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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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Thought I'd share some impressions of recent books I've read.

The Last of Us (1 of 4) This is a Dark Horse mini focusing on Ellie's experiences leading up to the events of the game. I'm finding it to be an interesting way to get to know to know the character prior to playing. It's from Ellie's perspective, but only reveals bits and pieces of what is happening in the world around her.

Fearless Defenders: Caught up on books 4 and 5. Really having fun with this series. Seeing all those female heros in number 5 was a real treat. It's just a playful book, which is refreshing change from the typical angsty stuff you find in most books these days.

Sex 1-3: This is a book I wish I liked more, but I just can't get behind Sam Cooke and his existential crisis. Nothing particularly special about any of the other characters either. But the sex aspect of the book is hot, I'll admit.

East of West: Lots has already been said about this book on this thread already, or it's been mentioned frequently, anyway. And for good reason. It's one of the best current titles I'm reading right now. Good balance of action, mystery and characterization. And good art.

X-Force and Cable: My other current fave. I started reading it for Colossus and was pleased to discover that all the team's characters are awesome. Fun, and funny, read.

The Bounce # 1: Hated this. Horribly stilted dialogue. Forgettable. Bought it because I like the idea of a bouncy guy but blech.

Jupiter's Legacy: Liked this just enough to dip for number 2. Mainly for the character of Walter and for Quitely's art. The depiction of celebrity culture is embarrassing, though. The supposed hip kids look like extras from Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit music video. You know, from 20 years ago? Damn, I think I just talked myself out of buying number 2.

X-Men # 1: Didn't love this but I will pay all day to read an all-female X book.

Sweet Tooth Trade # 4: Not new but I picked this up from the library. It's absolutely amazing. Best comic book series I've read.


I was out of town this weekend and stopped into a comic shop. They had some random trades on sale, and the clerk recommended Lucifer (they had the first two). I've never read sandman (I know, blasphemy) and I know this is a spin-off but I don't have the patience or money to read it first.

I've read the first three chapters and it's damn good. I've never heard of it before, but did some research and apparently it's pretty well renowned, though not nearly on the same level of popularity of Sandman.

Anyone here read it? Thoughts? I'm really into this dark philosophy type stuff mingled with christian mythology so I think I'm in for quite a good read.

Also, I've been meaning to read sweet tooth, I'm glad to her another person say good things. I'll get around to it eventually.
The Last of Us (1 of 4) This is a Dark Horse mini focusing on Ellie's experiences leading up to the events of the game. I'm finding it to be an interesting way to get to know to know the character prior to playing. It's from Ellie's perspective, but only reveals bits and pieces of what is happening in the world around her.

I've read both of the currently-available issues and I'm digging it. That may also be because my hype-meter for The Last of Us is locked at maximum. Regular comic fan mileage may vary.
I've read both of the currently-available issues and I'm digging it. That may also be because my hype-meter for The Last of Us is locked at maximum. Regular comic fan mileage may vary.

Good point. Now that I think of it, I doubt it would be very compelling for anyone whose interest in the world hadn't already been piqued by the game.

And, yeah, Sweet Tooth. Get on that. I've been borrowing the trades from the library but I'm crossing my fingers for an Omnibus to buy. I really wish this series were The Walking Dead style popular because I would love to go buck on merchandise.


Anyone here read it? Thoughts? I'm really into this dark philosophy type stuff mingled with christian mythology so I think I'm in for quite a good read.

I read the first 40-50 issues of Lucifer, but I never finished the series. I liked what I read. The book definitely has some interesting story lines. That said, Sandman was better (though Sandman is better than most books, so I suppose that doesn't say much). Lucifer was only really featured in one story arc of Sandman (with a couple cameos after that), so it's not extremely important to read Sandman first.


Astonishing spidey and wolverine mini on sale at comixology! Go go go, Aaron did a great job with this despite it getting weird in the last couple issues
Digital comics, why you so expensive? Been peeking at the Comixology store lately out of curiosity and even when something catches my eye all I can think is; "I can get this cheaper in print... And actually own it. " and can't bring myself to buy it. How do you digital only people do it?

At the very least old issues need to be 0.99¢. And they need to have complete runs.

$1.99 for something digital from the 90s? You cray?


I just realised that in Cable and the X-Force, Larroca randomly adds Captain America's white wings t his head in some panels and other panels he doesn't.
What gives?


List time.

Savage Wolverine #6
Black Beetle #4
Batman #21
Manhattan Projects #12

The TMNT Secret History of the Foot Clan trade is out this week, highly recommend it to everyone. Great story and amazing art.


Pizza Dog
Batman #21
Black Beetle #4
Deadpool #11
The Manhattan Projects #12

Not a big week for me, which is good for my wallet. Next week is looking pretty good though.
I've been contemplating some culling of my pull list but I don't know how to pull the trigger. It's only a few series but some of them are just a matter of getting behind, knowing you will read them some day, so continuing to buy them (Batman The Dark Knight and Detective Comics) and series I hope will eventually get better (Green Arrow, which did, Catwoman, which miiight? Oh and Teen Titans because I don't know).

I think I almost prefer when a series I am iffy on is canceled so it automatically gets culled but I still sate the completionist inside me.

I guess I could sell the series I cut so I don't have to think about it?


I haven't been reading it, but such a thing is always possible.

One of Ennis' skills as a writer is that he knows when to admit he's reached his limits. He's not the best pacer by a long shot, but he does have some self-awareness of when to end on a high note.
Garth Ennis did Jennifer Blood right? He knew when to bail on that. My roommate continues to get it despite Ennis not doing it anymore strictly because of the train wreck in motion aspect of it. I think it went from a high of like 17k to 5k, lol.


Liiiiisst time!!!

Cable And X-Force #9
Deadpool #11
Guardians Of Galaxy #3
Thor God Of Thunder #9
Uncanny X-Force #6
Wolverine And X-Men #31

Batman #21
Constantine #4
Nightwing #21
Superman Unchained #1

Black Beetle #4
Star Wars #6


I've been contemplating some culling of my pull list but I don't know how to pull the trigger. It's only a few series but some of them are just a matter of getting behind, knowing you will read them some day, so continuing to buy them (Batman The Dark Knight and Detective Comics) and series I hope will eventually get better (Green Arrow, which did, Catwoman, which miiight? Oh and Teen Titans because I don't know).

I think I almost prefer when a series I am iffy on is canceled so it automatically gets culled but I still sate the completionist inside me.

I guess I could sell the series I cut so I don't have to think about it?
I only buy minis or really small runs digitally during 99 cent sales, things like sea guy vol 2 mini, rocketeer adventures, batman gothic. I am thinking of going digital on a few new dc books, but now they changed the price drop time so I'm less inclined.


Gold Member
I've read both of the currently-available issues and I'm digging it. That may also be because my hype-meter for The Last of Us is locked at maximum. Regular comic fan mileage may vary.

I can't find the first issue to save my life. I mean, I could get it online, but I don't really want to do that for one issue.


I knew they wouldn't be able to resist. Even after they said they were giving the Bat-crossovers a rest.


Spike Spiegel said:
Well, at least this explains why there will be no major crossover with the other Bat-Family titles for the coming year.


They'll find a way to cross over with this storyline. Like, "the day Bruce Wayne was brought in for questioning and met young Barbara Gordon," or "the day Bruce Wayne visited Haley's Circus." Gotta get that sales bump.

Bailed on Snyder Batman a long time ago, but another year-long storyline AND it's a "becoming Batman" retread? Woof.




I knew they wouldn't be able to resist. Even after they said they were giving the Bat-crossovers a rest.

I know, right?

So not only do you get an overly long story arc but now it turns into a crossover as well!

So glad I don't buy any of those books, eff that noise.
Those tie ins brought fairly sizeable bumps in sell through that lasted for a couple months after. Blame comic readers who respond favorably to them.


At least they marginally tie in, unlike a certain *AU series of tie ins. Where was your snarky indignation then? ;-)

Age of Ultron is a pile of garbage, but at least with that series, you can just read the series and ignore the rest. In the Batman crossovers, you get an issue in the main series that only exists for Batman to send everyone off on their individual tasks. Maybe all the crossover books get a bump, but it negatively affects the main book by adding to story bloat.
Age of Ultron is a pile of garbage, but at least with that series, you can just read the series and ignore the rest. In the Batman crossovers, you get an issue in the main series that only exists for Batman to send everyone off on their individual tasks. Maybe all the crossover books get a bump, but it negatively affects the main book by adding to story bloat.

Mmm. In New 52 we've had Night of the Owls and Death of the Family so far; the setup for Night of the Owls was a radio call out at the end of an issue (not really bloat), and DOTF had a scene where he told the others that Joker didn't know who they were. Snyder has been pretty good about minimizing it imo.


I'm okay with this as long as it's not an issue to issue crossover and i can safely ignore the other books.

Currently reading Waid's Rocketeer Cargo of Doom miniseries, up to issue 3, #2 and #3 were great, if you guys like his Daredevil this is a mini that can't be missed.


I avoid making 99 cent auctions, sure they might attract more attention, but if you don't get the bids you're hosed.

ebay shenanigans:

Fantastic Four 1-5 marvel now - $12.95
Indestructible Hulk 1-5 $9.95

surprised hulk didn't sell for more *shrug*
I avoid 99 cent auctions, sure they might attract more attention, but if you don't get the bids you're hosed.

ebay shenanigans:

Fantastic Four 1-5 marvel now - $12.95
Indestructible Hulk 1-5 $9.95

surprised hulk didn't sell for more *shrug*

Yep. Gotta know what you are selling. I don't need like 80+ of the comics but it has a couple small runs I need like the Final Crisis Legion of 3 World single issues I need.

I've had success with Heroclix Singles starting at 0.01¢. Especially if they are the chase figurrs; $65.00+ for the Infinity Gauntlet Thanks, for example.
Star Wars #6

Batgirl #21
Batman #21
Batman Lil Gotham #3
Nightwing #21
World's Finest #13

Crow Curare #1

Savage Wolverine #6
Wolverine and X-men #31

maybe Green Lantern corp...


Zero Year crossover? Wasn't the idea to get out of Morrison's way and tell a story free from tie-ins and continuity?

DC gonna DC
Morrison's Batman will be over by then, which will also be the moment I stop buying Batman books on a monthly basis for the foreseeable future


Jesus, it's incredible what a company hack Snyder has revealed himself to be - “I was writing it as a singular story and some [the] other writers asked with the Bat-characters in particular, if they might be able to show where their characters were during this kind of seminal moment in the story"? Ugh.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Morrison's Batman will be over by then, which will also be the moment I stop buying Batman books on a monthly basis for the foreseeable future

But Batman & Robin! It's superb and I've enjoyed it way more than Batman for a number of issues.
Jesus, it's incredible what a company hack Snyder has revealed himself to be - “I was writing it as a singular story and some [the] other writers asked with the Bat-characters in particular, if they might be able to show where their characters were during this kind of seminal moment in the story"? Ugh.

... how does that make him a hack, exactly? If other writers approached him about it and he was cool with it, or even in the case that DC upper management was like, "Yeah that's a cool idea," how exactly is this a bad thing? I mean, it'd be pretty interesting to see some back story for pretty much anyone of them, imo.

But Batman & Robin! It's superb and I've enjoyed it way more than Batman for a number of issues.

Tomasi gonna Tomasi tier.


Jesus, it's incredible what a company hack Snyder has revealed himself to be - “I was writing it as a singular story and some [the] other writers asked with the Bat-characters in particular, if they might be able to show where their characters were during this kind of seminal moment in the story"? Ugh.

As long as Snyder gives me a dose of American Vampire and his other non-hero stuff, he can write all the Bat crossovers he wants.


... how does that make him a hack, exactly? If other writers approached him about it and he was cool with it, or even in the case that DC upper management was like, "Yeah that's a cool idea," how exactly is this a bad thing? I mean, it'd be pretty interesting to see some back story for pretty much anyone of them, imo.

Because consciously making the decision to do a story set in the past so it doesn't get caught up in a ridiculous, worthless crossover and going around talking about how Zero Year isn't going to spill into other books - a return to his work with Jock and Francavilla on Black Mirror is how he described it in interviews - and then going back on that now by saying that it's a collective decision from the writers of the other books to stop their stories and tie-in into to an origin story fucking reeks of editorial bullshit. And while you can say that it is editorial bullshit, he's completely complicit in it.

I can see why he's doing it, but it's pretty gross how transparent it all is.
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