I'll believe that it exists the moment I'm holding it in my hands and not a second sooner.
Somebody fucked up. Hawkguy #21 came out in Feb. (of 2015)
Not the first time CBR has done that.
Looks like ComicVine did it too. jeez.
Uuuuugh. Guys, I need to get this frozen yogurt manager position so badly. This desk job is killing me. I can't do 9 hours of no human contact.
No human contact? That sounds fantastic!
No human contact? That sounds fantastic!
seriously, let me get your job
No human contact? That sounds fantastic!
Sounds fantastic until you try it. I work 6 hours alone every day and I am miserable.
I still have a boss who's constantly messaging me on Skype.
i think a good art style can carry a game that isn't a graphical showcase in budget/effects/whatever, but Star Fox has the graphical design and style of a budget 3ds game, flat and bland.
I'm sitting next to 3 other people. We communicate mostly via AIM.(We deal with letter/number sequences, much easier to copy/paste them to each other than read a string.)
I would like the ability to never receive emails.
frye, you weren't kidding about It Was The War Of The Trenches. It is brilliant. I haven't gotten too far into it but it looks like it will be up there with Paths of Glory and All Quiet... (book and movie) for me.
Air 2 because of future updates and better resale value.
Refurbished Air 2 16 GB from the Apple Store would be my choice. $420. Or Refurbished 64 GB Air 2. $509.
I had to double take. AIM? Jesus, whatyearisit.jpeg
seriously, let me get your job
It's not enough you stole brahs girl, now you want his job too? That's cold
Bill is awesome, but all I can think of is how cringey him announcing his name was in EMH.
"Your weapon is mighty, demon, but now it belongs to Beta Ray Bill!"
Soon the transformation will be complete.
JC will become Kipp.
I have to say, I'm flattered that JC wants to be me.
Soon the transformation will be complete.
JC will become Kipp.
I have to say, I'm flattered that JC wants to be me.
Does JC-Kipp still enjoy The Mountain Goats?
I think I can just do a better job, that's all. Stop wasting that God-given Kippness
Kipp pls. I know you are going to this comiccon thing. Look at all that sketching![]()
If he doesn't, then he ain't no Kipp I've ever heard of.
That's fair enough. I'll get the documents ready to transfer lives.
...Are these free sketches or paid sketches?
They would have to be paid I'd assume. I would pay lots of money for one![]()
They would have to be paid I'd assume. I would pay lots of money for one![]()
I'll get them to do a Legion one for you.
I'll get them to do a Legion one for you.
Well maybe you should come to SDCC then!
I'll get them to do a Legion one for you.
Why would you do that?
Get Messi a Spiderman sketch. I think Spiderman is the superhero Messi is always saying he loves so much.
I bet he'd love an Arm Fall Off Boy sketch!
I think I'll have Sejic sketch a portrait of me for Messi.
I think I can just do a better job, that's all. Stop wasting that God-given Kippness
Does JC-Kipp still enjoy The Mountain Goats?
I just want an Ally![]()
everybody who likes The Mountain Goats should listen to this song i found via Welcome To Nightvale's weather section
Danny Schmidt - This Too Shall Pass
The best part is the comment section. There is a guy going kinda nuts that they are canceling it. It's pretty amazing. Apparently a retailer, no less, who had intended to order 2 copies of it, lol.
What was he going to do with them, add some meat and cheese and make a sandwich?
Does this mean my Klarion floppies are all collectors items now? They are all first prints.
Kipp pls. I know you are going to this comiccon thing. Look at all that sketching![]()
Wow, IGN really digging the new DC relaunches. They gave them four 9+'s this week. Black Canary, Prez, Martian Manhunter (edit) and Secret Six (which got a 9.8?!)
Wow, IGN really digging the new DC relaunches. They gave them four 9+'s this week. Black Canary, Prez, Martian Manhunter (edit) and Secret Six (which got a 9.8?!)