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COMICS!!! |OT| January 2017 This is the Dawning of the Age of Apocalypse


I feel like both of you have been fouled about the exact same thing more than once and it might have been mreddie those times too.
I honestly can't think of why I'm watching Lost Girl. Like, it's decent on paper, and in execution it's okay.

Ah, I remember the reason:

Yeah. That's why.
Man, I always forget how good the Mr Miracle episode of JLU is.
It's fantastic. My first introduction to those characters, and also the first legitimate appearance, as an actual character and not a background piece, in JLU. Don't know why it took them so long to implement him properly. We might not have had to sit through that Hawk and Dove episode.
It's now reality, we need heroes,
You joke, but I have enjoyed the Dark Reign books I've read so far (Secret Warriors, Kyle and Yost X-Force), so I really wouldn't mind.
I'm already waiting for Secret Empire to be Secret Invasion with HYDRA
Well, there is a new Secret Warriors coming up
Finally read Black Panther #9 tonight, and it was quite fitting given the day's events.

Maybe I'm only really noticing it now, the obvious parallels between Wakanda and the current US. "A government which confuses its own spectacle for intelligence," Shuri bringing the truth. I mean, I know who Coates is, I know what he writes about, but I guess it didn't slap me in the face with it until now, but I'm all for it.
And yet it's still less on-the-nose than Green Arrow


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I honestly can't think of why I'm watching Lost Girl. Like, it's decent on paper, and in execution it's okay.

Ah, I remember the reason:

Yeah. That's why.

thats why anyone watches Lost Girl bro

thats why anyone watches Lost Girl bro


She's pretty much the only good actress on the show.

But legitimately, I have no idea why I'm watching it. I could stop, and not have a second thought about it outside of, "Kenzi was cool." Yet I'm stuck to it. I can only hope it'll get better.


Yeah, currently both artists, writers and readers of all colors and religions are speaking out against him. Hell, people who had parents or relatives in the camps are comparing him to those who just watched while everything happened.

Well most people doesn't seem to walk around and beat up or kill Nazis, so they are kinda agreeing with him.

Edit: I mean there are worse things than a "No Violence" stance
I mean if you guys think about it kind of already is represented in Sam Wilson. You could pretty much see Rage and Sam both having this exact argument on each side here.

Hell they kind of already did with the whole Americops thing.
Well most people doesn't seem to walk around and beat up or kill Nazis, so they are kinda agreeing with him.

Edit: I mean there are worse things than a "No Violence" stance
yeah he's obviously not the actual nazi, but he should stop wagging his finger and just log off
I wouldn't go as far as to @Marvel to fire him like a lot of people are doing but Spencer needs a serious wake up call after this current Cap story is over.
He's in charge of their summer(that'll be delayed into winter most likely again) event this year. He's not going to change a bit.


Invincible Iron-Man
Star Lord

Justice League

The first two JL arcs did absolutely nothing for me. Most of the Gotham books feel stale to me as well, altough I've only cancelled Nightwing sofar. I've considered dropping Tec and Batman but I almost always regret it later so I'm trying to hang on. I think I'm about ready to call Rebirth a bust. Wonder Woman has been great at least.

On the upside, I am kicking myself hard for never reading Kate Bishop Hawkeye, trying to play catch-up now as I picked up #1 and #2 of the new run and was charmed.


Invincible Iron-Man
Star Lord

Justice League

The first two JL arcs did absolutely nothing for me. Most of the Gotham books feel stale to me as well, altough I've only cancelled Nightwing sofar. I've considered dropping Tec and Batman but I almost always regret it later so I'm trying to hang on. I think I'm about ready to call Rebirth a bust. Wonder Woman has been great at least.

On the upside, I am kicking myself hard for never reading Kate Bishop Hawkeye, trying to play catch-up now as I picked up #1 and #2 of the new run and was charmed.
what is wrong with you!

anyway you gotta branch out. People always latch on to the batman books which is no bueno.

New Superman(this new arc is insane)
Green Arrow
Red Hood and the outlaws.

the books are out there. don't get in your comfort zone and branch out.


Already done fam. I was out months ago.


there's a point where like, you know whatever story developments take place are not gonna be worth it, because Nick Spencer's worldview means he doesn't see why or how these elements could work

like, let's take Steve becoming a nazi, that's an interesting point! the idea that fascism can only work through literally rewriting history, and the dangers of that, there's something in there worth exploring, especially now, especially with what's happening

instead, it's a story about the Red Skull being a goofy dad and telling a sentient cosmic cube that nazis are totally good, and it's not even gonna explore that, because it wants to be a story about Steve being a superspy mastermind who thinks he's a better nazi than his nazi boss, and that's not only not as good, it misses everything cool or interesting about this

and once you see it in his Steve comic, you find it in his Sam comic, and then in his Ant-Man, and then in The Fix, and then you remember he wrote that Secret Avengers story about how whistleblowers are bad, and you realize it's always been a mess and it's never been worthwhile



there's a point where like, you know whatever story developments take place are not gonna be worth it, because Nick Spencer's worldview means he doesn't see why or how these elements could work

like, let's take Steve becoming a nazi, that's an interesting point! the idea that fascism can only work through literally rewriting history, and the dangers of that, there's something in there worth exploring, especially now, especially with what's happening

instead, it's a story about the Red Skull being a goofy dad and telling a sentient cosmic cube that nazis are totally good, and it's not even gonna explore that, because it wants to be a story about Steve being a superspy mastermind who thinks he's a better nazi than his nazi boss, and that's not only not as good, it misses everything cool or interesting about this

and once you see it in his Steve comic, you find it in his Sam comic, and then in his Ant-Man, and then in The Fix, and then you remember he wrote that Secret Avengers story about how whistleblowers are bad, and you realize it's always been a mess and it's never been worthwhile

I won't drop them yet. he is writing Sam wilson too good.


what is wrong with you!

anyway you gotta branch out. People always latch on to the batman books which is no bueno.

New Superman(this new arc is insane)
Green Arrow
Red Hood and the outlaws.

the books are out there. don't get in your comfort zone and branch out.

I'm already reading New Superman and Green Arrow, both are pretty good. I was kind of bleh on New Superman but the end of the last arc hooked me. I haven't read the newest issue yet, sitting on my desk at home atm. I wish I had started Superman, will probably pick up the trades for that one.


I'm already reading New Superman and Green Arrow, both are pretty good. I was kind of bleh on New Superman but the end of the last arc hooked me. I haven't read the newest issue yet, sitting on my desk at home atm. I wish I had started Superman, will probably pick up the trades for that one.

ah gothca! then nvm.

Oh and if rebirth is not your thing try the Young animal line.
There is no way this won't make it into Sam Wilson.

I kind of doubt a lot of minorities would agree with that stance.

As a minority, Nick Spencer is correct. I'm not sure how you could defend any other stance otherwise.

Violence to shut down speech you disagree with is never acceptable, no matter how toxic that speech is.


Slam #3

Great issue like always. Feel bad for Knockout.

Motor Girl #3

Welp it just got fucking dark real quick. Welp I just about confirmed how Mac came about.
10 months a prisoner. getting beaten everyday. the imaginary friend was coping mechanism. all alone. the feels. plus she received head damage as well

then the bit with the swimming pool and
wee just great.

I think this is the first great issue, and I loved it.


Shade the changing girl #4

this was one iffy for me. The first half was meh but then the second half was awesome. Sometimes the madness works in this book favor and you get some great stuff and then other times it hinders the writing on each page.

As a minority, Nick Spencer is correct. I'm not sure how you could defend any other stance otherwise.

Violence to shut down speech you disagree with is never acceptable, no matter how toxic that speech is.

You know what's also fucked up? A Nazi having more rights than your average minority.
You know what's also fucked up? A Nazi having more rights than your average minority.

Calm down, Junior.

1.) Pretty sure if you randomly punch a minority in the face for saying something you don't like, it's also wrong and illegal.

2.) Richard Spencer is not a Nazi. Nazis were soldiers from the 1940s that declared war on the united states, and were guilty of state sponsored killings and atrocities. Richard Spencer is a white supremacist.

These are two completely different things, and watering down "Nazi" by slapping the label on everyone you don't like diminishes the horrific things Nazis actually did.

White supremacists have been around forever, including this country. Hell, you could argue that the US vs. Germany in WW2 was little more than two white supremacist nations arguing over which one was worse. The Klan routinely puts on marches to air their views in every state of the union, including mine. They have the right to do so as long as they aren't actively going out and injuring people- because once you do it's no longer a free speech issue. The ACLU of all people routinely takes up freedom of speech cases on the behalf of groups like them, because they are americans and enjoy the same rights everyone else does even if you don't like what they happen to be saying.
Calm down, Junior.

1.) Pretty sure if you randomly punch a minority in the face for saying something you don't like, it's also wrong and illegal.

2.) Richard Spencer is not a Nazi. Nazis were soldiers from the 1940s that declared war on the united states, and were guilty of state sponsored killings and atrocities. Richard Spencer is a white supremacist.

These are two completely different things, and watering down "Nazi" by slapping the label on everyone you don't like diminishes the horrific things Nazis actually did.

White supremacists have been around forever, and the Klan routinely puts on marches to air their views in every state of the union, including mine. They have the right to do so as long as they aren't actively going out and injuring people- because once you do it's no longer a free speech issue. The ACLU of all people routinely takes up freedom of speech cases on the behalf of groups like them, because they are americans and enjoy the same rights everyone else does even if you don't like what they happen to be saying.

Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white nationalist, known for promoting white supremacist views.[2][3][4] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think-tank, and Washington Summit Publishers, an independent publishing firm. Spencer has stated that he rejects the description of white supremacist, and describes himself as an identitarian.[5][6] He advocates for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and calls for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[7] a term he considers a movement about white identity.[8][9][10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and spoken critically of the Jewish people,[10][11] although he has denied being a neo-Nazi.[12] Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute similar to the Sieg Heil chant used at the Nazis' mass rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[13]

Shut up.

Eloquent argument. It refutes absolutely nothing about what I actually said.

Richard Spencer has the legal right to quote all the racist shit he wants. No one has the right to decide arbitrarily that his speech isn't protected, no matter how much they disagree with it.

Assault against someone you just don't like is ALWAYS wrong, full stop.

Did we not JUST have MLK day several days ago?

”The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral; begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." (1967, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?. p. 67.)

”Cowardice asks the question – is it safe? Expediency asks the question – is it politic? Vanity asks the question – is it popular? But conscience asks the question – is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right." (From a speech, A Proper Sense of Priorities, February 6, 1968, Washington, D.C.)

”All my adult life I have deplored violence and war as instruments for achieving solutions to mankind's problems. I am firmly committed to the creative power of nonviolence as the force which is capable of winning lasting and meaningful brotherhood and peace." (The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapter 31.)

”The nonviolent approach does not immediately change the heart of the oppressor. It first does something to the hearts and souls of those committed to it. It gives them new self-respect; it calls up resources of strength and courage they did not know they had." (The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr. Vol. V, p. 423)

”Nonviolence is power, but it is the right and good use of power." (Gandhi and King: The Power of Nonviolent Resistance, p. 210)
”The non-violent resistor not only avoids external, physical violence, but he avoids internal violence of spirit. He not only refuses to shoot his opponent, but he refuses to hate him. And he stands with understanding, goodwill at all times." (A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr., p. 8)

”But I am also concerned about our moral uprightness and the health of our souls. Therefore I must oppose any attempt to gain our freedom by the methods of malice, hate, and violence that have characterized our oppressors. Hate is just as injurious to the hater as it is to the hated. Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Many of our inner conflicts are rooted in hate. This is why psychiatrists say, ”Love or perish." Hate is too great a burden to bear." (Making a Way Out of No Way: Martin Luther King's Sermonic Proverbial Rhetoric, p. 404)

”I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfully through nonviolent action." (Speech: ”To Atone For Our Sins and Errors In Vietnam," 1967.)
”So often I had castigated those who by silence or inaction condoned and thereby cooperated with the evils of racial injustice... I had to therefore speak out if I was to erase my name from the bombs which fall over North or South Vietnam, from the canisters of napalm. The time had come — indeed it was past due — when I had to disavow and disassociate myself from those who in the name of peace burn, maim, and kill." (The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapter 30.)
”Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love." (Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Stockholm, Sweden, 1964.)


Calm down, Junior.

1.) Pretty sure if you randomly punch a minority in the face for saying something you don't like, it's also wrong and illegal.

2.) Richard Spencer is not a Nazi. Nazis were soldiers from the 1940s that declared war on the united states, and were guilty of state sponsored killings and atrocities. Richard Spencer is a white supremacist.

These are two completely different things, and watering down "Nazi" by slapping the label on everyone you don't like diminishes the horrific things Nazis actually did.

White supremacists have been around forever, including this country. Hell, you could argue that the US vs. Germany in WW2 was little more than two white supremacist nations arguing over which one was worse. The Klan routinely puts on marches to air their views in every state of the union, including mine. They have the right to do so as long as they aren't actively going out and injuring people- because once you do it's no longer a free speech issue. The ACLU of all people routinely takes up freedom of speech cases on the behalf of groups like them, because they are americans and enjoy the same rights everyone else does even if you don't like what they happen to be saying.

I mean the last few years since Trayvon Martian have shown that's not true at all, and Dylan Roof was purely the expection to the rule. I'm not even sure how you can be miniorty and type that with a straight face. Also punching someone isn't even the first step in that shitty logic leap, it also applies too fergueson and Standing rock protestors treated like villains, while scum like Brock Turner and Cliven Bundy get off Scott free for their crimes.


The very quick summary of things is that if you count the number of people killed in the name of white supremacy, you should realize that one dude with a shitty haircut getting decked in the jaw is nowhere near all that much.


Getting caught up with reading is hard. Lots of good books coming out now.

Back when I had the time, my favorite thing to do on Wednesday was head over to my LCS, grab my stack of releases, and just bomb through them over the course of a couple hours. Now it takes me a week just to catch up on all of the things coming out.

My interest has diversified immensely though. Now I'm reading a lot of everything from DC/Marvel/Image/Young Animal/Etc.
I mean the last few years since Trayvon Martian have shown that's not true at all

Trayvon martin was not a free speech case. That was an incident where an idiot hunted down and killed a kid, claiming "self defense" under Florida's insane gun laws.

and Dylan Roof was purely the expection to the rule

Dylan Roof was a mass murderer that shot up a church completely unprovoked. This is also not a speech issue.

I'm not even sure how you can be miniorty and type that with a straight face. Also punching someone isn't even the first step in that shitty logic leap, it also applies too fergueson and Standing rock protestors treated like villains, while scum like Brock Turner and Cliven Bundy get off Scott free for their crimes.

The fun thing about being a thinking person is that you are or should be capable of having more than one discussion at a time.

We're capable of admitting that Florida's stand your ground laws and gun laws are fundamentally flawed, and that Dylann Roof is a mass murderer WHILE also admitting that freedom of speech is a complicated issue that requires us to tolerate those whose views we find abhorrent.

you want to have a discussion about standing rock, Brock Turner (who was a rapist, this isn't even a race issue, let alone a free speech issue), and Cliven Bundy of all things feel free to do so.

But that isn't what the discussion was about. Nick Spencer took a nonviolent stance saying that assault on someone for exercising free speech was wrong, and many of you wasted no time in condemning him because you feel that free speech should have exceptions when people say things you don't like.

Richard spencer wants to advocate white supremacy and ethnic cleansing? Then debate him, mock him, expose him, shut him down. You start throwing fists because you can't construct an effective argument against it? Then you've already lost and the supremacists win. They got just the response and attention they were hoping for.

The very quick summary of things is that if you count the number of people killed in the name of white supremacy, you should realize that one dude with a shitty haircut getting decked in the jaw is nowhere near all that much.

"right" and "wrong" isn't a numbers game, chief. You want to have the ability to advocate the issues you care about without fear of retaliation, then you must extend that right to everyone else.


Back when I had the time, my favorite thing to do on Wednesday was head over to my LCS, grab my stack of releases, and just bomb through them over the course of a couple hours. Now it takes me a week just to catch up on all of the things coming out.

Yes, I'm in the same boat. Multiple jobs, a PhD program, and family responsibilities mean that even finding time to read 22 page stories with very few words is a struggle. I find that my backlog is growing and growing over time. On the plus side, it's nice to know that there will always be something I want to read out there and I'll never run out of comics I'm interested in reading. Speaking of comics that are in my backlog:
How was Supergirl: Being Super?


The very quick summary of things is that if you count the number of people killed in the name of white supremacy, you should realize that one dude with a shitty haircut getting decked in the jaw is nowhere near all that much.

I can see where people are coming from with not agreeing with him getting punched but I'm not going to lose sleep over some bottom feeding hate-monger getting decked.

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