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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


Brutal issue of Tokyo Ghost this month. I know some people weren't into it at first but it's become really good IMO. I dig the art and aesthetics a lot. I like how it's become a story about addiction and overcoming it more than anything else. I guess I was wrong about
Davey not coming back LOL. His dialogue's not as bad as it was in the first issue at least.

What a way to end the arc though, this is gonna be a long wait.
I love Rick Remender but I was not feeling the first issue at all. Yet all the positive impressions regarding the series as whole has me considering giving it another shot.

Also, just read Batman 48. Wow, what a fantastic issue. Snyder is hands down my favorite Batman writer. And Capullo + FCO is perfection as always.
I love Rick Remender but I was not feeling the first issue at all. Yet all the positive impressions regarding the series as whole has me considering giving it another shot.

Also, just read Batman 48. Wow, what a fantastic issue. Snyder is hands down my favorite Batman writer. And Capullo + FCO is perfection as always.

If you didn't feel the first issue then I can't really guarantee you'll be into the rest of it. It does improve quite a bit after the first two issues I think.

I'd say check out the trade once it's out since it'll probably be like $5 on IST when it comes out in March if you want to give it a second chance.
Remember when Wildcat solo'd the Injustice Society? Remember how he just murdered two of their members?

Also the Greg Land hate is real. I need my X-Men fix though. It helps guarantee I get on X-book a week. Or not. Still, it's the only three I have! Unless I do ANWolverine, but nah.

Finished Ellis' Thunderbolts before class. The first arc was amazing so the second arc was a little disappointing. Still good though.

I will say though, I think Bullseye might be my favorite Marvel villain. Secret appearance in DD S2 please?

I find it hard to believe he won't show up. He's a major antagonist to Daredevil, Elektra, and Punisher. All of whom are main characters in S2.
Cover to Justice League #50 in April... (no real spoilers unless you consider the laws of comic books a spoiler)


Mr Miracle seems to be joining the Justice League, Hal seems back for good rather than an arc...Mobius stays Mobius (or Anti Monitor gets some surgery) and Darkseid is back
Cover to Justice League #50 in April... (no real spoilers unless you consider the laws of comic books a spoiler)


Mr Miracle seems to be joining the Justice League, Hal seems back for good rather than an arc...Mobius stays Mobius (or Anti Monitor gets some surgery) and Darkseid is back
Who's green armor chick?


Remember when Wildcat solo'd the Injustice Society? Remember how he just murdered two of their members?

Also the Greg Land hate is real. I need my X-Men fix though. It helps guarantee I get on X-book a week. Or not. Still, it's the only three I have! Unless I do ANWolverine, but nah.

I find it hard to believe he won't show up. He's a major antagonist to Daredevil, Elektra, and Punisher. All of whom are main characters in S2.

The X-Men are in a sad state of affairs these days


Neo Member
Caught up on a looottttt of stuff tonight.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #1-2
Dug it a lot, good humor. Honestly my only complaint so far is with how Hulks face is drawn. For some reason it bothers me.

Airboy #1
Holy crap I enjoyed this. That middle splash page was so good.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2
For some reason not grabbing me as much as Afterlife With Archie did. Probably not going to get anymore.

Spider-Man/Deadpool #1
I tried but I just can't get into Deadpool. Probably not going to continue with this one.

Uncanny X-Men #1-2
Like the story but the art is pretty horrendous. I'll stick with it another couple of issues and see how it goes.

Batman #48
Snyder is putting together such a great story. Dragged a little bit at the beginning but my god, that last panel alone was worth it.

Back to the Future #4
This just feels like a hugely wasted opportunity. Entire series has been meh and the art is just horrible

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0
Nothing of real substance here but... I was born in 88 and raised on TMNT and Power Rangers so I love it. Had to pick up the red, black, green and white variants.

The Walking Dead #150
Already talked about this but it's in my little pile. Like I said before i'm sick of reading issues that feel like we aren't going anywhere. Ever since the Negan days it basically feels like nothing is happening. Even when something actually IS happening, it feels like it's retreading old ground.

Superman: American Alien #3
Not a huge fan of Superman at all. Read very few stories that I actually enjoyed. LOVING this one. Art, story, everything. It's great. Wish it was going on longer than it is.

Batman TMNT #2
This is a childhood dream come true. Feels like a couple of missed opportunities so far but i'm looking forward to seeing what comes of this.

Judge Dredd #2
Got a little bit better this month but probably going to drop it if the next issue doesn't do anything for me.

American Monster #1
Surprise of the week for me. Blind buy and I loved it. Why the hell am I not seeing more people talk about this? To me, this is this weeks must buy.

Batman and Robin Eternal #16
Not really doing anything in this issue that was unexpected. The part with
Jason overcoming his fear
was pretty cool though.

Star Wars #15
Really great issue and I hope they stay in this time period for a little while longer. One of my favorite parts of the Star Wars comics has been the part where
Vader realized he had a son
. I'm hoping we get a similar reveal with
Obi Wan finding out Anakin is still alive
. Can't wait.

Superman #47
Got talked into it because of the whole Harley's Little Black Book thing. Didn't enjoy it and what in the hell is going on in this book?
Superman has no powers, is working for a wrestling federation, battling his evil twin sand brother and kills Jimmy Olsen?
Out of context this was the craziest comic book issue I have ever wandered into.

Captain Marvel #1
Not sure how I feel, going to buy the next couple of issues and see how it plays out.

Robin Son of Batman #8
Continues the streak of releasing okay-good issues. Nothing spectacular but I dig me some Damian so i'm fine with it.

Silver Surfer #1
My first Silver Surfer comic i've ever read. Never seemed interesting to me but I dug this issue. Is it always this cartoony? I always expected something a little more mature.


I did my part, Bros. I already own the first volume of Copra physically, but I bought it on Comixology when it dropped as well.
Does the Christmas on Bear Mountain volume come before the Shacktown one chronologically? If so, I will stop reading this since I am extremely early into it and read the Bear Mountain one instead.

Wikipedia has an up to date list containing both the release and chronological orders.



Snow is coming and i don't want it :/ Same feeling i get whenever i pre-ordered a DC book and saw it in my next shipment.


We are supposed to get 12-16 inches over here tomorrow. Oh golly. I just hope the electricity doesn't go out.

yar i'm in the way of an angry Didio after the third relaunch of Suicide Squad but in snow form.

i spend too much time watching Hearthstone streams and not enough reading comics. If only comics were lewder...


O____________O Suicide Squad trailer. Please don't disappoint where you spend all your time assembling a fun team only to do nothing with them, fight an angry tween Ronan or Doom or all these other crappy movie plots.


Just finished the Blackman / Del Mundo run on Elektra.

The plot started OK and there were definitely some cool moments, but it was also pretty dumb. Both protagonist and antagonist (all assassins!) fail to kill their opponents, because of reasons.

The art, on the other hand, was amazing! For me, art is usually secondary to the plot, but I would recommend this run on the art alone.
Man, JSA has some really good bits.

First, Jay Garrick level sass:
Second, some of this art is gorgeous:
I love it. Every panel with Extant post-Worlogog is godlike.
The X-Men are in a sad state of affairs these days
Infinite sadness at the truth of this post.
Jessica Cruz / Power Ring. The woman who got Earth 3's Crime Syndicate eldritch horror equivalent of the Green Lantern Ring.

Jessica Cruz, Power Ring who inherited Volthoom's Power Ring from old Power Ring when he got...Sinestro'd, i think, in Forever Evil.
So wait, they explained what Volthoom actually was, at some point? Goddamnit, Johns. Just because you half-assed a finale to a run in order to tie it in to another book doesn't mean I should suffer you!

Let's revisit Power Ring getting Sinestro'd:
I feel better now
O____________O Suicide Squad trailer. Please don't disappoint where you spend all your time assembling a fun team only to do nothing with them, fight an angry tween Ronan or Doom or all these other crappy movie plots.
SS will save us
I bought the trade of that JSA story as a kid and loved it, despite knowing very little about DC history. The story where Alan Scott fights Obsidian (dat Golden Age GL oath!), the one-shot of Wildcat fighting the Injustice Society, and the time travel arc. There was a story where they fought Black Adam as well I think.

I got to read the whole run a few years back and it was good nearly the whole time. Not to dispense hot takes, but that sense of history/legacy heroism is something I miss about current DC.
I bought the trade of that JSA story as a kid and loved it, despite knowing very little about DC history. The story where Alan Scott fights Obsidian (dat Golden Age GL oath!), the one-shot of Wildcat fighting the Injustice Society, and the time travel arc. There was a story where they fought Black Adam as well I think.

I got to read the whole run a few years back and it was good nearly the whole time. Not to dispense hot takes, but that sense of history/legacy heroism is something I miss about current DC.

For real it's super good and enjoyable. It has an old-school feel to it, with out actually being old-school. So basically, the dialogue is readable, the art is awesome, and the rest is balls-to-the-walls.
Odd that Obsidian and Extant have such similar designs.


Man, JSA has some really good bits.

First, Jay Garrick level sass:

Second, some of this art is gorgeous:

I love it. Every panel with Extant post-Worlogog is godlike.

JSA was so great. Have you come across the Johnny Sorrow arc yet? I don't remember where that falls in the first omnibus, I think he first shows up in issue 9 or 10?

Bought a shovel, gloves, and a ski mask today. I'm ready for the snow.

Damn, how much more snow are we supposed to get?
JSA was so great. Have you come across the Johnny Sorrow arc yet? I don't remember where that falls in the first omnibus, I think he first shows up in issue 9 or 10?
He showed up in the issue where Wildcat solo'd his new Injustice Society and then left. He basically showed up to steal something and bailed. Beyond that, no. I'm still reading Extant. This book is a slow burn. Not because it's hard to read, but because it's an omnibus.
I thought that was Spawn at first.

That's mean
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