Just started Morrison's Batman run and hit the The Clown at Midnight issue. I gotta say, this is some terrible 'art.' Did this even look good at the time?
Bad art: the shaky cam of comics.
Please. The shaky cam of comics is one of those needlessly weird cool action layouts Rocafort does all the time.
Completely agree with you. I also thought the series had like a 3 issue learning curve, where it would have been incredibly easy to dismiss and drop the book. But now I'm fully into the series, and it's very clearly Remender-y.
Boy this E3 went from no leaks to a flood pretty quickly. Now amiibo leaks. Still glad I've avoided that craze
This is why I wont watch the conferences this year.I find that I don't look forward to E3 as much as I used to. At least for the past few years. There don't seem to be as many exciting announcements as there used to be.
This is why I wont watch the conferences this year.
It's in the animated series box sets. It is in Batman: The Animated Series Volume Four
Episode 21
Would a 7 inch tablet be good enough to read comics on?
Would a 7 inch tablet be good enough to read comics on?
I read this for the first time today and yeah, it's pretty average.Just started Morrison's Batman run and hit the The Clown at Midnight issue. I gotta say, this is some terrible 'art.' Did this even look good at the time?
It's how I read the vast majority of my comics. 10 inches is better, but it's a portability tradeoff and I spend most of my time reading while commuting.
I want to say Superman will have that bit when it comes out, but I could be wrong.I just got a new tablet and I am now reading comics again after a pretty long hiatus !
I picked up Action Comics #41 and I really liked it but I was wondering in what issue was Superman's identity outed ? There are a ot of Superman series so it's a bit confusing...
Aside from that I read and enjoyed Stafire #1 and I just suscribed to Marvel Unlimited. Too bad DC doesn"t seem to have a similar app.
Never read them but I've heard a lot of praise for the Injustice comicsBrian Fellos167788683 said:How are the Injustice of the Gods books? I've never been much of a DC guy but I keep seeing them at work and for some reason they look interting to me.
Freeza your new avatar is👌👌👌, I gotta catch up on that
How are the Injustice of the Gods books? I've never been much of a DC guy but I keep seeing them at work and for some reason they look interesting to me.
I've always found the art to range from average to below average, lots of characters get shafted for no reason, characters sometimes flip a switch in ways that make little logical sense, and most of the time it feels boring and repetitive.
Only read the first two years though.
Injustice comics are great
And the first English volume is coming out next month. It's almost 400 pages, so it looks like they're doing the condensed editions in order to play catch-up. They're doing the same thing with the Emma reprints, only in hardcover.
I saw that, it's a shame volume 2 isn't coming till November!
Hey Messi, here's a better avatar for you
Pls I am above such lewd drawings. Maybe it's more Freeza's thing.
Pls I am above such lewd drawings. Maybe it's more Freeza's thing.
Whoa, man. Why you throwin' shade my way?
It ain't shade
I will never get back to you on the anime front, especially if it means you'll read comics instead
Prison School is high art as far as I'm concerned
I will never get back to you on the anime front, especially if it means you'll read comics instead
You liked modok, but not DSSW? wuts wrong wif ya?
Have you read it or you just dissed because "lol dp sux?"
Literal anime comics like Ame-Comi, or manga? I mean. All things considered, I think of manga as comics too. Just a different style.We need more anime comics in here
mother 1 releasing in the us by gawd i'm crying
Literal anime comics like Ame-Comi, or manga? I mean. All things considered, I think of manga as comics too. Just a different style.
I loved Ame-comi girls
That was like Girly Hijinks: The Comic
I did read the first issue, it did nothing for me. I found the humor flat and the plot boring.
mother 1 releasing in the us by gawd i'm crying
Yaaasssss omg
Yeah and I loved it for it. It was written by Jimmy Palmiotti right?
Mother 3 has to be coming this week as well
Pls I am above such lewd drawings. Maybe it's more Freeza's thing.