if the price is right.... hmmmm....
Whatever it is he isn't charging enough.
Look at his commissions
if the price is right.... hmmmm....
Whatever it is he isn't charging enough.
Look at his commissions
Wait, Secret Six got a 9.8? Really?
Might have to pick that up.
Written by Gail Simone | Drawn by Dale Eaglesham
Click. Whats that sound? Oh, thats Secret Six officially clicking into place. Gail Simone perfectly captures the pure essence of everything that made her original series phenomenally great. Relatable villains? Check. Heartfelt moments? Check. Ensuing hilarity? Check again. A mind-blowing, cliffhanging, double-reveal that will leave fans reeling? You better believe thats a check. This is the start of everything that fans have been waiting for since the original series ended. Plus, Dale Eaglesham handles the pencils, and he absolutely masters everything Simone throws at him. From the grotesque to emotionally charged moments, and everything in between, lets all collectively hope that Eaglesham is here to stay. -Mike
So I'm all caught up on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and just need to get the last issue of Afterlife with Archie. Archie Horror is bringing it hard. Now that I'm nearly up to speed I can't comprehend how hard it must have been for people who were fans from the beginning to need to wait so long. Hopefully there won't be too huge gaps between issues going forward.
On a subject I broached earlier in this thread I did indeed find a really fun podcast that has been around forever and covers lots of Horror stuff as well as the usual Superhero stuff. I'm referring to the iFanboy podcast. I'm sure lots of you have heard of it already but it's really great. The dudes have good chemistry and quick wits and are a joy to listen to. I'm just going through their back episodes and listening to shows that feature comics I'm reading now or other Horror-related ones I'm not familiar with that sound interesting.
Will it be hard to keep it straight between posting as Kipp, JC, and frye?
Whatever it is he isn't charging enough.
Look at his commissions
I changed my mind on the Sejic sketch. Now i'm gonna INSULT HIM IRL
Wait, Secret Six got a 9.8? Really?
Might have to pick that up.
I changed my mind on the Sejic sketch. Now i'm gonna INSULT HIM IRL
My words can overpower any physical weaponA guy like him probably carries a sword
I'm not sure I believe these lies.
Messi, do you need your list again?
I'm not sure I believe these lies.
its a challenge, and now I got this Tryant Rave animu alt too. Full-time job here, man
oh, I got my Aphrodite IX hardcover today. A single blow to the head with this book would kill most people.
I told you that you would love it.
oh, I got my Aphrodite IX hardcover today. A single blow to the head with this book would kill most people.
Why must people keep reminding me that even though I ordered the damn thing I'll probably never get a copy.![]()
oh, I got my Aphrodite IX hardcover today. A single blow to the head with this book would kill most people.
Are you planning to murder someone with it?
she just likes having optionsAre you planning to murder someone with it?
Of course not. But I like to analyze all potential uses for the things I own in order to maximize my investments.
Where did you order from, and what's the hold-up?
she just likes having options
IST and the hold-up would be, I assume, that they accepted more purchases than units they were able to secure in the end. Held up the order it was in for like a week or so and then they just shipped it without it with a "Hey, we'll ship this when we can", but I'm pretty sure that when isn't coming.![]()
IST and the hold-up would be, I assume, that they accepted more purchases than units they were able to secure in the end. Held up the order it was in for like a week or so and then they just shipped it without it with a "Hey, we'll ship this when we can", but I'm pretty sure that when isn't coming.![]()
god damn it freeza
I love that intro and song and even though I don't know Japanese I tried to sing along with the song. I almost could too.
Hold fast, I think they're reprinting it, which is why your order is in limbo.
Finished vol 2 of Lazarus, continues to be great. Can't wait for the third trade to arrive. This is one of those series that just begs to be adapted to tv. I'm loving this Image binge I'm on, pretty much loved every series I started. Saga, Southern Bastards, Low, Shutter, Lazarus, Trees, ... All fantastic. Think I loved Trees the most actually. Still got Zero and Manhattan Projects to go, but I'll probably start the Animal Man omni first.
I really want to get some physical comics, getting a little tired of digital and I don't have a shop anywhere near me. Do many of you read just trades? I would think it would be difficult waiting for arcs to end to get them.
Well, this is why I'm afraid I won't get a copy. XD I don't want to order from somewhere else and then have the IST order get filled but if the IST order never gets filled then the price will seemingly skyrocket. I mean, a second printing seems likely since it sold so quickly, but I also had the feeling it was intended as a limited run to start with so...*shrugs*
I mean, it's not like I don't have plenty of other collected editions that would function well as deadly weapons.
I really want to get some physical comics, getting a little tired of digital and I don't have a shop anywhere near me. Do many of you read just trades? I would think it would be difficult waiting for arcs to end to get them.
Yeah, It took me forever to memorize the lyrics to Cruel Angel's Thesis because I don't speak a lick of Japanese.
at the barber rn and he's talking to another dude about how confused he is at Secret Wars lmao
I really want to get some physical comics, getting a little tired of digital and I don't have a shop anywhere near me. Do many of you read just trades? I would think it would be difficult waiting for arcs to end to get them.