Sunstone counts as Image via Top Cow so you should read that. It is wonderful
It's a story about true love.
Sunstone counts as Image via Top Cow so you should read that. It is wonderful
Besides Saga, Chew & The Walking Dead what are the best Image titles at the moment?
Deadly Class, my dude. Get Deadly Class.
Yeah still have the first 4 issues to read, might get started on them after I get caught up on Chew. (2 more issues)
Deadly Class, my dude. Get Deadly Class.
I didn't actively dislike it but it didn't draw me in either. Perhaps it'll grow on me.
5:32 PM - Brrrrraaaaiiins: Doomed #1 was great
5:32 PM - Brrrrraaaaiiins: Buy it
5:32 PM - GrandHarrier: You didn't read it.
5:32 PM - GrandHarrier: I'm not falling for your shit.
5:32 PM - Brrrrraaaaiiins: I didn't read it but you know that your preferred answer is to hear that it's good
It's a story about true love.
Deadly Class, my dude. Get Deadly Class.
Deadly Class, my dude. Get Deadly Class.
There was no fart
Comics |OT| There was no fart
Oh, yo, Lashley, also check out Sex Criminals and Bitch Planet.
I really think Bitch Planet gets overlooked, but it's been pretty damn perfect since the first issue, and the backmatter regarding feminism and other topics is really refreshing/candid/excellent.
who the fuck thinks like this
he deserved what came next
I want to frame that top row in a museum somewhere
COMICS |OT| Traced Photos. A Greg Land Credit. There Was No Art.
who the fuck thinks like this
he deserved what came next
I want to frame that top row in a museum somewhere
Korupt tell the shop that you dont have the cash because for some reason you keep buying a bunch of twix.
Deltron 3030 was repping "non-compliant" before Bitch Planet.
i still go to my shop for statues because when they order stuff for me they make up their own price. I got my Rick Grimes statue for $50 less than MSRP.
Oh, yo, Lashley, also check out Sex Criminals and Bitch Planet.
I really think Bitch Planet gets overlooked, but it's been pretty damn perfect since the first issue, and the backmatter regarding feminism and other topics is really refreshing/candid/excellent.
Here's a shower scene. It's damn good. Don't click this shit at work.
these are all solid new Image books but what of the recently / nearly finished?
Skullkickers, Chew...?
Had to do it, that face is too perfect
He was referring to Image as a benchmark, a seal of quality. Much like saying down South "I'll have a Coke." It's a brand awareness that prevails throughout the social lexicon.I don't feel like people give it enough love but Velvet is absolutely fantastic.
Thats Oni Press and its also quite pricey for 12 issues. Even on IST it is 42$
Some dude named Automator who fuses the music with no illusions producing the blue prints clueless.
Some dude named Automator who fuses the music with no illusions producing the blue prints clueless.
He was referring to Image as a benchmark, a seal of quality. Much like saying down South "I'll have a Coke." It's a brand awareness that prevails throughout the social lexicon.
Shame Deltron died after only one album. The future is no longer safe without him.
Yeah I'm so glad that a really garbage second album never came out. I really want Del to play Russel again :/
Lying Cat is best cat.
Maaan, what is Jamie Hewlitt even doing these days? He puts out less work than Paul Pope, which is impressive.
Maaan, what is Jamie Hewlitt even doing these days? He puts out less work than Paul Pope, which is impressive.
Maaan, what is Jamie Hewlitt even doing these days? He puts out less work than Paul Pope, which is impressive.
Lying Cat is best cat.