Y'all should lock in on the low price for Margot Harley
I hope it looks nice. I'd definitely get it if so. Otherwise it's all about the Bombshell with handlebar moustache Superman.
The Power Girl one? I love the idea of a PG Bombshell, but I'm not a fan of these $200 "Hey, you're buying two statues and you have no choice in the matter!" pieces. I would definitely buy a standalone one.
i gave it another look at dcbs, zoomed in on that "image not available" picture. The word "not" doesn't seem that interesting.
A wise decision. Who knows what that "not" could be foreshadowing. Could bebad paint
Wow...Star Wars this week. 10/10. Absolutely stunning.
All comics this week 0/10
-2.5/10, Too Much Harley
found this on the statueforum along with images of a couple of the other suicide ones, unpainted prototype from bigbadtoystore.com
Not sure how i feel about it yet, they should leave it without paint.
Had a bunch of free days this week. Read Slott's Silver Surfer run. Wow. I LOVED this, so fun and goofy. Thank god they finally kissed.
found this on the statueforum along with images of a couple of the other suicide ones, unpainted prototype from bigbadtoystore.com
Not sure how i feel about it yet, they should leave it without paint.
I was wondering when someone was gonna mention it.
I need more Kenobi, man.
it will probably be damaged.
it will probably be damaged.
Jokers been working out I see.
Too buff 4 me
Leto is 140lbs wet. This statue ain't even remotely close to being accurate. Fire the sculptor.
Zombeen, did you order the Negan statue yet? He's up at EE and BBTS.
Messi what's your thoughts on steven universe?
Man whats with shrinking dudes and shitty personal lives, Ray Palmer can't seem to catch a break.
I don't know what Stephen Universe is.
It's the worst show on Cartoon Network.
this is objectively falseIt's the worst show on Cartoon Network.
Lights. Camera. Insanity.![]()
it will probably be damaged.
It's the worst show on Cartoon Network.
It's the worst show on Cartoon Network.
but you read comicsOh I don't watch cartoon network, I am an adult.
It's the worst show on Cartoon Network.
He's been up on EE forever. Had him on lock since I saw they put him up. Time to add him to my shrine. Now I just need some hair.
Edit: Freeza, Chun Li finally shipped!
Messi!!!! Suicide Squad Katana statue announced!!!
I didn't know, man. No one told me Negan PO's opened. Why you gotta do me like that, bruh?
Which Chun? The Hobby Japan one?
Is Katana the woman from Nocentis second best DC book?
Wow. I had no idea Ann Nocenti wrote that. I almost bought it a few times from IST, too. Is it decent or dog shit? As for the statue, I'm glad she's getting one. I want a Katana statue but wasn't crazy about the DC Cover Girls one.
Based on what I've read its just hinting at someone returning for the new Cap ongoing.So Marvel's Dead No More is hinting another event? Sigh.
I don't know what Stephen Universe is.
And if Brian says that, you know it's gonna be great!
Whaaa............ Go Watch it now it's girly hihinks the TV series.
Messi!!!! Suicide Squad Katana statue announced!!!
I didn't know, man. No one told me Negan PO's opened. Why you gotta do me like that, bruh?
Which Chun? The Hobby Japan one?
Messi doesn't watch TV. I have confirmation. He watches like two shows.
We'll get thereHigh fives maybe.
We'll get there
Well shit. Guess I have a lot to look forward toOh no, Johns wrote JSA forever. The second omnibus is all Johns, and the third is about 99% Johns with some fill in issues here and there (including a short arc with Gentleman Ghost that had a super skeezy plot point involving Stargirl, I think Levitz wrote it).
(Ignore the Wonder Woman omni)
I don't see a shield on her ass...I like the art but I feel this is the 3-4th time Widow has SHIELD on her ass.
This is actually true
I watch Girls and Orange is the new black.
I will also watch Vinyl.