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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Tomorow I'm going in my storage and I'm gonna go through my comic binders and look for my Ennis Punisher stuff and see if I have Alias. I know for sure I had some binders labeled Max Comics. What else should I look for that isn't on MU.

Oh Thunderbolts


Re: Batsuit - Bravo Snyder, you have again expertly trolled non-comic readers.

Also, the weirdness going on with the Batman and Superman storylines is great.

Really interesting stories are surfacing.


Ghost Racers was fun; had a really neat way of tieing in some other Ghost Rider stuff, like the use Zadkiel. Made Danny Ketch seems like a shit, but it was cool to see Alejandra again. Plus, Slade-Centaur with miniguns! Rad. Looking forward to the rest of the books; but hoping that this doesn't end with Robbie being the only Ghost Rider in the post-Secret Wars MU.

Hooked on Weirdworld one page in; it's a gorgeous looking book. Between this, Elsa's developments in Marvel Zombies, and the above Ghost Rider book, I'm hoping we see some kind of revival and push for fantasy/supernatural Marvel. It'd really benefit from it's own Annihilation style revamp, and doing so around the Doctor Strange movie would be a great bit of synergy.
Mighty Avengers won't get an Eisner for best single issue but it fucking deserves one.

It does.

This week's comics!

Right off the bat, Mighty Avengers #09 takes the crown. Al Ewing delivers some hard feels and frankly, I need there to be a All-New, All-Different follow-up to this team's concept. It's great and it's perfect for Luke Cage.

Batman #41: Like Action Comics #41 last week, this is another book where we should have not believed the advertising. The new Batman absolutely makes sense in Gotham's new status quo. Looking forward to seeing if this will stack up to Superior Spider-Man or Grayson Batman.

Captain Marvel/Carol Corps #1: Fundamentally a book about questioning the limits of your world. Lays down the concept, but I think it needs the #2 before I've fully bought into the series.

Earth 2 Society #1: Power Girl wears the S-symbol, Dick Grayson is
, and Val-Zod isn't dead; all is right with the world. Think Battlestar Galactica's earthbound storyline with superheroes as the survivors of Earth 2 establish their new world. A new
Johnny Sorrow
debuts here to go with the new Doctor Impossible in the preview.

Ghost Racers #1: Death Race 2000 + Ghost Rider. There's a centaur Ghost Rider with gatling guns. Enough said. (Danny Ketch was way off though.)

Marvel Zombies #1: Elsa Bloodstone, one of the best at the Shield (Battleworld's version of GOT's The Wall), finds herself on the wrong side of the line. Plus, she realizes she had a horrible childhood.

Silk #5: The heart of J. Jonah Jameson peaks out from behind that thick layer of asshole Slott had slathered over the character.

Spider-Gwen #5: This is Jem and the Holograms with Spider-Man characters.

Starfire #1: Clueless alien trope wanders through human society. To those who love the previous iteration, this is still the same character, just tuned to the "blank innocence" side of things. Starfire is still scantily clad and still lost when it comes to human boundaries. Decent start, but I need a few more issues to get to the point of the book beyond what's shown in this issue. What's here is cute, but not really the basis for an ongoing.

Ultimate End #2: With the confusing setup behind him, Bendis gets to the point: Ultimate and 616 characters interacting with each other.
Hawkeye's flip out and death
was odd, but the rest is great, especially when
both Starks surmise that certain sections of Battleworld have been rebooted
. I also like that
both SHIELDs are working together
with little problem. Image. This isn't really the end of the Ultimate Universe though, so if that's what you were looking for, you'll be disappointed.

Weirdworld #1: Arkon is trapped and trying to get home. Weirdworld is like throwing Conan and Flash Gordon tropes in a pot, adding a bit extra, and baking it sight unseen. Nice art.


"Remember, Felicia... steal only what they cannot lock away. Take only what they can't take back--steal their hearts."

I think I really going to like SG's Felicia


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Just realised that Ennis's first 12 issue Punisher run "Welcome Back Frank" is actually on MU :eek:


Would still love the Max stuff but better than nothing


Anyone else notice that in the digital issues of DC books today you get the regular cover, a DCYOU promo page and then the variant cover. I thought it was pretty cool of them to add in the variant cover. It's a nice bonus.
Anyone else notice that in the digital issues of DC books today you get the regular cover, a DCYOU promo page and then the variant cover. I thought it was pretty cool of them to add in the variant cover. It's a nice bonus.

Yeah I really liked the big Starfire DCYOU promo at the beginning of every DC book I read today, including Starfire!


So, I love Splatoon...I really do. My only problem is that I don't feel like the game is for "me." I'm not saying that it doesn't appeal to my gaming sensibilities, but I legitimately feel like I may be too skilled for who the game's target audience is. I've just won 6 games in a row, and the last one was particularly bad where I went 12-0 and was just shitting on the other team. I feel like I'm playing against children and people who don't play shooters competitively, and that I'm basically ruining their fun.

Basically this:


Frank D'Armata tried his best to suck the life out of Marvel Zombies: Elsa Bloodstone Snarky Tough & Flawed Female Heroine Edition, but Spurrier/Walker just about overpower him.


Man, I cannot believe it's been 10 years since Killer7 came out. That game is so fucking cool, I should play through it again this weekend.
So, I love Splatoon...I really do. My only problem is that I don't feel like the game is for "me." I'm not saying that it doesn't appeal to my gaming sensibilities, but I legitimately feel like I may be too skilled for who the game's target audience is. I've just won 6 games in a row, and the last one was particularly bad where I went 12-0 and was just shitting on the other team. I feel like I'm playing again children and people who don't play shooters competitively, and that I'm basically ruining their fun.
Lol, the most stealth brag post ever. I see what your saying but I doubt it's kids your playing against.
As someone who hasn't read much if any of Ennis's work, I found Section Eight to be incredible. It was lol funny and the art was fantastic. Glad I decided to try this one out.
So, I read three comics today! Trying to avoid real spoilers, but other than one thing there aren't really any major revelations here. If I missed something I'll tag it.

Gotham Academy #7

This one was... kind of a letdown. Art was solid, though the panel layouts were a little wonky in places. Bigger problem was that the whole thing felt rushed, and kind of forced? I was really looking forward to Damian showing up, maybe even joining the cast in this bold new post-Convergence, loose-continuity world. Sadly, that didn't happen. But more to the point, the whole thing felt kind of awkward, a little like the Death of the Family SS tie ins almost, like it was editorially mandated or something. Rather than integrating Damian in, they just sort of put the whole story on hold for an issue, focus the story on him & Maps, and shuffle him off. I doubt it'll ever be mentioned again, honestly. Which is a shame, since I think that him interacting with Maps more casually would be a ton of fun.

Starfire #1

Like Gotham Academy, this one felt rushed, though not nearly as awkward otherwise. It's sort of divided into little vignettes, and it doesn't always fit together well. Kori is a fun fish-out-of-water character, but there's not a lot else going on there, and the Sheriff doesn't have much of a personality of her own yet. Really, a lot of the issue was spent building up towards the hurricane, which I think was a mistake. Would have been better if they spent more time just doing slice of life stuff for a few issues, getting the cast rounded out. Gonna stick around for a few more issues, but I might drop this one.

Oh, and the art was on point, but not mindblowing.

Batman #41

Pretty good issue! Detailed
!Bats origin story, so to speak, and does a good job of it. I liked the choose your color scheme bit, and the mention that they picked his tactical advisor at Lucius Fox's recommendation to avoid any connection to the old Batman was worth a laugh. Oh, and I'm curious to see how the last page plays out; I'd be surprised if they
brought back Bruce so quickly, and so... anticlimactically, but it could happen. Might be someone else, though. Could Lincoln Marsh pass for Bruce with a beard?


Zombine should try playing against Japanese players.

I slam dunk on them. I do this shit for America, bros. Fast food, bald eagles, and open carry licenses. We won WWII. It's time to keep the momentum going.

I thought Zombine (stealth) brag posts were reserved for spending his millions on pages of comics he never read

I only buy art from books that I've read at least a little bit from.

He forgot to mention how much of a MLG gamer he is.

You don't understand this burden. There is a level of excellence that is expected from me in FPS games. I do what I have to to keep my crown; even if that means dunking on some 5 year olds and their fuckin meebos.


When Zombine plays against a Japanese player for real.

I really have. I love owning Japanese people in shooters, especially Battlefield. I'm only level 4 and I just put this level 18 Japanese dude out to pasture. I don't even need the good guns.

That was my 12-0 game. I don't use gyro, and my sensitivity is turned down to 2.whatever.
Convergence mini guidance. CMX discounts have finally got to it.

So any of these worth getting?
-batman & robin
-Justice league
-the atom
- superman
- Titans
- speed forces

Already have The Question, and the oracle mini in my shopping cart
Convergence mini guidance. CMX discounts have finally got to it.

So any of these worth getting?
-batman & robin
-Justice league
-the atom
- superman
- Titans
- speed forces

Already have The Question, and the oracle mini in my shopping cart

Of those, only went 2/2 with Harley, and I'd say that's worth it. It's a little bit sad, though, so heads up on that. Also get Blue Beetle fo sho.
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