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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.


So, looking over the new releases for trades this week on IST: Is Brubaker's Batman good? Loved his Daredevil, so I'm definitely curious. Also, how did that Invader Zim comic turn out?
Getting some hype for Batman vs. Superman and was wondering, what's Superman up to these days? I read last year he lost his powers or something? Is that still a thing?

Pretty much all the heroes are returning to their usual self by the time BvS comes out. Rebirth is sounding like a relaunch so that would be a good jumping on point. If you want something now check out Men of Tomorrow by Geoff Johns or Superman Unchained.


There's no way it's
Ben Reilly
is it? I need to contain my hype.

My more realistic guess is
Doc Ock, as the Superior Spider-Man.

I called this being related to a Spider-Man character and a reference to "Spider-Man No More". Ock would make the most sense, but there are obviously other characters that could possibly come back. I've seen some theories about this that could lead to an interesting story.
Also, how did that Invader Zim comic turn out?

I read the first issue or two. Didn't do much for me. I dropped it when I realized that Vasquez was off writing duties, which started around issue 3. I think he was just involved in getting the book off the ground and wrote the first issue and co-wrote the second. Something like that.

But I've (sadly) never seen the cartoon, so YMMV. I just bought it for Vasquez, as I'm a fan of his other works.


There are some stretches of Cap where it's just dull and hard to get through. He's great overall, but he's been writing for so long, he's got his set of misses.

However, I've heard great things about his Batman.

I got the Trial of Captain America omnibus. Does that have good story arcs within?


Thanks guys. Actually, speaking of Brubaker, how does one approach his Captain America stuff? I'd love to go the omnibus approach (or maybe a cheaper option depending on what's out there), but is it all in print in that format/what would I need to get for a complete collection?


Thanks guys. Actually, speaking of Brubaker, how does one approach his Captain America stuff? I'd love to go the omnibus approach (or maybe a cheaper option depending on what's out there), but is it all in print in that format/what would I need to get for a complete collection?

I'd go the MU route, ominbus collections, or Ultimate Collection vol 1 and 2 tpb and Death of Cap Complete collection....but even those dont' collect it all i think. I reallllllly didn't like the Captain America Reborn onwards story after issue #42.

MU it.


The BruCap stuff is basically a perfect run of comics for like 50 issues, goes a bit off the rails with Reborn and stumbles for a few years before finishing with Winter Soldier which is probably the best thing Brubaker wrote for Marvel.


Trump might not go to the debate Thursday because Megyn Kelly is going to be there and it would be awkward.

No Trump.....what's the point of life? I didn't even read a comic today.


The BruCap stuff is basically a perfect run of comics for like 50 issues, goes a bit off the rails with Reborn and stumbles for a few years before finishing with Winter Soldier which is probably the best thing Brubaker wrote for Marvel.
I own his entire run, but his Cap stuff after the "Trial" arc was pretty weak and didn't hold my interest. I'll probably get to it when I have time. My personal highlight of his run was the Bucky Cap stuff before Rebirth.
The BruCap stuff is basically a perfect run of comics for like 50 issues, goes a bit off the rails with Reborn and stumbles for a few years before finishing with Winter Soldier which is probably the best thing Brubaker wrote for Marvel.

Reborn is another one of those Marvel events where they blew up what should have just been a hype arc in the book to an event and messed with what was working.

But yes Bru Cap prior to Reborn was hot fire. At least we got Hitch pages inked by Guice out of Reborn

edit: actually I would love to see what Breitweiser's coloring would have been like on Epting Cap instead of D'Armata.


My backlogs run deep and in many directions. Like, I just beat Tales of the Abyss on the PS2 today, and that's been in my backlog since that console generation, and I've still got just under 20 PS2 games left to beat, mostly long RPGs. Comics I'm still hopeful that I'll catch back up on though, as I continue to make steady progress through that, bit by bit. Still plenty left to go, though.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
My backlogs run deep and in many directions. Like, I just beat Tales of the Abyss on the PS2 today, and that's been in my backlog since that console generation, and I've still got just under 20 PS2 games left to beat, mostly long RPGs. Comics I'm still hopeful that I'll catch back up on though, as I continue to make steady progress through that, bit by bit. Still plenty left to go, though.

Are Suikoden 3, 4, or 5 in your PS2 backlog?
I don't read much superhero stuff these days, but now that the Cassandra Cain Batgirl finally got a collected edition, it's time to finish reading them. I hope DC doesn't take there sweet time putting the rest of them out.


Reborn is another one of those Marvel events where they blew up what should have just been a hype arc in the book to an event and messed with what was working.

But yes Bru Cap prior to Reborn was hot fire. At least we got Hitch pages inked by Guice out of Reborn
Bryan Hitch's art in Reborn was very hit or miss. He always had an issue with human anatomy, mostly torsos, but it really became apparent during this arc:



I own his entire run, but his Cap stuff after the "Trial" arc was pretty weak and didn't hold my interest. I'll probably get to it when I have time. My personal highlight of his run was the Bucky Cap stuff before Rebirth.

I think Winter Soldier goes easily pound for pound with the pre-Rebirth stuff. I actually lost interest around the Trial arc and the relaunch with Steve (the latter of which is a total whatever comic) but Winter Soldier has Butch Guice and (easpecially) Elizabeth Breitweiser killing it and it totally rejuvenating Brubaker creatively
Completely disagree on Spider-Woman. I think it is easily the best out of all of them right now. Followed by Gwen which has been much better since Secret Wars and then Amazing Spider-Man. 2099 is fine, nothing special but its not bad. I don't read Silk.

Amen! Spider-woman with Pulido and Hopeless has been great comics. That's a team that knows how to play together, with Pulido doing some amazing things with layout. It's not flashy, but just so elegant in the way it conveys story.

As well, pregnant superhero is such a novel story and reminds me so much of my wife's pregnancy. Hopeless is playing it pitch perfect, never getting too sentimental or trying to write A Very Important Issue on Pregnancy - 90s Teen Sitcom style. Spider-Woman is great comics that needs more attention.


Reborn is another one of those Marvel events where they blew up what should have just been a hype arc in the book to an event and messed with what was working.

But yes Bru Cap prior to Reborn was hot fire. At least we got Hitch pages inked by Guice out of Reborn

edit: actually I would love to see what Breitweiser's coloring would have been like on Epting Cap instead of D'Armata.

a million times yes to the edit

like Cap is probably the last time D'Armata is readable in any shape or form but Epting+Breitweiser woulda been the business

also: Hollingsworth on Lark and Aja in in the first Bru/Lark Daredevil arc because jesus that's the best writing in the entire Bendis/Maleev and Brubaker/Lark eras and D'Armata just butchers the art there


Are Suikoden 3, 4, or 5 in your PS2 backlog?

Yup, all of them. And 1 and 2 are on my PS1 classics backlog on PS3. I think I also may have picked up Tactics (though I'm not 100% on that one being there), and I believe I also have a copy of Tierkreis. So yeah, I own like the entire series and haven't touched it yet, so that's going to be a marathon at some point. Same thing for Wild Arms, though I'm not as certain I have all of those.
Bryan Hitch's art in Reborn was very hit or miss. He always had an issue with human anatomy, mostly torsos, but it really became apparent during this arc:

I agree it was uneven but it was due to Hitch getting hurried. He's a guy whose work needs a lot of refinement and a Marvel event didn't give him time to do so. Also part of it was due to Hitch changing up the size at which he drew at. He was drawing on some big ass boards which gave the book a bit of a fish eye look in places. Still, there was some greatness in it. I would read the hell out of a Hitch WWII book.

a million times yes to the edit

like Cap is probably the last time D'Armata is readable in any shape or form but Epting+Breitweiser woulda been the business

also: Hollingsworth on Lark and Aja in in the first Bru/Lark Daredevil arc because jesus that's the best writing in the entire Bendis/Maleev and Brubaker/Lark eras and D'Armata just butchers the art there

Who was it that said D'Armata sucks the life out of inks? I remember reading that somewhere. I can't remember the last time I saw D'Armata colors and thought yeah the colors are definitely not competing with the linework there.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Yup, all of them. And 1 and 2 are on my PS1 classics backlog on PS3. I think I also may have picked up Tactics (though I'm not 100% on that one being there), and I believe I also have a copy of Tierkreis. So yeah, I own like the entire series and haven't touched it yet, so that's going to be a marathon at some point. Same thing for Wild Arms, though I'm not as certain I have all of those.

Oh awesome! I was just taking a shot in the dark. Suikoden is my favorite series of all time. I used to play the the first two (along with RE2 and MGS) non-stop back when I was in high school. 3 and 5 were pretty great too. 4 not so much. Never played any of the spinoff games.

It saddens me that we're never going to get part 6.
I got a hold of Secret Invasion: Inhumans TPB. So once my pre-War of Kings Inhumans storyline will be complete. Then I can move on to the post-Realm of Kings/pre-Infinity stuff.

Cosmic Marvel is going to bury me. And just to follow the Inhumans, too.
i remember his Uncanny X-men run breaking the combo for me.
Didn't he write Deadly Genesis?

I'm forever shaky to read anything by him at that point.
Thanks guys. Actually, speaking of Brubaker, how does one approach his Captain America stuff? I'd love to go the omnibus approach (or maybe a cheaper option depending on what's out there), but is it all in print in that format/what would I need to get for a complete collection?

Most of the early omnibuses are out of print. A set will take about $450-$500 to put together now I think.
We Are Robin #8: this was a very good book. Setting up a new antagonist (and probably a group of antagonists) to serve as an opposite to the Robins, both literally and thematically. Duke
finally finds his parents,
and it's basically as you'd expect; heartwrenching stuff.

Oh, and we get a look at what the other Robins have been up to since the close of the Robin War, which was fun. Dax is struggling to make his own gadgets, which is a nice change of pace from most comic book clever types who rarely struggle on anything except high-science stuff, and even then only when it's the center of the plot. Izzy's family issues, Andre is angrier than ever, and Kiko struggling to text a boy. Fun stuff.
Extraordinary X-Men 006
:Face Palm:
:Face Palm:
:Face Palm:
:Face FUCKING Palm:

They are still pussy footing around what "Bad" thing Cyclops supposed to have done off panel. And Once again Storm prove that she's the biggest hypocrite in the Marvel universe. By claiming once again that Cyclops "crossed some lines". Then sending Logan on that mission to kill Sunfire if she deems it necessary? WTF?

Storm has reached Captain America level of hypocrisy. Seriously. Fuck you Storm.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Extraordinary X-Men 006
:Face Palm:
:Face Palm:
:Face Palm:
:Face FUCKING Palm:

They are still pussy footing around what "Bad" thing Cyclops supposed to have done off panel. And Once again Storm prove that she's the biggest hypocrite in the Marvel universe. By claiming once again that Cyclops "crossed some lines". Then sending Logan on that mission to kill Sunfire if she deems it necessary? WTF?

Storm has reached Captain America level of hypocrisy. Seriously. Fuck you Storm.

Yep, Marvel has made me hate Storm.


Marvel printed my daughter's Squirrel Girl halloween costume photo in this week's Squirrel Girl issue letter page! When she gets home from school she's going to flip.
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