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COMICS! |OT| January 2016. Didn't I promise? We're going home now.

The writing, mostly. There's no compelling drama, just an interesting premise that ultimately doesn't go much of anywhere. Those sorts of stories have been told in more interesting ways many times over.

Also, funny you should say it like that; there's a humorous lack of expressive punctuation that lead to everyone talking like they're doing a line reading in an especially dull play.

Quiet, you.

And Starfire is fun. Nothing to write home about, but wholly enjoyable.

A Cyborg book will never fill your desire for a Jaime book.


i'll probably regret skipping the image humble bundle, i own most stuff but i've never read Stray Bullets. In my defense, that's $20 i can put towards a Harley statue.
i think the whole first series before the new stuff, issues 1-41.

Yeah 1-41.

I have a 'spare' copy of Ringside #1 from the Bundle (since I have a physical copy), so I guess I could give the digital copy to someone? I don't know the 'ethics' behind that though, if it's frowned upon I'll go hide in sub-atomica for a while.
I can agree with Image person on constant #1s not really growing the market and its why I might be hesitant about DC doing it with #Rebirth but DC/Marvel more immediately spring to mind with nurturing talent. An example that springs to mind is James Tynion IV, a protege of Scott Snyder, who wrote backups during Death of the Family, then lead writer on Batman eternal + B&R Eternal, some creator owned books and Batman vs TMNT.

I feel like Marvel + DC in that sense are sometimes one step forward (yay new talent) 2 steps back (boo reboots/needless status quo changes). I remember a quote from Remender saying "All the best Vertigo books are being done at Image" and part of me was snobbish enough to think "Yeah but none of you have written Lucifer"...but eh.

I think unless aspects like the distribution model changes then comics will probably eventually pass me by if DC go down the route of status quo changing events at Marvel-like pace but I enjoy the ride. Part of me would like say every 4-6 months to get a new paperback that is a complete story arc etc, but it's not going to happen. Diversification is needed but LCSs would probably die out, even if they go kicking and screaming.
Damn that hits where I live.

The worst part is that I can't even act like I'm not getting a book featuring characters I want. Like, I got a Karnak book. A KARNAK BOOK.

RIP Jaime. Although, I do have to ask, what are the good Jaime runs/books? I like the character, but haven't read anything with him in it. Only watched certain animated series.
The worst part is that I can't even act like I'm not getting a book featuring characters I want. Like, I got a Karnak book. A KARNAK BOOK.

RIP Jaime. Although, I do have to ask, what are the good Jaime runs/books? I like the character, but haven't read anything with him in it. Only watched certain animated series.

Read the original '06 series, with Giffen and Rogers. Godlike.
I thought a big reason he got so involved with Image was he felt he didn't get his due for Marvel Zombies?

I dont know about Marvel Zombies in particular. I think Walking Dead was already a thing by the time Marvel Zombies wrapped up. I do remember he was super unsatisfied with his time at Marvel and basically swore not to work with them again. I think this was after his Ultimate X-Men stuff? The timeline is hazy in my head.

For whatever reason, this reminded me that BKV did a Mystique mini series a while back
Black Canary #7 was kind of a trip. FANTASTIC first page, ties together all the various plot threads neatly (though not what I'd call elegantly). There's also this fantastic page where a fight plays out on a musical score, very cool stuff. Eager to see where this is going next!
Avengers #4 was great. It's getting better with each issue. Loved how the Avengers brushed off the 'PC Avengers' complaint. I've seen that shit far too much instead of actually judging the book on its own merits.
Grayson #16 was fantastic fun. Just a total joy to read. Montage sequence set to
Dick singing (making up) his own themesong
? Genius. The whole opening, right down to the ridiculous Bond girl names? Wonderful. Super looking forward to the fight with the Syndicate. I think I have to reread something, 'cause I don't remember
Max Lord
showing up before.


Took my daughter to the comic store after school and let her pick up the new Squirrel Girl to see her reaction-when she saw her picture in the letter column she was beaming. Now she wants to show all her friends at school that she's famous.
attention frye

KSD and Sink comic incoming
Superman #48: this issue was... decent. Steve and Clark finally talk, Clark takes the first big step in getting his powers back. The last shot is extremely powerful, easily the highlight of the issue; the timing is cleary supposed to sync up with what's going on Batman, but Snyder and Capullo are just better, on basically every level. Still, it was plenty readable. Y'all ready for Full-Power Supes to make his return?

As an aside, I'm really not in love with ARGUS' super-high-tech look. Shield kinda falls into this same problem, they look like they're wearing costumes rather than a uniform. Argus is much worse, though. Very high-tech, very over-designed.

Oh, and one upside is that I'm pretty sure there's no avenue being set up to put the "Clark Kent is Superman" cat back in the box. Thank god.
Took my daughter to the comic store after school and let her pick up the new Squirrel Girl to see her reaction-when she saw her picture in the letter column she was beaming. Now she wants to show all her friends at school that she's famous.

:D You must be proud as punch!


Surprised we haven't gotten any more Rebirth news from DC or in the form of BC leaks.

I wonder if these sales are bad for the big two or just a retailer thing. I've been reading since Flashpoint in 2011 and I only go to comicbook shops on fcbd.

yeah but fuck all of those people who want a Marvel house style when the line looks the best it's ever looked

like fuck you for real, I'm pretty sure you're why Greg Land still as a career


Surprised we haven't gotten any more Rebirth news from DC or in the form of BC leaks.

I wonder if these sales are bad for the big two or just a retailer thing. I've been reading since Flashpoint in 2011 and I only go to comicbook shops on fcbd.

yeah but fuck all of those people who want a Marvel house style when the line looks the best it's ever looked

like fuck you for real, I'm pretty sure you're why Greg Land still as a career

Marvel and DC are trying to diversify their lines and assuming these sales aren't being made up elsewhere like digital, they will make adjustments. The quotes in paticular call out books like Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, but those are obviously being made for a different audience that potentially doesn't read those other stories. I mean just look at the Dalek's last post for example.
I guess I'd call it the default baseline. That this would be what "standard DC/Marvel" looks like. For DC, I guess I'd point to Jim Lee, since he designed the new look of like all of the big characters.

Interesting. Makes it sound like something equatable to "average", though. And I certainly wouldn't describe artists with a very specific style like Bachalo as average.


Interesting. Makes it sound like something equatable to "average", though. And I certainly wouldn't describe artists with a very specific style like Bachalo as average.

I wouldn't call people who draw in a supposed house style average either. I sure as hell can't draw Jim Lee lite esque art.
Interesting. Makes it sound like something equatable to "average", though. And I certainly wouldn't describe artists with a very specific style like Bachalo as average.

Average isn't really what I'd say. Standard, more like. Which could be bad, but isn't necessarily. Ferrari sets the standard in supercars, all others compared to them.


I wouldn't call people who draw in a supposed house style average either. I sure as hell can't draw Jim Lee lite esque art.

Yeah, definitely not average. Jim Lee and people who draw comparably are great. It's just a set style that a lot of DC books use.
"house style" is not necessarily an indication of quality, of course you have Jim Lees (when he's on) and even Tony Daniel now but you've also got jobbers like the dudes who drew that Earth 2 weekly and DC digital TV tie-ins
Batman & Robin Eternal: Finally, we get some answers about that first issue bombshell! It's simultaneously what I thought and a little surprising, which is an excellent way to handle a twist; give the audience a clear conclusion and then, instead of totally diverting it, give them what they've been waiting for and a little bit more. Orphan's a tough SOB, I like that (though I liked when
Bruce was wailing on him
even more. Also, where the hell is Steph?

It was a good book. I'd have put it in solid second behind Grayson for my Book of the Week choice.

But then I read The Omega Men #8. And HOLY SHIT.


That was one hell of a comic. Right from the word go, nothing but brilliance, every page.


"house style" is not necessarily an indication of quality, of course you have Jim Lees (when he's on) and even Tony Daniel now but you've also got jobbers like the dudes who drew that Earth 2 weekly and DC digital TV tie-ins

But people do use the term House Style to slap dc.


Best house style was Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.

Since DC's relaunch is Syngery centric hope it means we get a book featuring Vixen.


So when someone says "Marvel house style" or "DC house style", which are the main series that pop into your mind?

I don't necessarily think of series' but I think of Jim Lee, Tony S Daniels, Jason Fabok, and Ivan Reis when I think of DC house style. I am not really qualified to do the same with Marvel since I'm not as familiar with their artists.

I will say that I kind of subconsciously think of cross-hatched shading as DC style and airbrush shading as Marvel style. Probably not even an accurate portrayal at all, lol, but yeah.
So when someone says "Marvel house style" or "DC house style", which are the main series that pop into your mind?

Marvel house style: the original Secret Wars. Feels like that's the art style I see on a lot of Marvel merch that isn't aimed at kids.

DC house style: Jim Lee Justice League, since as others have said, he did most of the current designs.
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