Rumor is Angela, Howling Commandos and one another might get the ax, then again, it's Bleeding Cool.

Please don't do this Marvel.
Rumor is Angela, Howling Commandos and one another might get the ax, then again, it's Bleeding Cool.
comics eat brains
Please don't do this Marvel.
Second worst selling Marvel book for December, only outselling Howling Commandos
I'd be bummed about losing some LGBT representation but I've been told Angela is not officially a lesbian, so it's all good
The halfway turn into a more horrorish book was meh.Why's that?
Dedication lads. Be like Messi.
I don't care about sales, the book is quality.
If we were following the sales metric something like Omega Men and Prez should be dead. Doesn't mean they aren't good.
Also Hercules is lower.
Until reading this post i forgot Hercules had a book.
Just seen the Comic Humble Bundle - any worthwhile?
Ah screw it $20 seems decent enough for Invincible Compendium (Issues #1-47) alone, as I've been keeping tabs on that and seems right up my street.
Sadness envelopes me.Rumor is Angela, Howling Commandos and one another might get the ax, then again, it's Bleeding Cool.
Ah, I'm not reading that at the moment. Are there any Cons coming up soon where DC might announce whatever this is or is it more likely to just be announced?
Rumor is Angela, Howling Commandos and one another might get the ax, then again, it's Bleeding Cool.
Similar sales drops are happening to quite a few of Marvel's series. Outside of a few cases like Deadpool, the relaunch had not helped sales at all and it's actually hurt a lot of them. I hope they seriously look at this and try to stay away from this constant renumbering.I wasn't the only one that dropped it, looks like.
Similar sales drops are happening to quite a few of Marvel's series. Outside of a few cases like Deadpool, the relaunch had not helped sales at all and it's actually hurt a lot of them. I hope they seriously look at this and try to stay away from this constant renumbering.
Do you think it's the renumbering that's driving people away? I don't care about that nearly so much as the content of the book. If I'm not having a good time reading the story, that's what's going to drive me away.
For the majority of Marvel books none of them were good jumping on points as they were basically continuing on from the last story arc before Secret Wars.Renumbering gives people the opportunity to hop onto a book with the promise of it being a good jumping on point. It also gives people the chance to drop off.
Renumbering should work for DC as they haven't done it in a few years but marvel did it twice in one year for some books. I'm glad it's biting them in the ass but we are going to lose some good books because of it. Like Angela and Moon Girl.
Not loving Lazarus so far through the first 4 issue arc. It's certainly not a bad book but it might not be for me. I'm just not a huge fan of books that are 100% serious 100% of the time. I need at least a little bit of comic relief here and there.
The book also seems to have a distinct lack of likable characters. It's basically just Forever and a bunch of hateful scumbags. It's like what A Game of Thrones would have been like if it had been about the Lannister's instead of the Starks and Tyrion were far less witty and hilarious.
The art is adequate. It doesn't get in the way of the story but I never find myself really appreciating anything I see.
Do you think it's the renumbering that's driving people away? I don't care about that nearly so much as the content of the book. If I'm not having a good time reading the story, that's what's going to drive me away.
Many of the Marvel books are getting reprintings though, even stuff like Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur.
Yeah, their #1's are. The problem is that nothing beyond that gets reprinted, because no one is buying past it.
I have yet to see anything get reprinted like Spider-Gwen's Spiderverse issue has. And that wasn't even a #1
Nothing's on their 8th print or whatever, but even stuff like Invincible Iron-Man 4, Amazing Spider-Man 6, Doctor Strange 4, Nova 3, Spider-Man 2099 5, and so on are still getting successive prints.Yeah, their #1's are. The problem is that nothing beyond that gets reprinted, because no one is buying past it.
I have yet to see anything get reprinted like Spider-Gwen's Spiderverse issue has.
So next months OT is going to be called All New Comics #1 right.
So next months OT is going to be called All New Comics #1 right.
Everything hints so july for the new #1s
I don't mind #1s if it is a new writer.
Like if Snyder does move from Batman to Detective Comics I could imagine both getting's like an easier way to make it approachable for new readers - i think - because it implies the old stories have finished, even if the new writer might reference stuff. I sorta feel like before the New 52 some of the crazy numbering was almost just so they could say we've published 666 issues of Batman (think it happened during Morrison's run) or something like that. I don't really like the idea of doing it purely after an event and from the sounds of it ANAD isn't really that All New or All Different, in some ways.
It'd be interesting to see what happens, since I feel like it'll be something way smaller than BC are pumping it up to be.
Edit: Well Capullo said he and Snyder are both leaving Batman...
Why U hate the LSH DC? Rebirth the fuck out the them if you have to do that. Just gimmie them back
Well, Mr. Capullo's still on for 51.Well we knew Capullo would be done after 50. Whether he eventually moves over to Detective Comics with Snyder, maybe after he's done with the Millar collab, who knows.
I don't have a subtitle yet for next month's thread. Still have to think of something. Also have to pick out books to showcase too. If anyone has anything they want in the OP just let me know.
Well, Mr. Capullo's still on for 51.
Oh, really? That's cool. I thought he said he was done as soon as his contract was.
I want Hickman to write them like he said he wanted to, but then I feel like he'd probably not want to be doing another space epic so soon...
I don't have a subtitle yet for next month's thread. Still have to think of something. Also have to pick out books to showcase too. If anyone has anything they want in the OP just let me know.
Bet you he stays until the Relaunch. Possibly #52
I don't care about sales, the book is quality.
If we were following the sales metric something like Omega Men and Prez should be dead. Doesn't mean they aren't good.
Also Hercules is lower.
My thoughts:What Im going to provide you with now is sort of my stream-of-consciousness take on the future of the comic book industry. Use it as you will.