GAAAAAHHHHH!!! Crazy by Seal was playing when I stepped in the car and I thought it was fated to be. But I believe CFA girl has moved onto a point guard role, where she doesn't take orders at the drive thru or in side, so now I have a wall of preacher's daughters and youth groupers blocking me from my goal. What to do? I guess I could go INSIDE next Thursday and pray for the best. I mean I can't just write my number down and have someone hand it to her. Gaaaaaahhhh. This is the most trying time of our generation. I gotta think of a gameplan. I'm just beffudled. I've waited so long that now it's like a Zelda puzzle to get her number. Talk to this guy, move this Boulder, get a gauntlet, hum her a sweet melody. And when we glanced at each other today. Wow. Such perfect facial symmetry. Not even the Mayans could craft something so precise.
You need to team up with Kipp and explain this scenario through the magic of comics.