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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


A reminder that this feature will have tie-ins releasing for it prior to its release
Ooohhh a Harley sale...

I should take the dive and get some, probably.

Also read Sandman Overture #5 last night.

If modern (read: modern + good) comic book art had a god his name would be J.H.Williams III.


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished the X-Files on Netflix. If I didn't know there was a second movie (which I know is bad) and a soon to be released mini-series, I'd be a little disappointed. I think I get what they were going for, but it didn't really work for me.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
A reminder that this feature will have tie-ins releasing for it prior to its release

I'm slowly working my way through buying all of the DC animated movies. I had forgotten how good War was, and how bad Throne of Atlantis was.

But once you start buying them, it's a never ending pit. I'm still finding like, one I missed. And they keep making more!
Has the New 52 Flash book been decent?

Only redeemable part is Francis Manapul's art but he doesn't do art duties anymore. Avoid.

Gonna buy me the rest of Azzarello's Wonder Woman and not touch one copy of Finch's. Seen some panels that made me cringe.


Only redeemable part is Francis Manapul's art but he doesn't do art duties anymore. Avoid.

Gonna buy me the rest of Azzarello's Wonder Woman and not touch one copy of Finch's. Seen some panels that made me cringe.

I want to catch up on Sinestro and finally start reading Aquaman.
I think I'm gonna give some Tony Daniel Deathstroke a shot.
maybe Liefeld DS too, just to see.

Do Superman/Wonder Woman and new Teen Titans improve after their first issues? I wanna read both but i found both #1s to be just okay


Do Superman/Wonder Woman and new Teen Titans improve after their first issues? I wanna read both but i found both #1s to be just okay

Can't speak for Supes/Wondy, but Will Pheifer's Titans run has been consistently readable. It is leaps and bounds above Lobdell's work (though that's not a high achievement).


Pizza Dog
Ok, so I am nearing the end of my Avengers/New Avengers catch up and I really wish I'd been reading this at the time so I could discuss it on here, mostly because I keep losing track of what's going on. It doesn't help that I don't know some of the characters that showed up halfway through so I suddenly start wondering if this is some alternate universe only to realise that it's not. Plus the time-skips to avoid all the Axis stuff confused me. Anyway, I think I have a general idea of what's happening, and at least I'll be able to pick and choose a few Secret Wars titles going forward and not remain totally out of the loop!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I was really enjoying vol. 2 of Snyder's Batman until
'yes, it is I, your long lost BROTHER'
. That was such a lame moment in an otherwise great story.


Woha. Never believed that I could hunt down cheap-ass copys of Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 1: The Hunger and Scarlet Spider Vol. 2: Lone Star.

They are listened at Amazon for 130€ together, I got them for 33€ :D


Pizza Dog
Ok, I'm out the other side of my epic Avengers/New Avengers marathon. Huge thanks to Mudcrab et al for the Secret Wars thread as a quick read through of that afterwards helped me put together all the stuff I was confused about in my quick read. Ready to start Secret Wars now. Might pick and choose a few interesting looking Battleworld titles, but I'll probably stick mostly to the Secret Wars issues themselves. Have to say that X-Men '92 title is making me all kinds of nostalgic for the old cartoon though. I'd have been 8 at the time and I remember it vividly.
A friend of mine on another forum is starting to get into comics after watching all of the recent DC TV shows. I recommended him Saga of the Swamp Thing a while back, and yesterday checked up on him to see how he was enjoying it.

"Yeah, sorry, man, but I gotta read Civil War first."

That marvel pull. Even getting people that are getting into comics due to DC shows

Recommending Swamp Thing to someone just getting into comics because of stuff like Arrow / Flash, etc, just seems weird. I get that people like it but it's not what I'd suggest in the same circumstances.


That Duarte stock keeps rising YOY. Bizarro is going to make some waves and I'm really hyped to see this guy rising in American comics.


Yup. In 6 months on MU. Mwhahaha. I am buying the main book the day of.


I started Harley reading, issue #11...i will withhold judgement until i finish 12 and 13 to see what they do with the arc but it's not looking good.
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