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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


Pizza Dog
I'd really enjoy another The Wolf Among Us Telltale game. Is the comic series a good read?

As has been said the first 75 issues are really, really good. The larger arc is fantastic, develops in a very interesting way. The series dips after this somewhat but picks up again, especially in the
Cubs In Toyland
arc and I feel it remains very readable through to the end. I definitely recommend it.
Has everyone read a comic today?

No. =(

I've been reading word books the last few days, since I found out my local library is now free for everyone. Still finishing up Star Wars: Darth Plagueis on Kindle as well. I did get The Incal while I was there since it has that Moebius guy some of you have mentioned a bit, so hopefully that's good. Comic selection on the shelf wasn't great, but they had TONS of manga.

I bought the Image Humble Bundle though. Maybe I'll read some of that.


No. =(

I've been reading word books the last few days, since I found out my local library is now free for everyone. Still finishing up Star Wars: Darth Plagueis on Kindle as well. I did get The Incal while I was there since it has that Moebius guy some of you have mentioned a bit, so hopefully that's good. Comic selection on the shelf wasn't great, but they had TONS of manga.

I bought the Image Humble Bundle though. Maybe I'll read some of that.

My library is the same, and this is AMERICA? I should write Trump.


Even if you shift the day, that's your new comics day :p

Nah, it's "add more stuff to backlog day". I've just literally got something new to me to read every day. More than I can ever read.

Pretty much the only book I consistently day and date is MTMTE or the odd event book.


This makes me wonder just how bad the endings to other events have been if that can be considered amazing.

i judge events based on who is still inverted or sitting after it ends. Looking forward to reading Secret Wars #9 when dcbs ships my order first week of February.
Am I imagining it or did BC not at least lean on/imply DC's upcoming Rebirth event/thingy/whatever is a reboot? I honestly can't remember but I mentioned it on Twitter, just casually not even at BC...and Rich has asked me where they said that and now I feel like i'm the rumour-monger...er?



Am I imagining it or did BC not at least lean on/imply DC's upcoming Rebirth event/thingy/whatever is a reboot? I honestly can't remember but I mentioned it on Twitter, just casually not even at BC...and Rich has asked me where they said that and now I feel like i'm the rumour-monger...er?

Its ok. The DC section of the Marvel Masterworksboard found a lot of hints that aim in a similar direction.
You should be fine.


See, the DC section of a Marvel board found hints confirming a reboot.

That means it's definitely happening.
The board is mostly know for the Marvel section, still, the DC guys are a) most the time the same as on the Marvel section = big comic ethusiasts and b) they also know the announcements before the books are even announced. Its not like they are clueless.
that suicide squad trailer was la flame. pretty much confirms that if they ever make a deadly class movie and oliver stone passes on it (or is not offered it) then david ayer would at least adapt the mania and visual design perfectly.
That looks great, but all I can think of while watching it is how much it reminds me of The Wolf Among Us. That did the comic book style so well that anyone else attempting it is going to look like they're imitating it by comparison. Of course, that had a lot less action than this does.
The hype is endless

Platinum giving me what I want yet again.

Those magnificent bastards
It is through the main big arc (ish 75). The second halls milage may vary. I still enjoyed it enough to keep reading but wasn't as strong as the first half
Did the actual The Wolf Among Us comic go for that long?
You seem to have mis-spelt Whirl.
Oh no. I spelt Brainstorm correctly.



In a sudden twist, Deadpool & Spider-Man is the best ANAD Spider-Man book.
Amazing is ok. Better than thr Post-Superior Garbage in that I loose interest after one panel.
Even the art was cool.


Getting some hype for Batman vs. Superman and was wondering, what's Superman up to these days? I read last year he lost his powers or something? Is that still a thing?
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