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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Got my tablet, I finally get to read this. I'm a full digital convert except Scott Snyders Batman run.


The bad news is, I'm afraid to break the news to my LCS. It's gonna hurt.[/QUOTE]
"You've taken your first step into a larger world. "

I remember when I made the switch. So great. Now let me guide you through the wonders of the CMX sale! :)


Would be better if that was a lightsaber instead of a sword. They could technically do it.

Other Captain Britain has that covered.
OK time for a Batman Binge before AK drops

i feel like there's some post Morrison, pre Snyder stuff i missed - any suggestions?

also is any of the Snyder stuff after Black Mirror good? i really disliked Court of Owls

welcome to the best comics reading

Batman and Robin is fun. Did you read all the Morrison stuff? Because what happens in B&R after Damian's death all the way up until his return is amazing comics.

I just got every Secret Wars release of the week for $9.



Da fuck

this got delayed til July =_=
Was hoping to get it this month....

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again in the future, but Archie is seriously just the absolute worst with crazy trade delays all over the place, at least with Sonic and Mega Man stuff. Wasn't that originally solicited for like last Fall or something?
Okay, I'm up to Marvel Now now, and just to be clear, there's no Cosmic Marvel between Thanos Imperative/Annihilators and Bendis' GotG/Nova a couple years later, right?

Because last I knew, Quill, Richie and Thanos were
stuck in that pocket universe thing
. But I just read the part of Hickman's New Avengers where the Illuminati
assemble the Gauntlet
and there's a quick panel where Thanos glances up amidst a pile of bones on Titan, and Quill is in a bar somewhere getting a visit from his dad, who I've never heard of.

Did I miss something between 2011-2013, or will these blanks get filled in?
Okay, I'm up to Marvel Now now, and just to be clear, there's no Cosmic Marvel between Thanos Imperative/Annihilators and Bendis' GotG/Nova a couple years later, right?

Because last I knew, Quill, Richie and Thanos were
stuck in that pocket universe thing
. But I just read the part of Hickman's New Avengers where the Illuminati
assemble the Gauntlet
and there's a quick panel where Thanos glances up amidst a pile of bones on Titan, and Quill is in a bar somewhere getting a visit from his dad, who I've never heard of.

Did I miss something between 2011-2013, or will these blanks get filled in?

Original Sin arc of Bendis Guardians explains it all. It's....not good TBH.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Eric Stephenson was interviewed over at SKTCHD. It's mostly about They're Not Like Us, but there's some info about Nowhere Men's return as well:
Why is it time for Nowhere Men to come back? Well, because it can, mainly. I would have liked to have it out sooner, obviously, but there have been a lot of complications outside my control. I get a lot of email about the book — people really seem to want it — so now that we’re nearing a place where we can come back and actually get issues out on a monthly basis, we’re going to see how it goes. The second arc kind of completes the story that started in volume one, but it’s really dependent on how well the new issues do whether or not we’ll continue on past that point. It’s been gone a long time, and I’m not delusional or anything – people hate that kind of shit and they may not be wiling to give us a second chance.
Sounds like he made sure the second arc would have adequate closure in case the book can't continue from there.
Didn't even see Ewing's name listed

Alan Davis tho

Love that my dude is still killin 30 years later, and Mark Farmer still inks his work.

That bottom picture, I immediately drew myself to Kitty's middle and ring finger being drawn together. Once you see it, you start to see it ALL of Alan Davis' hands



A bit of Where's Waldo sometimes

hell its even his work next month, peep old Iron Man in that last panel



Time to turn in your ComicsGAF Ballers club card.... but maybe you can join Kipp's Financial Responsibility club. :D

Already turned in my Hijinks club card, now I have to turn in my Baller card. My life is basically ruined and I have disgraced ComicGAF forever. I think I should be banished to the Negative Zone.
Okay, I'm up to Marvel Now now, and just to be clear, there's no Cosmic Marvel between Thanos Imperative/Annihilators and Bendis' GotG/Nova a couple years later, right?

Because last I knew, Quill, Richie and Thanos were
stuck in that pocket universe thing
. But I just read the part of Hickman's New Avengers where the Illuminati
assemble the Gauntlet
and there's a quick panel where Thanos glances up amidst a pile of bones on Titan, and Quill is in a bar somewhere getting a visit from his dad, who I've never heard of.

Did I miss something between 2011-2013, or will these blanks get filled in?

You didn't miss anything. As Tetrax said it gets explained later on but don't look for satisfaction. Bendis GotG is largely mediocre but there are moments of greatness, particularly the first ANXM crossover. Don't let anybody talk you out of Sam-Nova, though. It's a lot of fun. The first arc kinda sucks but it gets really good after that.


Eric Stephenson was interviewed over at SKTCHD. It's mostly about They're Not Like Us, but there's some info about Nowhere Men's return as well:

Sounds like he made sure the second arc would have adequate closure in case the book can't continue from there.

I appreciate that much at least. I am buy, Eric!


Love that my dude is still killin 30 years later, and Mark Farmer still inks his work.

That bottom picture, I immediately drew myself to Kitty's middle and ring finger being drawn together. Once you see it, you start to see it ALL of Alan Davis' hands



A bit of Where's Waldo sometimes

hell its even his work next month, peep old Iron Man in that last panel

God dammit, now I'm gonna see that everywhere.

God dammit, now I'm gonna see that every where.

yeeeeeeeees now you too will share my curse

I chuckled quite heartily-but-modestly too myself at the opening page of that first Ultron Forever page in the third and final installment


i wish

i usually (basically) say "fuck me up" but this dude wanted some motherfuckin' specificity and i realized that i actually have no idea how to talk to barbers about barber things

thats why you take pictures of your hair when you go to a new barber and said, "Uh...like this picture here I guess? IDK nigga shit"

You're a terrible human being.

Somebody had to say it, glad it was you besada


yeeeeeeeees now you too will share my curse

I chuckled quite heartily-but-modestly too myself at the opening page of that first Ultron Forever page in the third and final installment

hmm I've never noticed it before but I wonder if that's an unconscious or even conscious thing he inherited from Ditko

also: I think imma do the picture thing next time... always shied away from it but I've switched barbers a few times now and it's probably the smart thing to do


Why does he wear the mask!?
Enjoying Old Man Logan thus far.

Is time travel involved some how? Or is the the secret wars thats got those other X-Men there?
i wish

i usually (basically) say "fuck me up" but this dude wanted some motherfuckin' specificity and i realized that i actually have no idea how to talk to barbers about barber things

You show them a picture of what you want.

Seriously. It's that complex.

Enjoying Old Man Logan thus far.

Is time travel involved some how? Or is the the secret wars thats got those other X-Men there?

Secret Wars.
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