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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Uuuuugh. Guys, I need to get this frozen yogurt manager position so badly. This desk job is killing me. I can't do 9 hours of no human contact.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Sounds fantastic until you try it. I work 6 hours alone every day and I am miserable.

On the one hand, I'm glad you can back me up on this. On the other hand, apologies that you're in the same situation.


i think a good art style can carry a game that isn't a graphical showcase in budget/effects/whatever, but Star Fox has the graphical design and style of a budget 3ds game, flat and bland.


I still have a boss who's constantly messaging me on Skype.

I'm sitting next to 3 other people. We communicate mostly via AIM.
(We deal with letter/number sequences, much easier to copy/paste them to each other than read a string.)

I would like the ability to never receive emails.
i think a good art style can carry a game that isn't a graphical showcase in budget/effects/whatever, but Star Fox has the graphical design and style of a budget 3ds game, flat and bland.

It's true. I don't even care about graphical fidelity anymore, as long as the game has style. Star Fox looks aight but it's not winning any points in that department. Definitely on my wait-and-see list.

I'm sitting next to 3 other people. We communicate mostly via AIM.
(We deal with letter/number sequences, much easier to copy/paste them to each other than read a string.)

I would like the ability to never receive emails.

I had to double take. AIM? Jesus, whatyearisit.jpeg


frye, you weren't kidding about It Was The War Of The Trenches. It is brilliant. I haven't gotten too far into it but it looks like it will be up there with Paths of Glory and All Quiet... (book and movie) for me.

Air 2 because of future updates and better resale value.

Refurbished Air 2 16 GB from the Apple Store would be my choice. $420. Or Refurbished 64 GB Air 2. $509.

Yeah it's great isn't it? I don't think there's another war comic that can touch it in terms of sustained brutality, bitterness, despair, anger, black humour, etc. Phenomenal work all around

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
AIM chat

in 2015



E the Shaggy

Junior Member
Bill is awesome, but all I can think of is how cringey him announcing his name was in EMH.

"Your weapon is mighty, demon, but now it belongs to Beta Ray Bill!"

Beta Ray Bill is one of the coolest characters ever...who just so happens to have arguably the goofiest name.

I wonder if in the Writer's Room, they were debating other names like Alpha Ray Steve or something.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Soon the transformation will be complete.
JC will become Kipp.

I have to say, I'm flattered that JC wants to be me.

Does JC-Kipp still enjoy The Mountain Goats?


but I am taking tiny steps forward


If he doesn't, then he ain't no Kipp I've ever heard of.

That's fair enough. I'll get the documents ready to transfer lives.

...Are these free sketches or paid sketches?

They would have to be paid I'd assume. I would pay lots of money for one :(
The best part is the comment section. There is a guy going kinda nuts that they are canceling it. It's pretty amazing. Apparently a retailer, no less, who had intended to order 2 copies of it, lol.
Wow, IGN really digging the new DC relaunches. They gave them four 9+'s this week. Black Canary, Prez, Martian Manhunter (edit) and Secret Six (which got a 9.8?!)


Full werewolf off the buckle
So I'm all caught up on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and just need to get the last issue of Afterlife with Archie. Archie Horror is bringing it hard. Now that I'm nearly up to speed I can't comprehend how hard it must have been for people who were fans from the beginning to need to wait so long. Hopefully there won't be too huge gaps between issues going forward.

In the meantime I've begun reading Hellboy, and just finished issue three of the Seeds of Destruction arc. It's a shame I waited so long, as I've loved the idea of Government agencies investigating the paranormal since I first played Nocturn back in the day.

I've also, thanks to the Horror Samplers from Dark Horse, taken a shining to Baltimore and have started reading the Plague Ships arc. This is a very cool hobby for a big Horror dork like myself to get into but, boy howdy, does it get expensive!

Since I'm waiting on the next issue of Providence, which is what got me into comics to start with, I also bought Neonomicon and enjoyed that. Being so new to comics that had some subject matter in it that I didn't expect to find. I'm sure it sounds old fashioned but I was kind of shocked by some of the goings-on in that series!

On a subject I broached earlier in this thread I did indeed find a really fun podcast that has been around forever and covers lots of Horror stuff as well as the usual Superhero stuff. I'm referring to the iFanboy podcast. I'm sure lots of you have heard of it already but it's really great. The dudes have good chemistry and quick wits and are a joy to listen to. I'm just going through their back episodes and listening to shows that feature comics I'm reading now or other Horror-related ones I'm not familiar with that sound interesting.

This week I'll have my kids all week and I intend to rent the Hellboy movies and animations since I've never seen them. My kids have seen the first Hellboy movie and enjoyed it, though. Ron Perlman seems like he'd make a rad Hellboy, and I love del Toro, so I'm stoked.
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