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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Because for a hot minute, like, maybe 16 issues?, it was the best work of Bunn's career, Walta still on the pencils? because his shit was nice too.

Paul Davidson is on art now

I dunno, I can't pin down when exactly I stopped liking this book but I think it was when Magneto moved back to Genosha, a plot that went nowhere. The Last Days arc has been terrible.

I think there's only one or two issues left and I might just skip em


Paul Davidson is on art now

I dunno, I can't pin down when exactly I stopped liking this book but I think it was when Magneto moved back to Genosha, a plot that went nowhere. The Last Days arc has been terrible.

I think there's only one or two issues left and I might just skip em

That Genosha serial killer arc gets to a good place, I thought, really dug the twist that
a mutant with the power to materialize thoughts accidentally hooked on his memories of the camps.
That Genosha serial killer arc gets to a good place, I thought, really dug the twist that
a mutant with the power to materialize thoughts accidentally hooked on his memories of the camps.

It was an interesting twist, I'll grant you that. But I didn't like the arc.

On reflection, I'd agree that the early stuff was some of Bunn's best work but only the first eight issues. There have been glimmers of greatness since, such as the helicarrier issue, and I think that's what has made me stick with it. Overall though I've been bored with it for awhile and this Last Days arc has me ready to abandon ship.
It was an interesting twist, I'll grant you that. But I didn't like the arc.

On reflection, I'd agree that the early stuff was some of Bunn's best work but only the first eight issues. There have been glimmers of greatness since, such as the helicarrier issue, and I think that's what has made me stick with it. Overall though I've been bored with it for awhile and this Last Days arc has me ready to abandon ship.

It's funny hearing this, because every time I go to get comics, I debate with myself if I want to read it or not. Because it's a book centering on Magneto, right? I mean, I like Magneto, so the book should be good, right? Why worry? Just buy it.

And then I don't buy it, and I feel no regrets from that day forth.
I am at the point now where they have to show a ton for me to invest in a launch Nintendo system again. All how systems are not the best investments at launch but with Nintendo I think it's time to wait and buy in a bundle bunch.

This is every console now adays. I mean shit I got a PS4 at launch and didn't buy a retail game for it till Shadow of Mordor 11 months later.

I actually had a two hour google hangout on Sunday doing nothing but talking about comics haha. ComicGAF needs to revive that group talk! Let's do it :D

I've got a ComicGaf google chat room going, if you want to be added to let it let me know your gmail. So far its Tim, GH, Spider Jourselum(spelling), My Name is Ed, and myself. There is some one else ohh shit I forget who, sorry.


Random thoughts on Martian Manhunter.

Mr Biscuits is
pretty clearly mind fucked J'onn. That bit is probably happening in the future
. I love his design, the white mask makes him look very frog like.
I hope that random girl that
the White Martian
recognized somehow ends up being M'gann.

This was a crazy good first issue.
Paul Davidson is on art now

I dunno, I can't pin down when exactly I stopped liking this book but I think it was when Magneto moved back to Genosha, a plot that went nowhere. The Last Days arc has been terrible.

I think there's only one or two issues left and I might just skip em

I skipped this one.

Just pointless at this point and Walta's gone.
For the third week in a row, I've liked everything I read from DC (so far).

Martian Manhunter, Robin, and Prez were all really great. Sinestro wasn't half bad.

I gotta try Dr. Fate next. I've heard nice stuff about that one too.
I wouldn't put Squadron Sinister in the upper echelon of SW books, but it was still a lot of fun. Lots of stuff happened in this issue which is always nice. I love evil Justice League stories.
Don't really understand what IGN is doing reviewing comics. Multiversity or Comics Alliance are the only places to go. Or Uzumeri's Twitter feed.

o_O I can't even find a remotely relevant comic review on the first 5 pages of their review tab outside of Prez and even that's pushing it. They seem to have an aversion to reviewing anything that sells more than 5000 copies.


o_O I can't even find a remotely relevant comic review on the first 5 pages of their review tab outside of Prez and even that's pushing it. They seem to have an aversion to reviewing anything that sells more than 5000 copies.

Can you link me to all the Zero reviews?
o_O I can't even find a remotely relevant comic review on the first 5 pages of their review tab outside of Prez and even that's pushing it. They seem to have an aversion to reviewing anything that sells more than 5000 copies.

They don't do it enough but they definitely have the best comics writers. Although, Uzu is writing somewhere else these days.
They don't do it enough but they definitely have the best comics writers. Although, Uzu is writing somewhere else these days.

I'm not even trying to be snarky about this. I do enjoy their longform from time to time. But I think sites like IGN do have a place for handling the bulk of more mainstream comics and getting quick and dirty impressions.
I'm not even trying to be snarky about this. I do enjoy their longform from time to time. But I think sites like IGN do have a place for handling the bulk of more mainstream comics and getting quick and dirty impressions.

Comicvine does a good job covering mainstream comics. But I hate how comics are reviewed to be honest. I'd rather they wait for a story arc to end before doing their review instead of reviewing an issue.
I'm not even trying to be snarky about this. I do enjoy their longform from time to time. But I think sites like IGN do have a place for handling the bulk of more mainstream comics and getting quick and dirty impressions.

Quick and dirty impressions do comics a huge disservice. Having been in the trenches, I know that's what those sites look for, and I've been guilty of it myself, but when given the opportunity, I try to model my approach after actual critics like Andy Greenwald or Matt Zoeller Seitz, not Amazonk Product Reviews.


IGN reviews helped get me into comics and i still like browsing through their short list of reviewed stuff every Thursday.


Quick and dirty impressions do comics a huge disservice. Having been in the trenches, I know that's what those sites look for, and I've been guilty of it myself, but when given the opportunity, I try to model my approach after actual critics like Andy Greenwald or Matt Zoeller Seitz, not Amazonk Product Reviews.

I'm just going to jump into this real quick to say people should check out the handful of comics articles Alex Pappademas has written for Grantland. It's the best long-form writing about the industry I've read.
I'm just going to jump into this real quick to say people should check out the handful of comics articles Alex Pappademas has written for Grantland. It's the best long-form writing about the industry I've read.


Also, Oliver Sava (I think?) does the lords work at AV Club.


Don't do this to me Tim. I can't believe you. Paul Levitz is just a husk of his former self. What could have breathed new life into him?

Maybe being freed from the bloated corpse of the Legion has reinspired him? It's really good though, a very likeable cast that feel like actual people and not tropes, and Sonny Liew doing the lord's work on the art side.
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