Yup! Unfortunately, this is the truth everywhere. And I can see why. Why would you bite the hand that feeds you?
I'd argue its not the truth but rather a strongly enforced mentality although the difference likely depends on your opinion. Biting the hand that feeds you wouldnt be criticizing your publisher btw It would be criticizing/attacking your fans/consumer base. The publishers only exist because of the demand created by the consumers. Publishers as the 'hand that feeds' is kind of a supply side idea. One that needs to die.
Marvel/DC arent the bosses of any creator except their exclusively contracted ones and editorial staff. Marvel/DC are clients and many creators are incorporated. A creator collective must be able to spread information among itself and others who may care in order to curtail poor behavior from bad publishers/clients. Information needs to flow freely for the industry to have good power balance between the contracted creators and the publishers.
Marvel/DC arent automatically bad clients because of those clauses, but given their respective histories in treating some creatives poorly, I'm certainly inclined to question this practice.
Depends on whether you're providing constructive criticism.
Which also depends on how thin-skinned upper management is. And on phrasing.
Overall a very risky move with very little chance of reward.
To be clear Im not talking about creative differences but rather treatment and payment of its contracted creators. Companies seek to control the conversation among its contracted creators. Limit criticism and limit conversation. That way there is no free flowing information between them.
I'd argue that your income as a private matter is one that only helps employers. Limit the possibility that someone gets the idea that they should be getting paid more and reap the benefits of lower labor cost.
Also if one is just gonna get outraged immediately with no thought on repercussions (and not just your own) then good luck. Because it won't end well. Study your targets I mean foes I mean employers.
I agree that something like JMS blowing up at Joey Q after OMD should be kept in house, but can you imagine if creators were not allowed to disclose anything the public might see as fucked up. The kind of clauses in the contracts that guy was talking about only serve Marvel/DC. Not the creators and certainly not the consumers of the ultimate product.