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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Of those, only went 2/2 with Harley, and I'd say that's worth it. It's a little bit sad, though, so heads up on that. Also get Blue Beetle fo sho.
Yea I plan on getting blue beetle & shazam when it shows up. Some of the others I love the characters and era but not sure on the c team creators. DC could have made so much money off me if they put a bit more effort into this great concept


The Atom issues were weird but fun. Best use of one particular character ever and how they should be depicted moving forwards.
Yea I plan on getting blue beetle & shazam when it shows up. Some of the others I love the characters and era but not sure on the c team creators. DC could have made so much money off me if they put a bit more effort into this great concept

Honestly, taken as a whole the Convergence minis aren't that bad; the first issue of each tends to be mostly setup, which sort of leaves a bad first impression. I think if they had done them as 1 double length issue each it would have worked a lot better. No idea how that'd work with the scheduling, tho.
I really have. I love owning Japanese people in shooters, especially Battlefield. I'm only level 4 and I just put this level 18 Japanese dude out to pasture. I don't even need the good guns.

That was my 12-0 game. I don't use gyro, and my sensitivity is turned down to 2.whatever.

So wife and I got Starfire and I just read it and I thought I was not going to like it based on the preview but I did enjoy it. Jimmy and Amanda have the humanity of slice of life stories down.
So, I read three comics today! Trying to avoid real spoilers, but other than one thing there aren't really any major revelations here. If I missed something I'll tag it.

Gotham Academy #7

This one was... kind of a letdown. Art was solid, though the panel layouts were a little wonky in places. Bigger problem was that the whole thing felt rushed, and kind of forced? I was really looking forward to Damian showing up, maybe even joining the cast in this bold new post-Convergence, loose-continuity world. Sadly, that didn't happen. But more to the point, the whole thing felt kind of awkward, a little like the Death of the Family SS tie ins almost, like it was editorially mandated or something. Rather than integrating Damian in, they just sort of put the whole story on hold for an issue, focus the story on him & Maps, and shuffle him off. I doubt it'll ever be mentioned again, honestly. Which is a shame, since I think that him interacting with Maps more casually would be a ton of fun.
The emphasis on Damian being a guest student and the fact that the issue was done by a guest artist made me believe it was a oneshot to begin with. While it would be great to have him on permanently, I didn't find the outcome all that surprising.

I don't really get your comment on it feeling heavily mandated. Mingjue Helen Chen just posted on Tumblr about how much fun she had even and it seems like she had full control over her artwork. The dialogue seemed pretty standard fare for the series, which isn't a bad thing. Just a one-off deal like the Doom Patrol issue with Monsieur Mallah and the Brain or the Christmas cartoon in Hawkeye. Not relevant to the plot but still good fun.


Man, I cannot believe it's been 10 years since Killer7 came out. That game is so fucking cool, I should play through it again this weekend.

I am cursed in regards to that game for some reason. Tried to start it up with a friend a few times and for whatever reason other stuff got in the way. However, this year we were finally determined to beat it. I had the reigns, and we were making real progress. Finished off the second chapter and we were so set to finally be able to beat it, and... my friend's backwards compatible PS3 busted and he traded it in towards a PS4, the save file obviously lost in the process.

I haven't been able to work up the enthusiasm to do it all again for like the 3rd-4th time or whatever yet.
The emphasis on Damian being a guest student and the fact that the issue was done by a guest artist made me believe it was a oneshot to begin with. While it would be great to have him on permanently, I didn't find the outcome all that surprising.

I don't really get your comment on it feeling heavily mandated. Mingjue Helen Chen just posted on Tumblr about how much fun she had even and it seems like she had full control over her artwork. The dialogue seemed pretty standard fare for the series, which isn't a bad thing. Just a one-off deal like the Doom Patrol issue with Monsieur Mallah and the Brain or the Christmas cartoon in Hawkeye. Not relevant to the plot but still good fun.

I'm honestly not sure how to describe it. It's like... he's there, but the impact is basically minimized as thoroughly as possible. The SS DotF tie-in is the first thing that came to mind. The usual perspective character is shuffled off without explanation, the main story comes to a weirdly deliberate halt, and as soon as possible the intrusion is pushed aside and things resume. It's not like a Christmas episode sort of deal, at least, it didn't feel that way to me?
Earth 2 Society was a "good" 7/10 comic if that makes sense. Like, you see the potential for great story here. This was a set up issue that didn't really try and hook you at the end. The art is gorgeous.


Witcher 3 combat bugs me, the camera always gets "slow" when engaged in combat, i can't moveeeeee and i get stuck behind tiny objects in the landscape so i can't roll and it's just a clusterfuck usually.

Also comic books are okay i guess.
Looks like half of Ennis' Hitman is up on Comix for .99, what's the verdict crew ? Really love what I've read of Preacher,sorta curious how older comics like these look on digital. I can't seem to track down the first trade, otherwise I'd buy it physically for all the cool extra stuff in the first trade, and I'm worried that the other 30 issues of Hitman won't go up on sale. What do you guys think ?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Forgot how good that first 12 issue Ennis Punisher run was, damn. Love how everything ties together. Hopefully next year they will put the rest on MU to go along with Daredevil Season 2 hype


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Punisher punched a polar bear and killed a guy by dropping a giant fat guy on him

You did good Ennis
Looks like half of Ennis' Hitman is up on Comix for .99, what's the verdict crew ? Really love what I've read of Preacher,sorta curious how older comics like these look on digital. I can't seem to track down the first trade, otherwise I'd buy it physically for all the cool extra stuff in the first trade, and I'm worried that the other 30 issues of Hitman won't go up on sale. What do you guys think ?

Hitman is second only to Morrison/Case Doom Patrol for greatest comic book run of all-time, so...yes? I'm going with a big yes, my good man.
Hitman is second only to Morrison/Case Doom Patrol for greatest comic book run of all-time, so...yes? I'm going with a big yes, my good man.

If I'm gonna double dip on something, it should be Hitman ? Screw it, .99 c issues what am I doing. I hope they put Ennis' punisher max on .99 issues. Can't find the trades anywhere !
And now some thoughts about some comics. I know we generally don't read comics around here, but I had to do something while I was on vacation. I also read the Alias omnibus, and got more than half-way through the Stray Bullets Uber Alles edition (be proud, JC)

SW - I've been enjoying this so far. Though I wasn't worried. Marvel events usually start off well, it's the landings that they can't stick. Even so, its been a strong story so far, and I especially enjoyed the dialogue between
Victor and Susan
in issue #3. But man, Proxima Midnight needs to wreck some faces, and soon.

SW -
Han solo has a wife!?
. Truly, the Disney regime is in full control now. Though I have a feeling that she's going to be a bit character who will probably
betray everyone to the Empire (and then die)
before long. Marvel is still playing with the novelty of being able to write canon stories in the SW universe. But we're not going to see anything with lasting effects until the Force Awakens. Then they'll be able to write expanded universe content that doesn't need to adhere to a set of movies that were made 30 years ago. Also, is it just me (it's not), or did they use the same page or two at the end of SW #6 as they did in Darth Vader #6?

Fresh Romance #1 - I forgot this was even coming out, so I snagged it from Comixology. This is definitely in my wheelhouse. It's a bit weird because it's an anthology of Part 1's akin to something like Dark Horse Presents or Heavy Metal Magazine. I've never followed any of those for very long, but comics and romance? How can I refuse? Also, story #1 is so hot. O_O

Wicked + Divine #11 - WAT? I don't even... Why did.... FUCK! >.<

Planet Hulks #1 - This didn't grab me nearly as much as I thought it would. I mean, it's like Planet Hulk, only without anything even remotely interesting (or sexy, <3 Caiera). At least it's got a dinosaur. In fact, I need to re-read Planet Hulk soon. And then forget WWH ever happened.

Secret best girl is dead

MODOK Assassin #1 - Funny book is funny. It was a little over-the-top, and not in a bad way. But it felt like they rushed things a bit. All of the conflicts were too one-sided. The book seems to rely solely on humor to carry it. But hey, Angela (secret GOAT best girl) made an appearance, so I'll stick with it for the time being.

Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1 - Yes. I can finally feel the disgusting aftertaste of OMD/BND being washed away. More plz.

Omega Men #1 - This one was something of an impulse-buy due to bitchin' artwork. They really didn't give you too much (at all) in this issue aside from some pretty pictures. It was a bit vague, even for a first issue. But it has me curious.

Justice League #41 - Another impulse purchase. As we all know, I'm not really a mainline DC guy. JL, GL, Superman, etc. don't really do much for me. I'm all-in on their fringe books, though. Girly hijinks and whatnot. Anyway, I guess we can file Grail under girly hijinks, right? I'm digging her. Will stick with the Darkseid War event. Seems interesting enough.

Future Imperfect #1 - Okay, rebels fighting against an evil Hulk? I'm down (but mostly just for Ruby).

1602 Witch Hunter Angela #1 - Wow, now this book I really like. The art is gorgeous and they have all of the old timey dialogue and stuff. I'm in.

Starfire #1 - This was a very fun a book. It's as enjoyable as Messi keeps trying to convince us that Harley Quinn is. I much prefer her being written this way as opposed to the New 52 sexpot they made her into with the initial reboot.

Invincible is still the best superhero comic none of you are reading.

And I finished The Witcher III. Currently on playthrough #2. There are a few things I want to do differently.
I did not.

I'm sure they'll have more announcements come SDCC. They also fully revealed the Raven bishoujo figure, but I'm waiting to hear back from Stump as to whether it's okay to post bishoujos. :O

You saying Harley ain't fun. Girl you got issues.

You know why I do it, Messi. :D

They posted the full photos on Facebook.

oh shi~

I didn't even see those. Looking good.


I'm sure they'll have more announcements come SDCC. They also fully revealed the Raven bishoujo figure, but I'm waiting to hear back from Stump as to whether it's okay to post bishoujos. :O

You know why I do it, Messi. :D

oh shi~

I didn't even see those. Looking good.

We never had an issue with figures here. They don't even get posted that often. I'm sure comics ones are fine.

Was Magik on that promo poster?
Was Magik on that promo poster?

Yeah, Magik is definitely getting made, too. My only issue is that they're 1/10 scale, which is kind of tiny.

And I don't know what the future of X-Men merchandise looks like since Marvel is on a crusade to banish FOX to the ends of the universe.


Yeah, Magik is definitely getting made, too. My only issue is that they're 1/10 scale, which is kind of tiny.

And I don't know what the future of X-Men merchandise looks like since Marvel is on a crusade to banish FOX to the ends of the universe.

1/10 is smaller than the Kitty one I have?
1/10 is smaller than the Kitty one I have?

The Kitty bishoujo? That's about 1/7. Of course, they're going to vary based on what character it is. The Hulkbuster ArtFX+ statue is about 12" tall. Emma will probably be 7" tall or thereabouts.

Freeze have you bought any statues lately?

Statue-statues? Not since the Bombshell Mera and Hawkgirl. I love them both. I've got DCBS pre-orders out the wazoo, though.
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