by Sean Murphy


Well Capullo isnt gone forever, but at least a year while he does his project with Millar. Dude also has some health issues related to how hard he pushes himself so a break from a monthly is probably good for him. Also next arc spoilers but
whether its 51 or not, the next arc is all about Two Face and drawn by Sean Murphy

Oh shit, yeah, I totally forgot that Snyder recently said he's interested in doing a
Two-Face arc.

That's sad to hear about Capullo, I didn't know he had health issues. Hope they aren't severe. The guy really does pour 110% into his work.
Oh shit, yeah, I totally forgot that Snyder recently said he's interested in doing a
Two-Face arc.

That's sad to hear about Capullo, I didn't know he had health issues. Hope they aren't severe. The guy really does pour 110% into his work.

From what i understand they are not too severe, but because he gives his all...i think it was mainly stress related. He talked about it on Fatman on Batman a while ago. He has defined the look of Batman for a relative generation of readers and thats pretty cool.

For Mr Bloom its quite interesting that he is the most Snyder villain we have got so far. He is more of an ideal/theme made villainous than a person.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ive been deep into Dragon's Dogma the last few days so I havent been keeping up with news, so I just want to say


edit: also lol at Sam Cap already being replaced, good going Marvel >_>
Batman #48: WOW, what a comic! That was some fantastic shit. Capullo on point as ever, Bloom and his henchmen were suitably freaky. The whole discussion between Bruce and Joker was captivating, especially the bit about bringing things back. Agreed that it applies brilliantly to both the current story and comics as a whole. Very well done.

Dammit, this has made me want to catch up now.


Batman #48 was something else. While I hated the amnesia plot somewhat, Mr. Bloom rocks.
Yo that kid changing into a Bloomling(?) was nasty man. Like seriously not cool. And Alfred, don't cry; Master Bruce will fuck some shit up.

Ms. Marvel #3 and Uncanny Inhumans #4 were good reads too.


Someone please say good words about Poison Ivys book. Preferably good words. I can't get my books until tomorrow.

Oh awesome, Aftershock comics are now on Comixology. So Superzero and InSexts are up. The first issues are even discounted.
I bought a trade today. It was a simple Lando mini for $13 with my shop discount. The simple act of buying one trade put a spark in me. I feel like I bought some art. I own it, it's mine. Need to find a balance between physical and digital I think.


I bought a trade today. It was a simple Lando mini for $13 with my shop discount. The simple act of buying one trade put a spark in me. I feel like I bought some art. I own it, it's mine. Need to find a balance between physical and digital I think.

Yes, come back to print, it has the power that you need.


Moonstone and Mach-V were revealed for the new Thunderbolts book and it was revealed that Bagley did the art for the teaser.


Is there a UK Equivalent? I've been using Amazon, Gumtree and Ebay for second hand physical copies. I'm still using Marvel Unlimited the most for Digital, while I've started to dip into the Image site sales.

Speedyhen's already been mentioned but I also use Wordery. They've currently got a 10% off code for January when you order any two books or more.

I usually rotate between Amazon, bookdepository, Wordery, Speedyhen and the Amazon marketplace, whichever ends up being cheaper. I've used cheap-comics a few times and they're good too. Although maybe only worthwhile if you're placing a hefty order as the shipping can be expensive.


Ms. Marvel was a good time, Cap Marvel is off to a better start than the 2014 run. Ant-Man is finally getting somewhere. Hellcat feels like a slice of life anime in Marvel form.
Finished Ellis' Thunderbolts before class. The first arc was amazing so the second arc was a little disappointing. Still good though.

I will say though, I think Bullseye might be my favorite Marvel villain. Secret appearance in DD S2 please?
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