Sibersk Esto
Best house style was Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.
The GOAT. Lopez style is what DC will always look like to me.
Best house style was Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.
Surprised we haven't gotten any more Rebirth news from DC or in the form of BC leaks.
I wonder if these sales are bad for the big two or just a retailer thing. I've been reading since Flashpoint in 2011 and I only go to comicbook shops on fcbd.
My Marvel readers are complaining about art this isnt what they expect from a Marvel book. Cartoony art, manga-influenced art, quirky art the concept of a house style is gone. The books that generate the most interest are books like Doctor Strange, All-New X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, and (of course) Star Wars & Darth Vaderbooks that mix strong stories and great art.
If you're interested in DC stuff, you should definitely try The New Frontier. The Absolute Edition is gorgeous and it's one of the best Justice League stories (its main focus is Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern though).Hey all! Been a long while since I've last posted in the comics thread.
I want to try some other DC items but don't know what's good. The only thing I've read from DC is the Wonder Woman arc from Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang which I really liked.
I was thinking about trying the Green Lantern omnibus from Geoff Johns but I'm not sure how it is and if it's a good starting point for the series if I don't know that much about Green Lantern(plus it's not like the price is that cheap so I want to make sure it's good if I gave it a try!). I'm not too into Batman but other recommendations would be appreciated!
I've mostly been reading Image and Vertigo comics lately. I've been reading Fables and Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently and just bought the rest of the books out currently for each so I should be caught up with those in a few weeks. I also finished the first Sandman Omnibus last week which I really loved so I'll be starting the next one probably next week.
Hey all! Been a long while since I've last posted in the comics thread.
I want to try some other DC items but don't know what's good. The only thing I've read from DC is the Wonder Woman arc from Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang which I really liked.
I was thinking about trying the Green Lantern omnibus from Geoff Johns but I'm not sure how it is and if it's a good starting point for the series if I don't know that much about Green Lantern(plus it's not like the price is that cheap so I want to make sure it's good if I gave it a try!). I'm not too into Batman but other recommendations would be appreciated!
I've mostly been reading Image and Vertigo comics lately. I've been reading Fables and Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently and just bought the rest of the books out currently for each so I should be caught up with those in a few weeks. I also finished the first Sandman Omnibus last week which I really loved so I'll be starting the next one probably next week.
If you're interested in DC stuff, you should definitely try The New Frontier. The Absolute Edition is gorgeous and it's one of the best Justice League stories (its main focus is Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern though).
As for Green Lantern, Geoff Johns' run is mostly self contained. Everything you need to know is contained within his run, though it looks like the Secret Origin arc is in the second omnibus. The first omnibus has his best Green Lantern story though, The Sinestro Corps War.
If you're interested in DC stuff, you should definitely try The New Frontier. The Absolute Edition is gorgeous and it's one of the best Justice League stories (its main focus is Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern though).
As for Green Lantern, Geoff Johns' run is mostly self contained. Everything you need to know is contained within his run, though it looks like the Secret Origin arc is in the second omnibus. The first omnibus has his best Green Lantern story though, The Sinestro Corps War.
Maybe try Solo? It's all collected in one book and it's a bunch of random stories by different creators. I'm not finished with it myself but it's great from what I have read.Hey all! Been a long while since I've last posted in the comics thread.
I want to try some other DC items but don't know what's good. The only thing I've read from DC is the Wonder Woman arc from Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang which I really liked.
I was thinking about trying the Green Lantern omnibus from Geoff Johns but I'm not sure how it is and if it's a good starting point for the series if I don't know that much about Green Lantern(plus it's not like the price is that cheap so I want to make sure it's good if I gave it a try!). I'm not too into Batman but other recommendations would be appreciated!
I've mostly been reading Image and Vertigo comics lately. I've been reading Fables and Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently and just bought the rest of the books out currently for each so I should be caught up with those in a few weeks. I also finished the first Sandman Omnibus last week which I really loved so I'll be starting the next one probably next week.
Hey all! Been a long while since I've last posted in the comics thread.
I want to try some other DC items but don't know what's good. The only thing I've read from DC is the Wonder Woman arc from Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang which I really liked.
I was thinking about trying the Green Lantern omnibus from Geoff Johns but I'm not sure how it is and if it's a good starting point for the series if I don't know that much about Green Lantern(plus it's not like the price is that cheap so I want to make sure it's good if I gave it a try!). I'm not too into Batman but other recommendations would be appreciated!
I've mostly been reading Image and Vertigo comics lately. I've been reading Fables and Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently and just bought the rest of the books out currently for each so I should be caught up with those in a few weeks. I also finished the first Sandman Omnibus last week which I really loved so I'll be starting the next one probably next week.
Hey all! Been a long while since I've last posted in the comics thread.
I want to try some other DC items but don't know what's good. The only thing I've read from DC is the Wonder Woman arc from Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang which I really liked.
I was thinking about trying the Green Lantern omnibus from Geoff Johns but I'm not sure how it is and if it's a good starting point for the series if I don't know that much about Green Lantern(plus it's not like the price is that cheap so I want to make sure it's good if I gave it a try!). I'm not too into Batman but other recommendations would be appreciated!
I've mostly been reading Image and Vertigo comics lately. I've been reading Fables and Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently and just bought the rest of the books out currently for each so I should be caught up with those in a few weeks. I also finished the first Sandman Omnibus last week which I really loved so I'll be starting the next one probably next week.
OH, get the Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire Deluxe Edition. Just came out pretty recently and it's absolutely beautiful, and completely self-contained.
Maybe try Solo? It's all collected in one book and it's a bunch of random stories by different creators. I'm not finished with it myself but it's great from what I have read.
One of my favorite DC stories is Power Girl: Power Trip. If you're looking for something more lighthearted and fun I highly recommend it. Also just a single trade so it's not a huge investment or anything.
Since you're already reading some Vertigo, I'd definitely recommend Morrison's Doom Patrol as always. The characters are great and it's just good comics.
Johns' Green Lantern was great even with a weak Blackest Night event in the middle, but the middle should have been the end and it just dragged after that with mediocre crossover events. I'd say get the omnibus, enjoy it, buy more of it, and quit after whichever one collects to blackest night.
Also, look into the Black Canary and Zatanna Bloodspell OGN, it's a small buy-in for a great self-contained story with Quinones art and plenty of hijinks.
OH, get the Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire Deluxe Edition. Just came out pretty recently and it's absolutely beautiful, and completely self-contained.
Best house style was Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.
Almost too good.
I really liked this month's Extraordinary X-Men. Glob is the best background character.
Now Kirby was a house style we could all get behind. Or Neal Adams era DC.
I got all of the Milo Manara erotica collections guys. I read the first one (collects the Click! stories). It wasn't what I was hoping it would be so far. Indian Summer spoiled me.
Spurs 130, Rockets 99.
Adding it to my listRead the original '06 series, with Giffen and Rogers. Godlike.
Johns' run is really good. Reading it myself. It's a great starting point.Hey all! Been a long while since I've last posted in the comics thread.
I want to try some other DC items but don't know what's good. The only thing I've read from DC is the Wonder Woman arc from Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang which I really liked.
I was thinking about trying the Green Lantern omnibus from Geoff Johns but I'm not sure how it is and if it's a good starting point for the series if I don't know that much about Green Lantern(plus it's not like the price is that cheap so I want to make sure it's good if I gave it a try!). I'm not too into Batman but other recommendations would be appreciated!
I've mostly been reading Image and Vertigo comics lately. I've been reading Fables and Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently and just bought the rest of the books out currently for each so I should be caught up with those in a few weeks. I also finished the first Sandman Omnibus last week which I really loved so I'll be starting the next one probably next week.
If I recall correctly, since this is how I read it, the DC official reading order has Secret Origin after Sinestro Corps War, but before the Alpha Lanterns and Rage of the Red Lanterns arcs (which are collected in the Rage of the Red Lanterns trade I read recently).Does the omnibus include Secret Origin? I'd start there. From that point, you can probably dig into the omnibus and catch on to everything pretty quickly. It's a very good run, though it kind of burns out by the end of it (which is pretty understandable).
His New 52 run was great...until Wrath of the First Lantern. Fell apart at the end, but he wrapped up his entire run in a neat way at the same time. But those first two trades of New 52 GL? Where it just focuses on Hal and Sinestro? Fantastic.Johns' Green Lantern was great even with a weak Blackest Night event in the middle, but the middle should have been the end and it just dragged after that with mediocre crossover events. I'd say get the omnibus, enjoy it, buy more of it, and quit after whichever one collects to blackest night.
Repaired that for youI really liked this month's Extraordinary X-Men. Glob is the best X-Man.
Can't disagree thereSinestro Corp War >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forever Evil
EARTH 2 EARTH 2 EARTH 2Which alternate Justice League should I read? Earth 2 (New52), JL3000/3001, JSA?
seriously, reading that anyone misses that crap creeps me out. house styles, especially DC's, are fucking gross.yeah but fuck all of those people who want a Marvel house style when the line looks the best it's ever looked
like fuck you for real, I'm pretty sure you're why Greg Land still as a career
Sinestro Corp War >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forever Evil
What? People aren't digging the art? What age is this? I thought people like the fun stuff just as much as the dark stuff?
Which alternate Justice League should I read? Earth 2 (New52), JL3000/3001, JSA?
Sinestro Corp War >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forever Evil
Not sure if teasing an actual gritty Scooby-Doo book or just fun with art
Not sure if teasing an actual gritty Scooby-Doo book or just fun with art
Spurs were angry after being dismantled by golden state, Rockets still haven't got their shit together this season. That was always gonna be a beat down.
Not sure if teasing an actual gritty Scooby-Doo book or just fun with art
Doesn't really read as "extreme" to me, tbh. More like they mixed in a little Ghostbusters,
Spurs angry after losing to golden state.
Rockets just happy to be there.
DC needs to announce their rebirth thing already so i can get some comic news that doesn't involve scooby doo.
Only 1000 dollars for some Cap on Thor action.
The rest of the pages for price comparisons
Not sure if teasing an actual gritty Scooby-Doo book or just fun with art
Is that a demonic Garfield?I'm expecting DC to announce publication of Weapon Brown