Ms. Marvel was a good time, Cap Marvel is off to a better start than the 2014 run. Ant-Man is finally getting somewhere. Hellcat feels like a slice of life anime in Marvel form.
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Ms. Marvel was a good time, Cap Marvel is off to a better start than the 2014 run. Ant-Man is finally getting somewhere. Hellcat feels like a slice of life anime in Marvel form.
It's not worth it m8. Too dangerous.
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But then I'll be like "fuck putting those comics away".
Speedyhen's already been mentioned but I also use Wordery. They've currently got a 10% off code for January when you order any two books or more.
I usually rotate between Amazon, bookdepository, Wordery, Speedyhen and the Amazon marketplace, whichever ends up being cheaper. I've used cheap-comics a few times and they're good too. Although maybe only worthwhile if you're placing a hefty order as the shipping can be expensive.
oh wow@ Batman #48. I haven't actually like this Superheavy arc for the most part but damn if it isn't ramping up here at the end.
Yoooo first 6 issues of Copra showed up on CMX. One less series I have to buy in trades. Good times
I'm sure they will. Just stretching out the releases over a couple weeks or soHopefully they add more issues. I have the first two trades but haven't picked up volume 3 just yet.
Hopefully they add more issues. I have the first two trades but haven't picked up volume 3 just yet.
I'm sure they will. Just stretching out the releases over a couple weeks or so
Wow, Uncanny Inhumans may be the first time I've seen Kang not be a boring piece of poop.
Finished Ellis' Thunderbolts before class. The first arc was amazing so the second arc was a little disappointing. Still good though.
I will say though, I think Bullseye might be my favorite Marvel villain. Secret appearance in DD S2 please?
I can't do Uncanny X-Men anymore. The story is interesting enough. It has Mystique in it which I love. But Lands art is killing me.
No joke, I was considering buying #2 today, until I scoped the preview pages CMX posted. Dat Mystique face. NopeNopeNope
What's wrong with the face?
Mystiques one? Imo its fine. Thats just how land being land...but the other one? lol.
Is it more to do with the expressions?
Those worst part about Land isn't even the faces its how stuff it is. He doesn't convey movement or fludity at all,
I'll concur with Tim's opinion that the new Surfer feels different than the last volume. It's not bad, but the story felt rushed in this issue. There were some nice little pop-culture references, though.
I need Legion of Super Heroes recommendations. Can ya'll suggest some?
How the fuck Greg Land still works for Marvel astounds me.
Gets his pages out on time, and his name sells, provided you don't pay attention to the fact the books he's on would sell regardless because the X-Men and post-movie Iron Man are things that people buy.
Gets his pages out on time, and his name sells, provided you don't pay attention to the fact the books he's on would sell regardless because the X-Men and post-movie Iron Man are things that people buy.
Just finished Fables.
Has there ever been a series with as many absolutely fantastic covers?
Even when James Jean left, the majority of them were still pretty great.
It's easy to hit your deadlines when three-quarters of your work is recycled or traced.
god just imagine Greg Land doing Secret Wars
or Hawkeye
It's easy to hit your deadlines when three-quarters of your work is recycled or traced.
Fables has some fantastic covers.
I have been re-reading Astro City and that is another series with some consistently brilliant covers.
Yea they're really good but my vote for top covers the whole run is Sandman.
Speaking of Sandman I guess next week we'll get Lucifer on sale
god just imagine Greg Land doing Secret Wars
Sell it to me. I'm curious of that seriesIve only read two issue but I really like Power of the Atom ao far.
Luck or CGI?
Currently reading this before I go back to the next trade for Morrison's Batman run:
It really amazes me how quality the writing and art are considering this comic is from 1952! Pretty incredible.
Yeah, it really does hold up. It was also really, really impressive to see how far he'd come since A Christmas on Bear Mountain (talking more the collection, though the title stories on both volumes sharing the Christmas theme makes the comparison come off extra strong from the start.)
Tokyo Ghost first arc was fantastic. So glad it's going to continue.