No one knows yet. Rememender just posted it on twitter with nothing about it. It doesn't look custom or he could have mentioned it.
I will pay money for it.
Or hamburgers.
No one knows yet. Rememender just posted it on twitter with nothing about it. It doesn't look custom or he could have mentioned it.
I will pay money for it.
Or hamburgers.
RespectGot my Abe statue and Liz mini-bust:
$40 well spent!
I will pay money for it.
Or hamburgers.
What makes you say that Messi-kun?I have a feeling this isn't a statue that we will be able to buy. it can join the other statues that we are never going to get.
What makes you say that Messi-kun?
I just think he would have said more than he did and very few image books get statues.
By "very few" you mean "almost literally zero."
Has anything from Image gotten any statues? I mean, aside from Walking Dead. Invincible got that one Atom Eve figure and that was it.
By "very few" you mean "almost literally zero."
Has anything from Image gotten any statues? I mean, aside from Walking Dead. Invincible got that one Atom Eve figure and that was it.
Didn't know you guys were so into statues around here
Didn't know you guys were so into statues around here
Statues are one territory I will not dive into. Though I almost bought a Usagi yojombo a couple years ago
Agreed, plus I am hardcore into collecting gunplaYeah, I'm not really interested in them, either. I do think they look pretty awesome, though, and I have nothing but respect for those who do collect them.
Agreed, plus I am hardcore into collecting gunpla
Review O'Clock! I'm "forcing" myself to work through more of my backlog before I buy a bunch more Nightwing and Sunstone books on IST. Speaking of, I have no idea of I talked about Nightwing before.
Sunstone Volume 2
Sejic continues to kill it on art. Obviously, I really love the few pinup panels that he has gone all out on, but even his more workman page to page layouts are delightful. This comic has, hands down, the best use of an angry uterus emoji I've seen in a comic, but I probably have been reading the wrong comics. Sejic is great at making smut, and by smut, I mean super cute moments with bondage gear and diddling intermixed. Also, the bonus pin up outfits in the back are great. Really want to see these for my Blade and Soul characters/any normal MMO game.
As for the story, it was really fun seeing Ally's origin and where some of her hang ups come from. She was totally illogical in a lot of spots in the most understandable way. Would recommend! I keep trying to get my girlfriend to read these, but she doesn't want to read my "lesbian porn books." Maybe I should give her this one as it has more guy on girl action? Excited to read the next one.
Birds of Prey, Volume 1, Chuck Dixon
Meh. The watercolor style of the first issue was really great, but I didn't like the hoochie mama outfits that Canary was in as it felt exploitative (lol, wat? see above, maybe she just needs a pony girl get up for me to be ok with it?). I enjoyed the scenes with Barbra in all the issues more than anything that Canary was doing. It may be that I have residual hate for the character after watching 3 season of Arrow. However, I did come out of this book liking Huntress a lot more. I don't know that I'm going to go back in for more Birds of Prey stuff. It seems like Lady Shiva/Lynx are some of Dixon's go to bad girls in his little corner of 90's DC. I also didn't realize that he wrote Knightfall, and I really need to check it out. He also keeps sprinkling in Blockbuster. I don't mind that at all.
I have 3 volumes of Usagi Yojimbo's giant collections that I need to get back into. Unfortunately, I can't stick with them too long, as they make all my other comics feel self conscious that they'll never be as great. Stan Sakai, you the real MVP.
Review O'Clock! I'm "forcing" myself to work through more of my backlog before I buy a bunch more Nightwing and Sunstone books on IST. Speaking of, I have no idea of I talked about Nightwing before.
Sunstone Volume 2
Sejic continues to kill it on art. Obviously, I really love the few pinup panels that he has gone all out on, but even his more workman page to page layouts are delightful. This comic has, hands down, the best use of an angry uterus emoji I've seen in a comic, but I probably have been reading the wrong comics. Sejic is great at making smut, and by smut, I mean super cute moments with bondage gear and diddling intermixed. Also, the bonus pin up outfits in the back are great. Really want to see these for my Blade and Soul characters/any normal MMO game.
As for the story, it was really fun seeing Ally's origin and where some of her hang ups come from. She was totally illogical in a lot of spots in the most understandable way. Would recommend! I keep trying to get my girlfriend to read these, but she doesn't want to read my "lesbian porn books." Maybe I should give her this one as it has more guy on girl action? Excited to read the next one.
Birds of Prey, Volume 1, Chuck Dixon
Meh. The watercolor style of the first issue was really great, but I didn't like the hoochie mama outfits that Canary was in as it felt exploitative (lol, wat? see above, maybe she just needs a pony girl get up for me to be ok with it?). I enjoyed the scenes with Barbra in all the issues more than anything that Canary was doing. It may be that I have residual hate for the character after watching 3 season of Arrow. However, I did come out of this book liking Huntress a lot more. I don't know that I'm going to go back in for more Birds of Prey stuff. It seems like Lady Shiva/Lynx are some of Dixon's go to bad girls in his little corner of 90's DC. I also didn't realize that he wrote Knightfall, and I really need to check it out. He also keeps sprinkling in Blockbuster. I don't mind that at all.
I have 3 volumes of Usagi Yojimbo's giant collections that I need to get back into. Unfortunately, I can't stick with them too long, as they make all my other comics feel self conscious that they'll never be as great. Stan Sakai, you the real MVP.
You should! The series they did was amazing. Each issue was a meaty self contained story. Loved every issueHad this around for months and finally read it:
It was awesome! Makes me want to get more into this character.
I said it before but Aja is the successor to Mazzuchelli which means he's destined to leave interiors and then drop a classic in about 15 years.
I just noticed that the art in Hawkeye looks a ton like the art in Batman Year One. Kind of crazy that there's like 15 years between their releases.
If you ever want more Mazzucchelli, definitely check out Daredevil: Born Again. He's such a good artist.
Aja rules too. Shame he seems to only be doing covers now.
I just noticed that the art in Hawkeye looks a ton like the art in Batman Year One. Kind of crazy that there's like 15 years between their releases.
I legit read 16 comics yesterday. Decided to try clear my backlog on Comixology by going A-Z instead of cherry picking series. Worked really well.
That's quite a bit of comics. I tend to just read one issue a day unless it's a series i am really into and i have several issues accessible, trade or backlog. I need to get back to Zero after reading vol 1 and 2 relatively quickly.
That's quite a bit of comics. I tend to just read one issue a day unless it's a series i am really into and i have several issues accessible, trade or backlog. I need to get back to Zero after reading vol 1 and 2 relatively quickly.
When you pull 20+ books a week you can't rest on your laurels.
The pony joke was in vol 2 of sunstone? Where Ally is at that show and can't stop laughing at the guy? I loved that bit.
Would love to know what your reaction was when you seen the big thing withMarion nearly fucking herself up by being an idiot.
Most of this frustration comes from the trade Nightwing: The Lost Year, that has him dating Kori, and her being a massive B to Babs when she comes to see Dick. DickBabs forever, ya'll.
you didn't mention the scene where dick sleeps with babs after she gets shot by the joker only to reveal that he's about to get married to starfire the morning after
or the fact that these scenes are flashbacks and are revealed because dick and babs are laughing and reminiscing fondly about them in the present
nightwing annual #2 brehs
I highly highly recommend giving Dixons Birds of Prey series one more volume. The first Dc collected all the early minis that he did getting the concept of the series off the ground. It really gets going the next volume the series starts. And if you just read one issue of Dixons run read issue #8. It's the Dick Grayson goes on a date with Babs issue. It was hugely popular issue to the point i never read it until it came out on CMX 10 years later because DC never created BoP trades and the single issue would go for $30+ or so
You should! The series they did was amazing. Each issue was a meaty self contained story. Loved every issue
Yea it was an awesome issue that lived up to my 10 years of anticipationI loved #8. I even used to have it hanging on the wall...
Rick Remender posted this on Twitter. I would be down to buy one of these.
Oh and seemingly him and Wes Craig said that the Deadly Class OHC is confirmed.
I have it my head that 5 years from now I'll do a Rick and Carl Grimes Cosplay with my wee lad.Not sure how far to go with losing a hand and an eye though!
That looks great, but all I can think of while watching it is how much it reminds me of The Wolf Among Us. That did the comic book style so well that anyone else attempting it is going to look like they're imitating it by comparison. Of course, that had a lot less action than this does.
It is through the main big arc (ish 75). The second halls milage may vary. I still enjoyed it enough to keep reading but wasn't as strong as the first halfI'd really enjoy another The Wolf Among Us Telltale game. Is the comic series a good read?
It is through the main big arc (ish 75). The second halls milage may vary. I still enjoyed it enough to keep reading but wasn't as strong as the first half