They should resurrect the TV show pilot/concept again. It was made too soon. Love that comicGlobal Frequency deserves all of our love
They should resurrect the TV show pilot/concept again. It was made too soon. Love that comicGlobal Frequency deserves all of our love
They should resurrect the TV show pilot/concept again. It was made too soon. Love that comic
It seems like it would be fairly easy to adapt too, you'd only need a couple of main cast members and could rotate through the rest.[/img[/QUOTE]
I know! Even when I read it when it came out you could see how it was almost written to be a procedural show.
They should resurrect the TV show pilot/concept again. It was made too soon. Love that comic
So after not enjoying secret wars #1 I picked up old man logan and loved it.
Any other secret wars issues worth a read? I saw there are about six different x men related ones. Guide me, oh comic gaf.
Manhattan Projects!
Fear Agent!
Pax Romana!
God Hates Astronauts!
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars!Best SW books (aside from Old Man Logan):
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars!
So I've read Low, Descender, Black Science (need to catch up), in the past I've read Six Gun Gorilla, East of West (should probably re-read and catch up too), any other scifi recommendations with great art?
Oh, read Rocket Girl and of course still reading Saga as well. I try keeping up with the news, but sites like CBR just overwhelm me with Marvel and DC stuff. I'll finish Chrononauts as well cause I love Murphy's artwork.
Well, there's no accounting for taste, I suppose
That's unforgivable![]()
The fiend!![]()
The fiend!![]()
The fiend!![]()
The fiend!![]()
That's unforgivable
That damn Harley Quinn.
Lock her in jail and throw away the key
I'm not one to normally advocate for the death penalty, but she truly is one of Gotham City's worst. By putting this menace in the ground where she belongs, Gotham's citizens could sleep soundly at night, on their fully intact and tagged mattresses, knowing this menace will never tear-orize their living rooms and dinette sets again.jesus FUCKING christ put this image behind NSFW quotes or something SHIT
If the writing is good, the comic isn't crappy.
Stop trying to be a smarty pants, kid.
actually, if a comic looks like shit it is also shit
It honestly bothered me
also Hyperion (I think) has a teenage zebra child? Wat
The fiend!![]()
I can deal with good writing/bad art (for the most part), but I can't deal with bad writing/good art.
Like, I still really enjoyed Morrison's New X-men despite the Igor Kordey.
E: Also, some issues of Zero. Felt there were a few artist misses throughout the run.
Lady circle face needs to clean her furniture, look at all that garbage that was under the couch cushion.
The fiend!![]()
Are you victim blaming?
I can "deal" with both but I feel like i've read too many comics that were lacking in one way but not the other. NO MORE
re: Zero I think with the exception of maybe one person the art has been very strong for a book that switches artists every issue
Low was pretty good. Tucchini's art is an acquired taste. Didn't care for it in the beginning, but grew to like it more as the story went on.
Is this series on a break? Last issue was february.
Trees is next.
I do want to give one word of warning on melatonin based on my own experiences. I'm still not sure if it was just a bad reaction for me or because the pills I got were so high dose (10 mg because I had no idea WTF I was doing), but when I took them I basically couldn't sleep and was completely fucked up. It was a nightmare for the couple days it took for me to be certain that it was the cause. Missed a few days of work, even So just be careful with it.
I'm surprised that you guys have problems with it. I take 2 5mg tablets before bed.
I used to break the tablets in half myself. But now I just get my black ass away from any bright screens and lights 30 minutes before bed, that works too lol
Goodness. That's nuts.
Your body probably produces none of its own melatonin at this point. Haha.
Didn't they make a Mad Love animated episode? Where is it collected?
Just started Morrison's Batman run and hit the The Clown at Midnight issue. I gotta say, this is some terrible 'art.' Did this even look good at the time?
Just started Morrison's Batman run and hit the The Clown at Midnight issue. I gotta say, this is some terrible 'art.' Did this even look good at the time?
I'm not really convinced I was at all. I have a really hard time staying asleep. Falling asleep? No problem. But having a nice restful sleep is impossible. I probably have sleep apnea.